Friday, January 30, 2009

Deal or No Deal

There's a hot new program that has swept America, with today's title. The whole show tests the players ability to make the best deal with the banker....MMMMM (I'll bet you think I starting in on the bail out again, nope, read on). There are 26 cases (if my memory is clicking today) and the contestant chooses the "one" he/she believes has the million dollar prize. The rest of the show is dedicated to the banker trying to buy that case as the player opens the other 25 cases one at a time. A game of chance, luck, hopes and mostly sad endings.

I opened with this today because of the recent rash of murder/suicides that have been sweeping across our great land. One tragedy in California was being attributed to job losses.

On another talk show this week I heard of a mother whose credit card debt had been so excessive that her only perceived way out was to attempt (note the word attempt, praise God) suicide. Her hubby and family knew nothing of the debt so when she had no more money to pay her debt her only way out (so she thought) was to kill herself???

The Bible says..."There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."

Do you wonder as I do, how sad it must be to desire to die because you may loose your material possessions. Or because you have fallen behind on your payments. Can I say this to all of you..... IT IS ONLY STUFF!!!!! STUFF CAN BE REPLACED! LET THE STUPID STUFF GO............You are of far more value than anything you can purchase or owe!

Read Matthew 6:19-33.... These are THE priorities for our lives. Anything else is a cheap, lying immitation. When we pin all our hopes and dreams of life and success on $$$$, materialism, jobs/positions and or stuff, and they pass away (which they will) then we are left without a plan. Ours has just been crushed under the feet of life and circumstance. What are we to do??? What hope do we then have??? None if we choose the same path!

But there is a better plan! It is God's plan, not man's. The Bible says that "the fool has said in his heart there is no God." Sadly, many have taken the road to foolishness today. They have pinned their hopes on that which will not satisfy. When it vanishes, that is not the time to die but it is an opportunity to live! For the first time in your life you can choose life! Here's the "secret" verse..... (note, God's secrets are often out in the open)

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

You see, there are priorities. There is an order to life. Our Creator has a plan. A fool proof plan for life. HE must be first. We must rightly relate to HIM. That is THE priority of life.

Once that is settled then we can begin the journey that will bring us, our marriages, our families and even our nation true, lasting fulfillment. Until then we will continue in the game of life seeking by chance and circumstance to make the deal with the banker. Sadly, all his deals end in death.....

As for me and my house, NO DEAL!

I Trust CHRIST and I pray you will too!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You've Saved the Best For Last

Today's treasure will be found in John 2:1-12. Take a few minutes and read this as we go mining together.

This, for those of you who are into the chronological stuff, is the first recorded miracle of Jesus Christ. He has made His way to Cana for a wedding ceremony. As He was celebrating with the others, the wedding family apparently ran out of wine.

Now we are not going to "debate" whether it was alcoholic or non alcoholic as that is not the real message of this event. They had a house full of people and they ran out of beverage. Quickie Mart was out of the question. Delivery was not even in the equation. This was a problem, a BIG problem for the family. This would have affected this young couple for the rest of their lives, socially. This is how they would be remembered!

Mary came to Jesus and informed Him of the problem and in perfect "mother" fashion procees to tell the others what to do. By now you know that He had them fill the water pots with H2O, which they did "to the brim" and then HE immediately said draw it out!

The master of the banquest, (toast master) then withdrew some and tasted it. To his surprise it was the best of the day! It was sooooo good that he then called and complimented the bridegroom! They had gone from potential disgrace to social embrace all because of Jesus. Their testimony would not be one of disgrace but of blessing. And though they wouild get credit for it, they knew it was all of grace!

Two things I want us to consider.... ONE, verse 10....You have kept the good wine until now!!!! Isn't that just like the Lord? Doesn't He often save His best for us to the last. I have heard it said (simply means I can't remember their name) that God is rarely early but is always right on time! HE does save HIS best for last. Each and every day with HIM brings a new understanding of His truths, His plans, His purposes, and of God Himself! Ending ultimately with us entering His home and His incredible presence.

We live so much in the world that we forget that Jesus has come to make us into children of the Most High God. Live today as if something better is on the way! It is! Each an every day...His mercies are new! His grace is sufficient! One day it will all fade away as we enter into the greatest of all Human engagements..... HIS HOME! But I refuse to live like some cultist who sells all and lives in a pup tent, waiting. But I choose to live each and every day with HIM leading the way. Nothing is impossible.....for HIM!

This leads me to the second treasure I see in this is found in verse 5...Mary says to the servants, "Whatever He says to you do it." Have you ever seen that? Why did she say that? How did she know they would need to be told that? MY OPINION.... This is what I think! Mary had seen Jesus perform miracles before. Perhaps so many times that she knew that what He may ask, may seem absurd, illogical, old fashioned, uncool, or whatever adjective you may choose. She had learned to just do what HE says and something AWESOME would happen.

Why can't we do that today? Why not? Why do we question? Why do we seek some othe way? I saw just recently where a pastor had a full article on a recent book he had written about bringing business principles into the church to make it successful. Certainly have seen many go this road and make lot's of money in recent years. Many churches mirror the business community of today. But where has the power gone? Where has the love for Jesus gone? Where has just simple obedience gone in today's culture? What is wrong with just obeying the Lord and waiting on Him to move? It may not be attractive to the world but childlike obedience is beautiful to God! That's the One we want to make smile!

