Friday, January 9, 2009

Family Funny Mixed with Faith!

Picture this....A single mother who has continually spoken to her daughter about the importance of coming home from playing when she is called (obedience) is standing on the front porch calling for her daughter. She calls once to no avail. She waits a few minutes and calls again. She looks around the yard and still no child. Finally on the third call, from around the corner comes this 8 year old bundle of energy with pig tails waving in the rushing wind. As she runs up to and past her mom she says " mom, I didn't hear you the first two times you called."

This was an actual event that one of our single mothers shared with me. When I asked her how she responded, she did use this as a teaching opportunity but only after she had a few giggles herself! I have to admit, we had a good laugh with her also.

Don't you think that sometimes God just shakes His omniscient (all knowing) head at some of the statements we make to Him regarding our obedience or lack thereof??? How many times have we, like this little girl, condemned ourselves by our own desire to excuse or explain away our disobedience. Perhaps we plead ignorance as she did. When in fact we know that to not be accurate. The blame game may be the method of our maddness. Pointing the finger towards others to justify our disobedience.

The real issue for us to consider is why do we even seek to explain away our actions. Here's my question? Does our God know the TRUTH about us? Well, answer me? Does HE? Yes, HE does!

Proverbs 15:3 The Lord is watching everywhere, keeping his eye on both the evil and the good.

In more applicable terms...He knows all we do and do not do. Good and/or evil. Why do we seek to explain away or deny our selfish disobedience. I believe it is because we love ourselves more than we love HIM.

This IS the struggle of life. Whom or what will we love. We seek to raise our children to obey us as we seek to protect and provide for them. Only wanting what is best for them. How much more does God want to do in and through our lives. We spend far too much time playing and not coming when HE calls. Only to reveal our true HEART by our selfish selective obedience.

The greatest commandment is....for me and you to love the Lord our God, with ALL our heart, all our soul, all our mind and all our strength. God, may this be so in our lives today and everyday as we hear you call!

Blessings, Bruce

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