Thursday, February 26, 2009

Still Some Left for Me!

I have just arrived in a bit earlier than the past few days from being at the hospital with my mother. For those who knew and have been praying she is slightly better tonight. Blood pressure up, fever down, still clearing those air ways of pneumonia trash but weak as water and grateful for God's touch. Thanks for praying for us all. Pray us through!

Before I retire for the evening as my eyes are already at half mast (half shut for those non-nautical types) I wanted to simply share with you all how our Father has blessed His child and for some of you, your pastor. Todays word from the Lord was found in 2 Corinthians 12. Where HE instructed Paul through His "thorn in the flesh."

MY grace is sufficient for you..... As I was reading in Streams in the Desert this AM at the MC Hospital in GSO, God reminded me of HIS never ending supply. I have spent the larger portion of my life sharing with others how Great HE is ( and HE is) and how HE will never fail us (and HE won't) nor will HE ever fall short is supply (HE can't) of all we need for each day. This week has been a living (fleshing) out of this truth.

We have faced many unplanned obstacles and have faced many feelings, ideas, and thoughts throughout this journey. As much as I have had the privilege of seeing HIM give to others throughout my life, may I shout in praise to HIM for all to hear (or read) there was still enough of HIS grace left for me and my family.

Now I was not surprised, but HIS grace that has been lavished upon me has left me humbled in its wake. Read through the above highlighted verses and read each word carefully and make personal application for you. At every point, in every situation HE has met me/us with all sufficient grace. As I sit here at the end of a very long and hard few days I am so grateful to be one of HIS.

One who never escapes HIS watchcare. One, who no matter what may have caught me by surprise, has found HIM already there with ready made direction, help and mercy. HE has come in the form of prayer strength, peace, clarity, short rest, family, friends, hospital staff, Mrs Morris in mom's first room, phone calls, visits, emails, mercy to my mother, and in so many small yet powerfully divine moments that have reminded me that even though I/we are HIS servants for decades, my family is still HIS family. Precious to HIM. While HE has given so much to so many for so long........there was still some GRACE left for me! Praise HIM!

Trust HIM today friends.... there is still some left for you!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Real Power of Patience...

Today I am going to let you in on one of MY verses! You know what that means don't you? That doesn't mean that I wrote them or that they have been specifically assigned to me but only that they are verses that God has and is using in my life during some very hard times. Now I know that some of you (mostly deacons, ha) believe that us pastors only work 1 hour a week, so how could we ever have a problem!!! I will let God work on you guys, let it suffice to say that we pastors are human and have our own share of "stuff" that we too must bear. It is in these times that I have done some of the best "growing" in Christ.

Here is a verse that I would like to examine today....

I waited patiently for the LORD.....Psalm 40:1a

That is it, you cry???!!!! Well, not all of it but only a small portion of what I had memorized during an extended season of testing...(which I am still in, PTL). But for the sake of "bloggin" I must work at keeping it apologies to those who are gravitationally challenged! Let's examine this short verse for today's treasure.

"I waited"...... MMMMMM. Houston we have a problem. We already are not liking how this is starting off. Most of us do not like to wait. In fact in our gotta have it now culture we can become downright rude when we are delayed. Play a little experiment with me, try driving the speed limit both in town and on the highway. Now remember the speed limit signs are showing us what the UPPER limit is. If it says 55mph it means the maximum limit before breaking the law is 55mph. You may be surprised how many do not realize this nor practice this. You will be pushed and prodded by many of our fellow Americans to speed up. We can't wait! Gotta Go! Hurry up!!!

You see the Psalmist first set his own perimeters by saying "I waited." He had chosen to wait. To be still, to slow down, to position himself in the seat of stillness before HIS God. WOW. Have you done that lately? Or are you struggling in the stress of the streets? It is good for us to wait!

The Psalmist calls us to wait and then he adds to it! Notice the next word in our verse..... PATIENTLY. He didn't just wait but he waited patiently. HE had purposed in his HEART to control his attitude and actions as he waited. You see, it is one thing to just wait but an even greater thing to wait patiently. Have you ever waited in disgust? Waited in anger? Waited in frustration? I think most of us have at one time or other. But he calls us to wait in still submission before our God. We must surrender our situation to the will, the plans and purposes of HIM who see's far beyond our present struggles to the end results. Our patience in our present situation will reveal this. Are you waiting patiently? Willfully surrendered to God's plan and purpose for you?