That is what they did. While they may have had to wait a little while or perhaps suffer a little with stress because of the unknown, they were still blessed to see HIM provide far above all they could have asked or even thought. Let's just practice simple obedience to His word and His Spirits' inner promptings and see what HE will do in our lives! You may find that HE has saved the best for last......for you!

Eph 3:20-21


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thank You Very Much!

What do you say??? I hear my adult daughter asking my grandaughters after they have received something from my wife or I. Her goal is to teach her girls to be thankful for what they receive from others. Sometimes it is a bit of a chess match as she seeks to lovingly bend those stubborn wills but nevertheless it is a journey in progress. Kinda like us.....

Been thinking about grace today. Not just the goodness of others towards us but the goodness of God towards us. Even Websters recognizes the grace of God in its definitions..."the unmerited love and favor of God toward man." MMMMM.... the unearned, undeserved goodness of God lavished upon mankind. How about you? Have you recognized God's grace towards you? Have you stopped long enough to see how HE has touched your life and world? Let's look at a few treasures in HIS word....

Ephesians 2:9...For by GRACE you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

SAVING GRACE....We are and have been saved by grace. Nothing in us or that we can or could ever do would ever merit His salvation. We must stand before HIM empty handed before we can ever be saved. If you are trusting in your works in any way, you are deceived and do not understand His grace. HE gives salvation as a result of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross and for no other reason. None of us deserve it but freely receive it as an act of GRACE on God's part! We must thank God daily for HIS wonderful saving GRACE to us!! Now here's another form of God's grace to us..

2 Corinthians 12:9..... "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."

SUSTAINING GRACE.....This is the goodness of God given in times of adversity and struggle. It may be sickness, tragedy, seasons of uncertainty, marital issues, emotional turmoil and on and on. No matter what is going on in your life, God can and will sustain you. Nothing is impossible for HIM!

Now understand HE has already provided Salvation by grace.... But at and through salvation HE has also provided the means for us to make it through life no matter what is happening. The moment we believe HE seals us with the Holy Spirit (Eph. 12:13-14) and HE then begins the process of teaching us the way of grace (1 Cor. 2:12-13). How? Through life's circumstances and scripture. HIS Spirit and HIS word working in tandem lavish us with HIS grace. HIS power and promise become HIS daily pipeline of grace to each of HIS children. But we must be willing to open the door. IF all we ever think about or focus on is the problems or situations that surround us then we can miss HIS provision.

Pause a moment today and read His word and pray. Reflect on HIS saving and sustaining graces freely given to you. Ask HIM to show you a promise in HIS word to direct you and help you right where you are! Look past your problems and see the solution. So many times we get sooooo short sighted in life. Once we see HIS faithful provision we will see HIS grace! Then....We, like a little child, need to learn the common grace of saying "THANK YOU, LORD."

Have you thanked HIM lately? You should! Take time right now and reflect on HIS love and goodness towards you. Thank HIM! HE IS FAITHFUL AND WORTHY!


Monday, January 26, 2009

Asleep at the Wheel?

Just a little over a year ago my brother in law was tragically killed. He was on his way to his mother in laws for Sunday breakfast (a family tradition) and then headed to God's house. As he made this trip he had made so many times before, just a short 1 mile or so down the road, a man was coming down the road opposite him. He had apparently worked all night and had a known sleeping disorder. This gentleman fell asleep at the wheel, crossed the centerline and hit my family member head on. Larry never knew what hit him. He was in heaven before the little truck stopped tumbling. Thank God he is a believer and was ready to go! Oh the changes and difficulties that have befallen this family because someone was "asleep at the wheel."

Now before you sign off due to the "emotion" of such a blog...I want you to look with me at today's treasure! It is found in Luke 22:39-46. Take a few moments and read it.... Thanks, now you will understand our context.

Jesus is preparing (and has been for some time) the disciples for their greatest test ever. HE knows that the cross is looming on the horizon so HE departs for a little time with HIS Father to prepare HIM! HE leaves the disciples with only one real instruction...... PRAY! He then goes to pray (just a short distance away) and as HE does HIS anguish and burden causes HIS blood vessels to burst as HE sweats. A powerful sight of the burden of our sin that was being placed upon HIM and the anguish of soul.

When HE finishes HIS prayer time HE returns to the disciples and verse 45 contains our nugget today. "HE found them sleeping from sorrow." MMMMMM......... Let's think on this for a moment. HIS followers had been with HIM now for several years. In the most recent days they had experienced the fullness of HIS ministry and burden. They were exhausted emotionally and physically. When HE had departed, they could hardly hold their heads up. Have you ever been there? So physically/emotionally tired that you could not seem to stay awake? I call it being tapped out! Nothing left or so I think so I usually just give in. Most of us can all identify!

Now here is where HE lets us in that there is something that the disciples missed and may I have the liberty to say to us, we do too! In verse 46 notice what we do not see....When HE came to them and found them, he did not say.... now bless your hearts, you must be tired so sleep on. HE did not quietly come upon them and try not to wake them so they could "catch up" on their much needed and we would say deserved rest. Note what Jesus says...."Why do you sleep? Rise and pray lest you enter into temptation."

