Thursday, November 4, 2010

Never Give Up part 4

Today is the final "chapter" in our study of Psalm 126. We have walked with the Israelites on their journey from Babylon back to Jerusalem. This "miracle" to them was nothing more than fulfillment of HIS word and an answer to their prayers.

Our treasure follows the line that even after we see God work powerfully He may still have some things to teach us, read on.....

"Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy. They weep as they go to plant their seed but they sing as they return with the harvest."

I can only imagine the Israelite who returned to his city. Seeing all the destruction, desolation and decay of 70 years must have been a horrible sight. Now, after a few days as reality starts to set in, they realize that their is no market, no farms, no fields or vineyards to supply for each family who had returned. It was on them to do the work and prepare for their future or the consequences would be life threatening.

Each family no doubt had brought some food, grains with them on their journey. Of course their purpose was to use the grains to make food to meet today's hunger needs. But then they realized they were in a dilemma. In order for them to plan and prepare for the future they would have to sacrifice their present supply. Interesting! ?

In order for them to survive in the future they would have to sacrifice themselves TODAY! This may help us understand the planting in tears and weeping part a bit. They knew that hungry days may be ahead. Difficult days, trying days not just for them but their families, their children etc. I can see with my minds eye those faithful men as the wept and planted in the same stroke. Step by step they cried, and sowed as they made their way though their fields.

But that is not the end of the story....They also understood the lesson. Planting today would mean survival tomorrow. To only eat today would mean to starve tomorrow. Simply put this was a lesson on FAITH. Those that planted believed that their would be a future harvest and they would one day bring their bounty with them. They planted by faith.

Isn't it exciting to see how God is STILL teaching them. Even after the huge answer to prayer they had already received, they still had lessons to learn and had to depend on Jehovah God to provide for them. But it did cost them. They had to choose to invest in their own future. They would return in the future with shouts of joy and songs of praise when they returned with the harvest.

Our lesson for the day.... 1) We are on a constant journey of faith. Just because HE has done great things in your life does not mean you (or I for the matter) have arrived at spiritual bliss. We still have lessons to learn. He will still take us to places where we have to depend on HIM.

2) Faith that does not sacrifice should not expect anything. What I mean is that it must cost us. We must have to be squeezed in some manner. Financially, materially, emotionally, traditionally and yes, physically to name a few. If we only give where there is no pain (weeping and tears) their is no faith. The Widow who gave her mite, gave all she had. It cost her. The disciples left all to follow Jesus. These fathers sacrificed their daily provision to supply for their future and others. If it cost us nothing then we should anticipate nothing. Without faith it is impossible to please HIM!

3) Our actions prove our position. If we are exercising faith, you can see it by our actions. James says it, show me your faith without your works and I will show you my faith BY MY WORKS!!! When we are depending on HIM, we are depending on HIM. When we are depending on self, we aren't depending on HIM. So what do your actions prove regarding your walk. Is it of faith? Or are you walking in the SAFE zone....

Let me simply say this, when going through troublesome times, pray, pray and pray some more. WHen HE answers, and HE will, give HIM praise. But that is not the end. There are more lessons to learn. More things to grasp of the awesomeness of our God. Faith will be required. Sacrifice is the key to the bigger picture. When we have nothing left to depend on but HIM, HE will make the way. He will provide, He will sustain.

SO my brothers and sisters, sow your seeds. Sow them by faith and in obedience. Sow them liberally and sacrificially and then wait for HIS harvest. It will come. He will show HIMSELF strong!!!! And you will SING, you will be able to celebrate but only as you allow HIM to have HIS you!!!

You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Never Give Up! Part 3

We continue today in our study of Psalm 126. This psalm is such a blessing as we work our way through it and consider all it teaches us regarding prayer, faith provision as well as growing in our faith. Today's treasure is found in the 4th verse...

"Restore our fortunes, LORD, as streams renew the desert." Psalm 126:4

Now if you have a King James, man what a different translation. It says "bring back our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the South." NKJV

Translators struggle with this as well. When we read the KJV it leads us to believe that the Psalmist says take me back to our captivity. Well, nothing could be farther from the truth. We must simply look a little deeper into the Hebrew word translated "captivity." This word is also translated fortunes, prosperity, resources, and some believe it can refer to the remaining captives. Interesting???

Well when the words give us a bit of a struggle we look deeper into the context. Remember the children of Israel were celebrating their return from Babylon. 70 years of praying and crying out to God has now resulted in HIS fulfilling HIS promise to them. The result was one of phenomenal celebration. But remember, that context as we look at verse 4.

They were headed home. Imagine coming back to your city after 70 years. The battle that destroyed the city had been decades earlier. Nothing but looting and decay had taken place since their departure. Once beautiful buildings, homes, streets, gardens, vineyards, and of course, the Temple, all in complete disarray. Hard to even grasp the magnitude of their first sight of home, Jerusalem.

I believe that verse 4 gives us a look into their heart. Their cry was one of desperation. One of complete and utter despair at what they now knew as home. As they walked once beautiful streets, they walked through a jungle like maze of destruction and desolation. They then remembered that they had seen desolation around them all the time.

It is the desert that resides to their South. They also remembered that yearly their gracious God would provide rain. Not just showers but rain and lots of it. So much so that those regions that often were parched and dry as well as barren would often become streams of running water that would flood into the lowest lying areas. Then a miracle would take place....those desert regions would then turn a beautiful green. Gardens would spring from desolation. Green would carpet their lands but only after those streams flowed from above.

Thus the motive of their prayers. God, the One who just delivered us from our captives, we now beg you to restore, to bring back our former glory. We ask that You restore our prosperity, our resources, just like You restore the desert places.

There are several beautiful principles here....1) Do you have a former glory? What I mean is, was there a time when you were more in love with your Lord? When you served Him more fervently, more sacrificially, more obediently? If so, is this your prayer for yourself? Bring back our fortunes, our blessing, our former glory Lord! It should be. Too many christians today are far too far away from the One who loves them so. Come home dear christian. Ask Him to restore unto you the Joy of your salvation, to bring back the fortunes of His grace.

2) Are you accessing the resources of heaven in your prayer life? Now what I mean by this is what are you asking God to do in your world. Tiny, trivial stuff that in reality you can handle yourself or something so big only He can pull it off. We need more of this kind of praying going on. God restore from Your resources of heaven. Show Yourself strong, move mightily among us Oh Father! This often happens only when we are in places of extreme difficulty.

So if your circumstances have you hopeless, overwhelmed and confused. Good, this is a great time to pray. Call upon the God of heaven. The God of the Universe, the God who loves His children so....Just don't quit! Don't give up. They prayed for 7 decades to see their deliverance and now they know that NOTHING is impossible for their Father!!! Remember, NEVER GIVE UP!!! Pray!

Who knows.....Their may be rain in your forecast for today!

You'll be glad you did!