How, you may ask, can I do this? It is simple, get your mind off of your circumstances and look to HIM and for HIM. "FOR THE LORD" Bring your heavy burden, your uncertainty, your fears, your frustrations to your loving Father. HE will take care of you. Once you KNOW this, HE will give you the peace you seek. (it is an issue of the heart) We must understand that HE can and will do what is best for us even when we do not understand. Trust in HIS love for you, HIS provision for you via Christ and the Holy Spirit and HIS promise to you! You see my friend the Psalmist has let us in on the wonder of God, Himself! HE is AWESOME!

We can wait patiently before Him because HE is our answer. Why worry, why rush, why stress when we have the promise of Eph 3:20...Now to HIM who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,...There is power in waiting. You'll never know it till you learn to do it.......Until then all I can say is "Be still my soul."


Monday, February 23, 2009

Mind Games!!!

When I was a a kid growing up in Concord, we had the privilege of having 10 plus boys grow up in the same neighborhood. We played sports season after season and when there was no season we made up games to play. (No video games existed at that time and they are TOO boring anyhow). One of those games some of us "More Mature" folks may remember was called "Old man kick the can" and another was "King of the Hill." These were games of running, wrestling and fierce competition, especially in a neighborhood full of boys.

King of the Hill was usually played on one of the hills in the neighborhood, most often for us beside Williams and Little Hardware where there was an awesome hill and we regularly fought on that hill. The first guy there would start off as the King and we would each take turns trying to knock him off and take our place as the King!!! It was fun and was the cause of many a cut and scrape..... MMMMM

Today, we may not play games such as this physically but in reality we do so spiritually. And it is not a game. Whether we recognize it or not there is a "fierce" battle going on and we are in it. It is the battle for who or what will be the King of our minds.

I was reminded of this as I heard our nations news media actively pushing the Academy Awards and the hunt for the Oscar. Does it seem odd to you that the headline of our major news outlets was about Hollywood and its participants? Is there nothing more important in this world to report on than what "actors" are doing? Then, this morning I hear that the "chosen" award winner of best actor is a movie glorifying the homosexual agenda!!! Do you see any correlation???

I do!!! This is no mere coincidence. To naively think that there is not an agenda is a tragedy beyond measure. We must understand that our Biblical heroes of our homes and families have been replaced. By a cunning and clever long term plan we have seen America's heroes shift from the pages of Holy Scripture to the Silver screen. Today's families know more about the lives and times of Hollywood actors and their carnal exploits than they do about the Heroes of the Word of God.

This IS part of the plan. To slowly and deliberately replace scriptural thinking with sensual thinking. To replace thus sayeth the Lord with thus sayeth man! We see this not only in our world today but also in our churches. Churches that once (in generations past) were beacons of truth in the faithful preaching and teaching of God's word (the Bible) today argue whether or not the Bible is even true. How did this happen? It did not happen overnight. It has been a slow and very deliberate process. It continues today.

My precious friends, beware of what you are filling your minds with. Beware of allowing the filth of our society to infiltrate your home. Beware of "entertaining" your way into depravity. What may seem like only a little thing (game) may indeed be a tool of one whose sole desire is to destroy you, your spouse, your children, your marriage and your home. Ultimately, the way that seems right to man IS the way of death.

We must look only to HIM. ONE who is much higher than we are. Our Great and Awesome God!!! He says to us in the book of Psalms...

How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word. With my whole heart I have sought YOU; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You. Blessed are You, O LORD! Ps.119:9-12a

So let me ask you, whom do you look to for your guidance, instruction and wisdom? Where do you find your answers? What do you use to form your opinions and to develop your decisions??? It is either one of two places...... Thus says man or Thus says the LORD!

Who is King of your Hill???


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Do You have the Password???