HE questions their reasoning for their sleeping. Does it not seem logical to sleep when you are tired. Unless I am mistaken, was it not night and isn't that what you are supposed to do at night (unless you have teens in the house)??? Another God moment here for us to consider. HE is calling them to a higher plane of life. One where the physical, fleshly cravings does not control. You see my friends, the work of God IS spiritual! IT is a work beyond the mere physical realm. While HE works in the physical realm HE is not limited by the physical realm.

Here is what we see. HE had called them to PRAY. HE knew there were headed to the greatest test of their faith they had ever encountered. HIS simple yet physically challenging request was to pray. They had yielded to their fleshly desires and were not going to be prepared for the upcoming test. The key for us is found in verse 43. Note what had happened as Christ prayed through HIS physical anguish, emotional exhaustion and got in touch with HIS (and ours by the way) Father. Do you see it? Do you see God making a way through? Do you see God providing in a way that they had not seen? It's right there! An angel appears to strengthen HIM.

I have a few questions....What would have happened if the disciples had prayed? God would have provided supernaturally what they needed to fulfill HIS task for the day! What would have happened if they had denied themselves and stayed up to pray? They would have seen HIS power revealed in a way they had never personally experienced. But because they were asleep at the wheel they missed this opportunity to see God work. And the results of their failures are recorded in the scriptures for all to see.

How about you and I. How many times do we yield to our fleshly desires and not "rise up to pray?" I believe Jesus was calling them to stand up to pray if they could not stay awake. In other words it was their responsibility to deny their flesh, to bring it into subjection. How often are we "too tired" to join the LORD in HIS work? "Too busy" to pray, visit or even just be faithful to HIS house of worship. Other things rob us and our refusal to deny self has left us unprepared for today's battles.

Today's church lacks HIS power because we refuse to deny ourselves anything. We call it "legalism" and try to justify our lack of devotion to HIM not understanding it is nothing more than loving ourselves more than we love our LORD. I will say this today, have you risen up to pray lately? Stood up so that you would not be asleep at the wheel? Ask God today where you are sleeping when you should be on guard and preparing for today's journey. It's a heart issue my friend. An issue of our heart. Do you love HIM and others enough to wake up? That is my prayer this morning! Rise up O church of GOD!


Sunday, January 25, 2009

What IS God Going to Do??

Welcome back.... Yesterday we were looking at how Jesus worked in a particular situation regarding 10 Lepers. We had begun learning a few principles that were in this passage. Look to Luke 17:11-19 as we journey together.

We learned that....
1) The Lepers believed Jesus could do something about their situation.

2) Jesus often times does not do things the way we would do things.

Now today we find our next nugget in verse 14..... And so it was that as they went, they were cleansed. MMMMMMM. Another God thing.

3) He often requires simplistic obedience to HIS instructions/commands. Obedience is usually about trust. Trust is an issue of the heart. God wants us to first be willing to simply obey HIM more than we want our will to be done. The Lepers demonstrated this by acting on what Jesus had said. HE said go, they didn't argue, negotiate (ever done this with God), pout, or reject. They launched out in obedience to go to the priest.

Now note, the healing did not take place until they were on their way in obedience. We all must remember this. Most of us say God if you will heal, help or work THEN I will obey. That is NOT the way HE works my friend. There is NO trust (faith) without obedience. Without faith it is impossible to please God! HE wants us to see that HE is able to do anything and desires for us to to trust HIS heart above our own selfish desires. These Lepers had no where else to turn. They turned to Jesus and obeyed, very simply obeyed. THEN they were healed!

God heard their cry and tested their heart then they tested HIS by obedience! Are you asking God for great things? Expecting HIM to do awesome things in your life? Then our next question is.... are you walking in obedience with HIM? Is there any area of your life where you are being disobedient? Do not expect HIM to work when you will NOT trust HIM nor HIS heart! HE longs to show HIMSELF strong but often times will not as we do not trust HIM. We selfishly try to maintain control to the point we deny by our disobedience the very ONE who can help!

Take time today to pray through your life and ask HIM to reveal areas of disobedience. Then turn and obey. Like a small child, simply say Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes, Lord!!! You may find that as you are going .....then you will be healed....AMEN! Then you will return as the Leper did and give HIM the glory HE deserves!


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do You Want God to Do Something In Your Life?

Another Day, Another Treasure from HIM....

Have you ever been in such a situation that you desperately needed God to intervene? If HE didn't show up, you were in trouble? Your situation was so dire that you were hopeless without HIM? If not then stop now and thank HIM right away! But for those of us who live there, we can identify! AMEN???!!!

Today let's look at Luke 17:11-19.... Here we find 10 lepers who were dwelling near a village on the road leading to Jerusalem. Being lepers they were Medical Outcasts due to their infirmity. Cast out from their families, friends and all that was familiar to them. They had found some solace living with others of like condition. But one day a man passed by they had heard much about. His name was Jesus.

1)Our First Nugget of Truth..... They believed Jesus could do something about their situation.

They had never been to one of His meetings. No visits to one of His healing sessions. Just by word of mouth they had heard of the great message He had and the hope He had given through His mighty works. As He passed nearby they collectively began to cry out...."Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"

I honestly cannot even imagine their physical plight. I have never been an outcast of my family (though they probably should have a few times), nor have I been an outcast of society. I cannot fully identify with their particular situation, however, I have often times been at my on personal wits end. Not knowing where to turn or what to do. Hopeless and helpless I can identify with. Perhaps you can too. Fallen out of grace with family. Those who once were friends have turned their backs and don't answer their phones. Situation so bad you can't see daylight. Then we've got a glimpse of their world. They needed help and they needed it desperately. Then came Jesus.....

Their cry was one for help. Any help, just a word, a look, or even a touch. They had no clue what He may do but they knew what HE could do! From all that they had heard and may even have seen, HE was a miracle worker. And that is just what the doctor had ordered for them. You need a miracle from God. So they cried out.....

2) Our Second Nugget of Truth..... Often, Christ does not do things the way we would do things.

Then He (as HE often does) tested their hearts. He spoke the strangest (humanly speaking) words to their plight. "Go and show yourselves to the priests." Never mentioned their need, never addressed their infirmity, never even touched their deformed bodies. Isn't this just like Jesus. HE is so Awesome that HE never let's our weakness deter HIS strength nor HIS purpose. Here is what I mean. Why did He not say ...Be Healed??? Or Be Whole, or something of that nature? He simply instructed them to go to the priests and show themselves (healed). This was in obedience to the OT law instructions.

We'll stop here for the day and return to this passage later. Now how about you and I? In a dire situation with nowhere to turn? Not sure what to do? Is God not seeming to be doing things the way you think HE should? Welcome to the club. This is the way HE often works. Not by our might, plans nor wisdom. Only HIS. Don't be defeated, HE is at work.He has even more Awesome things in store. It may not be without testing and trial but let me encourage you, HE shows up strong where HE is needed!! Cry out to HIM today. TOO often, we just don't even ask but HE delights to show Himself strong in our lives!

Do not be discouraged that HE isn't doing it the way you want just understand that we are allowing the Creator of the Universe do as HE pleases in our lives. ANYTHING is possible to those who believe! They are about to experience HIS no one has ever touched them before! How about you? Call out to HIM today. Do not delay another moment! He is passing by your village now!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Baby Steps

All of us have done it. Some of us have even had the privilege of participating in it as adults. But we all have also seen it as we've grown up. What "it" is, is a small infant learning to walk.

What most of us fail to realize it the incredible process they have gone through to get there. They have progressed from laying there helplessly, to raising their heads, to rolling over, to crawling and ultimately to taking their first unaided steps to finally running down the hall away from us. It is quite a sight to see and experience. We call this transition "baby steps."

It really is the culmination of their personal journey to freedom. This usually happens within the span of 1 year or so, give or take a few months. It is literally like entering into an amusement park as they now have the opportunity for many new experiences.

So much in our spiritual life mirrors the physical. I believe this to be true here also. Our spiritual relationship with God is termed to be a spiritual new birth. We are born into the family of God by faith in the sacrifice of HIS dear Son, Jesus. Realizing HIS death for us and placing our trust in HIM to save us, God seals this trust with HIS Spirit which brings about the NEW BIRTH. Once this happens we begin the process of growing, much like a child does physically.

In this process of growth God, like a loving parent, calls us to make "baby steps" towards HIM. These are always steps of faith. Have you ever watched as a loving father or mother calls for their toddler to let go and walk from one parent to another? Sure you have! In the beginning they take one step and fall down and immediately start crawling. The parent picks them up and says you will be fine, let's try this again. Never doubting they can do it. Believing fully in them and the parents ability to protect and guide them they urge them to try again. And again, and again, and again until they GETIT! Then the real journey of life begins!

God does much the same with us. He calls us to take the step. When we fall, which we will, HE says... "get up, you'll be ok." HE keeps calling us and urging us to trust HIM and come to HIM till we see that we will be fine and we can do this , with HIS help and guidance. These too are steps of faith.

Imagine seeing a 20 year old crawling his way to a college class. What would you think? Or a 40 year old crawling his way into an elevator, headed to work. What would you say? How sad? How tragic? Or maybe...get up, you can do it! But I can't they may say in return. They question, doubt and ultimately will never become what they could be, because they have not exercised faith but shrunk away in doubt.

What area of your life is God asking you to take a step of faith? All of us are there. HE regularly calls us to trust HIM and HIM alone and make a move. Remember Hebrews, "without faith it is impossible to please HIM." Of course this contextually is talking about saving faith, but this same is true throughout our life with God!

Oh my precious friend, take the step. Come to HIM by faith. HE calls us to trust HIM in everything. Relationally, financially, emotionally and in every area of our lives. You will fall down, you will experience fear, you will experience pain but you must grow! You will never be all HE has planned until you do. Remember, HE will never fail you. HE will never turn HIS back on you. Like a loving parent HE calls, waits and watches. This is really a heart issue. Not an issue of HIS heart but ours. Do we believe in our hearts that HE will be there, help us and lead us??? I can say after 30 plus year of taking baby steps....HE IS FAITHFUL!!! Take a baby step today. Come on, you can do it!!! .........................See, I told you!


Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Pursuit of Happiness (part 3)

Do you like searching for treasure? Digging around, looking through stuff in search of the "diamond" in the rough? Well, I do and so does my precious wife. We have been "hunters" for a long time. From flea markets to panning for gem's, we've done it all.....we love it!

We have even played this little game with our kids when they were smaller. One Christmas, we had someone give us a used motorbike for them. We had taken it and had all the broken stuff on it fixed, serviced it and cleaned it up. It actually looked pretty good when we finished even though it was older and used. We were still very thankful and were excited about all 3 of them getting it for their Christmas present. We planned a very special treasure hunt just for them. Under the tree we had placed the beginnings of a treasure map for them. It led them to a few places in the house where we had stashed other notes or pieces of the puzzle.

They were finally led outside where we had buried a little treasure chest for them with even more clues. Now you can imagine their excitement building as they hurried from place to place searching for the next clue. They ultimately wound up running down the road to a neighbors' house where we had their "treasure" hidden (with permission from the neighbor of course) in the garage. Needless to say it was awesome to watch them go from point to point as they continued on their treasure hunting journey. Once they found it they just couldn't believe their blessed treasure. In all their wildest dreams they would have never guessed what they received.

But what if they got up that morning and got their first piece of the map and just stayed in the house and never went to the next piece? Would they have received their blessing? NOPE! What if they went so far as to go outside but never finish at their final stop? Blessing? NOPE! They had to follow to the last piece fell into place. Then and only then would they receive all their father (and mother of course) had prepared for them.

I believe that our next point regarding our searching for happiness must be understood as a TREASURE HUNT! Few view their experience with the Bible as that. Often it is looked at as outdated, not relevant, too narrow and even boring are just a few I personally have heard. But nothing could be further from the truth. In our passage in Luke 11:28 we see that happiness isn't just contingent on hearing ( understanding) the bible but also on the application of it to our lives.

Here is where many just flat out don't get it. I just recently was speaking to a man who was going through marital problems. He and his wife were separated and he was looking for help. I took him to the bible (where else would I go???) of course. As we were studying a passage together he made a remarkable statement to me, "you really believe this stuff, don't you." I was taken back for a moment but soon realized how powerful a statement he had really made. I said "yes I do and I so believe it that it follow it, I do it, I apply it to my life and family."

This is where many fumble the ball. You see, we can hear the Bible all the time, understand it, and still not experience the blessing of it. We must actually do it for us to gain the blessing of it! I will go as far as saying this...If we aren't doing it, keeping it, following it....then we DON'T believe it! We can say all we want that we do but the proof of it will be in the doing of it. James says faith without works is DEAD!

Once we apply God's truths to our lives, we will then experience HIS promise. Until then we have the map but no treasure. We must go all the way with God. Believe, trust HIM and follow HIM to gain what HE has so lovingly provided. Anything else is a cheap immitation!!!

What is holding you back dear one? Why will you not follow Jesus? Why will you not give way and let HIM have HIS way with you? Get into HIS word and let HIS word get into you. All the way to the point of keeping it. Follow HIS treasure map pieces as HE leads you on your way of the Blessing of Happiness. It is only found in and through HIM!

I've gotta go. I've got my bible open, my shovel in hand and some treasure to find!!!! Let's go digging!!!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Pursuit of Happiness (part 2)

Yesterday we were considering the promise of Christ to us found in the gospel of Luke..."blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it."

We looked honestly at are we placing ourselves in the best place to encounter God through His word. I trust you are in a Bible believing, Bible preaching/teaching church. If not, you should be, for you own good as we saw yesterday. Now that we are seated where the word of God is being faithfully preached and taught we will move on to even more wonderful truths regarding hearing.

As we saw, hearing means to not just hear the sound but to understand the sound heard. I can hear a noise in the other room but I must understand it for it to help me. If I hear a sound and do not discern it then how will I benefit from it. If I hear a sound and understand it to be someone breaking in then I can respond properly to what I know...such as call the police or in some cases...RUN!

To get this we need to learn another passage and the power of what it teaches us regarding the Bible. It is found in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. It teaches us that the word of God aka the Bible will accomplish 4 things in us...

1) It will TEACH us! By hearing the word of God we learn what is right and true. What will last and bless not only us but also our marriages and families. How to truly be saved and get to know God, HIS way is found in HIS word!

2) It will REVEAL our errors! Now not only does the Bible show us the right way it also shows us when we are on the wrong road. It will let us know by convicting us. I call this "smacking us." This is when we see we are wrong and need to make some changes.

3) It will CORRECT us! In other words it will show us how to get back on the right road. Much like a road map that let's us see where we are and see which road to get on to get back on the right track. The Bible does the same.

4) It will TRAIN us! Here we see how to build into our lives the necessary tools/wisdom to help us to know what is right and how to do it. God uses all four of these to bring us discernment or understanding.

How about you? Are you hearing from the Bible? Are you learning its truths and applying them to your personal life, marriage, family and relationships? God has promised blessing when we do, so get in the book and let the book get into you! More tomorrow!



The Pursuit of Happiness (part 1)

Happiness...... The stuff dreams are made of. Each of us has our own concept of what happiness is. It may be a relationship, riches, success or even health. It can be simple or very complex. What we believe in regards to this subject can be either the life or death of us. So I ask you to carefully consider your own pursuit of happiness. What are you seeking after and where do you spend your time and energies finding this elusive dream.

As always, I will share with you from the pages of the Bible. I was reading this morning and came across a passage in Luke 11:28 where someone was making a statement regarding the blessing Jesus' mother must have regarding Him. HIS response was rather enlightening. Jesus said...."More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it."

Wow! How many of us actually realize the power of this statement? It seems so simple yet it is full of lifechanging truth. It is a two fold statement. On one hand HE pronounces a blessing to all who hear the word of God. Secondly, HE also promises a blessing to those who keep it. Let's think these through.....

If we are to receive the promised blessing then we must understand what Jesus actually is saying to them and us! The word for hear in the original languages tells us that Jesus did NOT mean someone who just heard the bible but it means a hearing with understanding. Not just hearing the sound but discerning the sound heard. Now to apply it to us in this context we must understand what we hear regarding the word of God, the Bible.

Let's think through this today. How do we gain understanding of the Bible? Of course one way is to be faithful to the house of God where the Bible should be preached everytime you gather for service. If you aren't in a Bible believing , Bible preaching church then you have a serious dilema. How will you be blessed if the church you attend rejects the Bible? This is a SERIOUS issue!!! God has designated that through the "foolishness" of preaching the Bible that people will be saved from the wrath to come. This would be like going to a doctor that does not believe his medical journals to be accurate so he or his clinic rejects the authority of them and devises his own course of healing. Would you go???? Not me friend! I would call him a fruit loop and move on to someone who believed!

Why would we not apply this to our church? Because we have always gone there? Because mom and dad raised me there? Because I like the singing? Because I like the preacher and he is friendly? It is convenient? This list could go on and on. Let me simply say in closing out today's blog.... The first thing we should do is place ourselves in the best place for God to bless us and our families. If that means making some changes then so be it. Let go of the mundane and put yourself in the best place to encounter God. Are you where you can hear His word faithfully proclaimed? If so... keep up the good work. If not make the change! You will be glad you did. He has promised to bless you and I but we are responsible to do our part....We'll see the rest of this later!!!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bail Out Blahs

Isn't it amazing how quickly we see the bail out monies go out and then within a few short weeks here they are again with hands outstretched? The numbers are both astronomical and staggering. Wave after wave of well intentioned give aways are flooding the streets of Washington and Wall Street.

I will pose a question for you to consider. What happens when there is NO more to give, print up or promise? What will those who have bought into this deception do when they realize they have been duped? Will they accept their plight as something they have been party to? Will they seek to blame everyone else for their poor judgement and lack of restraint? Where will they turn then? Once their dreams have been dashed and party hats put down will they see the futility of their cleverly devised schemes? I can only hope so and may I say pray so!

Today I was reading a little passage in God's word that struck me as very similar. The disciples had fished all night and had caught nothing. (Been there and done that, have you???) Nothing is worse than fishing for hour after hour and catching Nada (nothing, for those of you who are linguistically challenged). As they apparently made their way toward shore from the shoreline they hear a call. It's Jesus and He instructs them to cast out to one side of the boat. Now, I feel this......we've fished all night, caught nothing but a cold and we're tired beyond belief. The only thing I can think of is my big Dual King sized bed. It has my name on it and I got a date with it!!! Then, in perfect Jesus fashion, He shows up and tells us to drop the nets on the side of the boat.....Now, if my memory serves me correctly, He comes from a carpenter family. Not a fishing family. What does He know, we think to ourselves. Now, Peter, not known for thinking things through, just HAS to remind Jesus that he has fished all night with NO luck. But as His request, we will let the nets back out!!!

Have you ever questioned what the Lord was asking you to do? Ever thought...this will not work??? I have already tried it? No luck....If not then maybe you should be writing this and not me! Far too many times I have wondered what in the world was HE doing??? I am sure Peter was having one of those moments. WHAT???? OOOOOKKKKKK! Can't you just see him doing this. Perhaps even rolling his eyes to the other guys in the boat!!!

Guess what?! Yep, it happened! Sure enough, they caught fish. Not just a few but so many they could not even pull the nets in. They had to call for back up! Can you just imagine all of their faces. Shock, disbelief and joy swept through them all. Peter was especially shaken. He actually made his way to Jesus and fell before him and admitted his sin.

You see, Jesus had made their struggle what it really was. An issue of the heart! So many times we fight, struggle and fail miserably only because we do not see it as a heart issue. It is always a heart issue. WE NEED JESUS! Not just once in the beginning but every moment of every day. HE longs for us to come to Him!!!

Until we realize our need, we will be like the disciples, and may I say the world, including Wall Street and Washington. We will frantically struggle with very little success until we finally obey the Lord and do it HIS way. Until then all we can actually expect is "bail out blahs." Ready to give up yet? If not, get ready to work all night!


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Did you look in the mirror this morning? What did you see? Calm down, I am not asking you to comment on your looks or the changes you saw. I only ask you, what did you see? In the most literal form, you saw a reflection. The mirror gave you a reflection of what was (shockingly in some cases, like mine today) actually there, you! The mirror is the reflector.

As I came down the road last night and again this morning, I was privileged to see the moon in all of its splendor. Again, the moon has NO light of itself but it only reflects the light of the sun. The moon is the reflector.

Did you know that each of us carry's a reflector on us each and every day? Look around, do you see it? What? Look harder, it is right in front of your eyes. Nope, it is not your eyes. If you look in the mirror again you can see it. It is located on your face and just under your nose. Yep, that is right, it is your mouth. My mouth you shout????? Yes, that is what I said, your mouth.

Jesus states that when our hearts are filled with good things that they will overflow with good and that when our hearts are filled with bad things that the overflow will also be bad. Where will the overflow come out??? He said in Luke 6:45 ... For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Simply put, what comes out of our mouths is a reflection of our true heart.

WOW! If we listen long enough we can actually observe someone's heart! That is a powerful truth. If we listen to what we are saying and how it is being said we can also know what is in our hearts.

This brings to mind an actual event that happened years ago when I was working as a youth worker in a local church. We had a youth pastor who loved to play golf and often played golf with the pastor. One evening as I asked him how his games with the pastor were going he made a comment that broke my heart. He said he didn't like playing golf with his pastor because he (the pastor) would always cuss when he made a bad shot. Immediately God brought to my mind this verse in Luke. What he was actually seeing was the true heart of this pastor.

I am not calling you to judge this pastor, just showing you that what we see on the outside is not near as important as what is on the inside. How can we see inside??? By our speech! This man was revealing his true heart by his speech.

How about you??? What is your speech like? It may not be the quality of speech that is the problem but the content that may be the problem. Cussing, lying, deception, shady, derogatory, demeaning speech all reflect heart problems. Arrogant, selfish, selfcentered, egotistical words also reveal a serious heart condition. It may be as simple as, what do you talk about all the time. If someone or something dominates your speech, it owns your heart!

What does your speech reflect regarding you? Does it reflect a heart lovingly devoted to Christ or to self? Does it reveal anger, hatred and a critical heart that needs the cleansing power of Christ? OR does it reveal the love and devotion of one whose life has been transformed by HIS power!

May our reflections today be those of absolute loving devotion to the ONE who has died for us and set us free! Speak ON!

Blessings, Bruce

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What Should I do???

As we shared with you yesterday, our God is AWESOME!. HE has done incredible things in our lives. It is my hope and prayer that we all learn the lessons of life as we are going through them. God has a plan and HE is working it out, even when we do not see nor understand it!

Now yesterday, I shared a few things I had personally learned as my wife and family have gone through difficulties. Today I would like to share a few nuggets ( and I am not talking about chicken) that we have gleaned also in the valley's of life. Perhaps they will help you as they have helped us...

When in the valley or under the test of life here are a few things to do...

First, Do not give up. So often we are tempted to quit and throw in the towel when times are hard. We seldom hear that staying is right and even good. Well let me say, it is! If we bailout too soon, then we seldom learn the lessons God has intended for us. We do not grow and thus remain stuck in our old patterns and habits. In Galatians 6:9 it says "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. " MMMMM see what I mean. God says that we will miss seeing good come from our bad situation if we jump out too soon. Stay put dear one....let God work on your situation and in you!

Second, Pray without stopping. So often we pray for a day or two but then quickly give up. We fail to understand that prayer itself may be the reason God has allowed us to go through this trial. You see, prayer in its most basic and yet powerful form is communicating with God. HE wants to hear from us. He loves it when we as HIS children call out to HIM in prayer. So, pray daily, pray often each day regarding your burden. Psalm 55:17 Morning, noon, and night
I plead aloud in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. 18 He rescues me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me,

Third, Control your focus. Guard your mind. If you sit around daily fretting over "your" plight then you will forever be anxious and worried. Keep your mind busy on good things. Things of God and HIS truth. I once counseled a young mother who admitted that she continually thought over and over in her thought life that she was dumb, she was actually starting to believe these lying thoughts. According to 2 Corinthians 10:5 we must...bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ...bring our thinking in line with HIS truths. That is why in Philippians 4 we read this... Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. So what are you spending your time thinking about? How about HIS promises for you!

Lastly, Be faithful. Do what you know to be right in your situation. It may mean for you and I that we have to stop doing some things to priortize our lives to make it through the present struggle. Life is really about how we adapt to all of it's curve balls. WE all face them but how we adjust determines whether we strike out or knock a home run! We can only do this when we realize the promise of Romans 8....28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

No matter what you are struggling with today try these few helps and see if God will not show up....just in time!!!

Batter UP!

Blessings, Bruce

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Marvelous Grace!

Have you ever been swimming and been the first one in the pool. Then a friend or family member comes up and touches the water only to shrink back saying "its too cold." We usually speak up and say "come on in the water's fine." Many of us have experienced this before.....

Every now and then we read about someone who does a phenominal act of kindness. Someone who demonstrates an unbelievable work of grace in the life of another. The news media and even the christian community will publicize it over and over again. And in many cases, rightfully so. But today I would like to focus on the phenominal acts and unbelievable work of God in our behalf.

Spent some time today with a sister who is going through a hard time with sickness in her family. By hard, I mean hard. You know if you've been around a while that life is no respector of persons. Often it is just plain mean. Downright hard on us as humans. Unless you've been living in denial you too have faced your seasons at the helm of hard times. If not, one day, you will! What we learn during these times of testing is so critical to our future direction.

Have you been through tough times? Fought through some battles, got a few scars and maybe even the T-shirt to prove you've been there? I have as have many of you. None are immune. But what I/my family learned, has carried me for years and allowed me to share with others the way through pain and suffering. Here are a few things learned at the my helm of suffering and struggles.

I will list what I learned first today and then what I did (on Wednesday).... May these bless you as HE has blessed me through them!

What I have learned through suffering....
1) God is there! Often when struggling we "feel" so all alone. Your feelings are lying, HE is there! Remember that God loves you and will never forsake you! Hebrews 13:5

2) God is faithful! Even when we are not HE always is. He always does exactly what HE has said HE would do in HIS word! Read it, trust it and wait on HIM do fulfill it! 1 Corinthians 1:9

3) God's strength is made perfect in our weakness! You will never know how Great HE is until you come to the END of your abilities and strength. HE waits till we give in to HIM before HE will fill us with much needed grace/strength.
2 Corinthians 12:9

4) God NEVER Fails! Though I have failed so many times I have lost count (and I am glad HE has promised not to remember them also), HE has never failed on even one single promise. HE always does what HE said HE would do and HIS timing is always perfect. Especially when I do not understand!!! Matthew 5:18

It is times of hardship that we find out what or whom we are depending on. I found, as you will one day have to acknowledge, that without HIM we can do nothing. Life with God IS the abundant life, no matter what our circumstances. Life without God IS emptiness and struggle. The real question is do you want to sing in the midst of your life or do you want stress?

It is in those hard times that we can meet God in a way like no other. HE would love to lavish HIS grace upon us but so many times we turn away and flee to our worldly ways and miss the wonder of HIM and HIS grace! HIS grace is sufficient for me and I am thrilled to tell you, there is still enough for your heart and life today! Jesus said....come to ME all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest! Come on in the water is fine!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Family Funny Mixed with Faith!

Picture this....A single mother who has continually spoken to her daughter about the importance of coming home from playing when she is called (obedience) is standing on the front porch calling for her daughter. She calls once to no avail. She waits a few minutes and calls again. She looks around the yard and still no child. Finally on the third call, from around the corner comes this 8 year old bundle of energy with pig tails waving in the rushing wind. As she runs up to and past her mom she says " mom, I didn't hear you the first two times you called."

This was an actual event that one of our single mothers shared with me. When I asked her how she responded, she did use this as a teaching opportunity but only after she had a few giggles herself! I have to admit, we had a good laugh with her also.

Don't you think that sometimes God just shakes His omniscient (all knowing) head at some of the statements we make to Him regarding our obedience or lack thereof??? How many times have we, like this little girl, condemned ourselves by our own desire to excuse or explain away our disobedience. Perhaps we plead ignorance as she did. When in fact we know that to not be accurate. The blame game may be the method of our maddness. Pointing the finger towards others to justify our disobedience.

The real issue for us to consider is why do we even seek to explain away our actions. Here's my question? Does our God know the TRUTH about us? Well, answer me? Does HE? Yes, HE does!

Proverbs 15:3 The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.

In more applicable terms...He knows all we do and do not do. Good and/or evil. Why do we seek to explain away or deny our selfish disobedience. I believe it is because we love ourselves more than we love HIM.

This IS the struggle of life. Whom or what will we love. We seek to raise our children to obey us as we seek to protect and provide for them. Only wanting what is best for them. How much more does God want to do in and through our lives. We spend far too much time playing and not coming when HE calls. Only to reveal our true HEART by our selfish selective obedience.

The greatest commandment is....for me and you to love the Lord our God, with ALL our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength. God, may this be so in our lives today and everyday as we hear you call!

Blessings, Bruce

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Is It time for a change???

Changes......MMMMMMM, this past year our nation elected a new president on the premise that we wanted change. I was thinking on that a bit here lately and I question the validity of that statement. Do we really want change? I, personally do not believe we do! If we do, what change are we really looking for and is that really change?

As far as our nation goes (which by the way is us) we have elected our president on the basis that he is going to bring change to our nation. But as I examine headlines and newshows week after week all we really hear is that we want more, more and more. We are asking our president and his cabinet to come to our rescue with more money, more jobs and more give aways.

Let me just pose this question, what have we done with what we already have received? Have we invested wisely, purchased carefully and planned beyond the immediacy of today? The answer in many lives and homes is no! My precious friend, the answer to our plight does not lie in Washington with all of their good intentions but in your's and my heart. We must be the one to change. It must first begin with us.

God's word has taught us to be content with such things as we have. We have refused to live at or below our means, so in our thirst for more and more we have borrowed and spent our way into this crisis. We can't control necessarily what Washington does but we can change what we do.

That is where change must begin. The first order of business is to admit WE need to change! The bible says that we do not come to the light because our actions are not right, our hearts are not right. We must face our own heart and determine today to make changes that will help us, our marriages, our families and ultimately our nation.

Well, is it time for a change for you? Today is a good day to start. Don't worry what others think, say or do. This change is for you! Follow God's plan for it! Proverbs 3:5-6
You'll be glad you did!

Blessings. Bruce