I was just reading in an email that we must be careful of the passwords we choose in all of our security stuff. Family names are not wise when we select that which will guard our personal information from intruders. So what is a good password. Notice the spelling of this word itself. PASS....WORD! MMMMMMM

This is the word that will let us pass through. Sometimes it will let us out. I play a little game with one of my granddaughters. When she runs up to me and I am sitting down, I lock my legs around her and won't let her out. In our little game, I told her that the pass word is "Jesus loves me." It has not only been fun but also a blessing to see this become her way of escape from her perceived bondage. She shouts "Jesus loves me" and of course each time she does, she is released from her make believe prison. Often she runs right back in to see her PASSWORD work again and again!

I wonder, what is the password for heaven??? What will be the "secret"code that will let us in? Is it love? Perhaps good works? Is it duty? Maybe even knowledge? The name of a particular church? We could go on and on! But I read this week what I believe to be the "password" of heaven, if there was to be one!

Acts 4:12...."Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

What is that name? It is the name of Jesus, of course! You see in this passage comes about as a result of the events found in chapter 3 where Peter and John were headed to the temple and they "run" into a man (older than 40) who was unable to walk and had been for his entire life. He was begging and asking for them to show mercy ($$$), Peter simply and powerfully calls for his attention. Then he makes the most profound statement....

"silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give to you: In the NAME of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk." Acts 3:6

As Peter took him by the hand, he immediately was healed and stood up for the first time ever!!!! An incredible event and awesome work of God! What was the "secret" password to see this miracle.....the Name of Jesus! You see, it is really no secret at all! It is the heaven sent Son of God.

HE is not only the pathway of healing for this man but also the pathway of salvation for us all. Even the power of prayer is unleashed by this password. How about John 14:13-14....

"And what ever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it."

It is really not about a "secret" password at all is it?! It is really about you and I learning that HE (Christ) is the centerpiece of heaven and earth. It is about us coming to God, His way and His way alone. There is (as Peter said in Acts) no other way, no other name.....but the name of Jesus!

Everything about our earthly existence can be and should be dramatically transformed by the power of the ONE who is the password to our release from our bondage. Not only will we and can we be set free here, but also His name unlocks the doors of heaven.

How about you today, still struggling to find the answer? Still trying to wrestle it out on your own? Why not see if the "Password" won't do a work in your world! It is really a heart issue! You must...Bow the knee, call His name, wait for His presence and power to enter your life situation.

As I prayed with a lady who called our church this morning for prayer, God reminded her (and Me also) that He is well aware of what is going on....but just wants us to look to HIM and HIM alone! Don't wait another moment. Just call HIS name and He'll be there!


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who is going to be our God?

As you read todays title you may be wondering what in the world am I saying? Let me assure you that you will understand, and this thought is crucial to us engaging HIM in our daily lives. Lets look at a few verses together.....

John 3:20-21..."For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

The main context is regardng Christ coming into the world and the world NOT recognizing or embracing HIM, thus rejecting HIM. And believers recognizing HIM as Savior and trusting HIM, revealing the work of God. Certainly this is still going on today and most of us will not deny that. But few of us realize that this also continues even after we have trusted in Christ as Savior. Let me explain.

Just because we are born again does not mean the battle is over. If anything it is just beginning. Except now the battle is not over our relationship to God but literally now is over our relationship with God. We are now children of God by faith in Jesus Christ! But when HIS ways and my ways are different whose child am I revealing? Paul describes our battle as the flesh warring against the Spirit and the spirit against the flesh (Gal 5:17). I believe it can be simplified to this level.......

Who is going to be my God?

To whom am I going to yield, bow, surrender, my will to??? This is the battle of Lordship!!!!
Let me show you a good way to determine where you stand at any given moment. Let's say that light = God's ways, God's plans, God's purposes as revealed to us in HIS word the Bible. Now apply that to verse 20 and 21.

Those who are doing evil....hate coming to the Bible, thus hate God's way, plans and purposes for their lives. As a result they do not come to the Bible (read it, study it, memorize it, come to a Bible church to hear it preached, apply it or any other method of the Word of God getting to us.) The reason is because we do not want our deeds ( actions, practices, attitudes, relationships, ethics, etc) to be exposed (brought to the light for ourselves and others to see). We do not want the truth about our actions and attitudes to be seen. MMMMMM interesting.

Those who are doing truth come to the light (read it, study it, memorize it, meditate in it, come to a Bible church to hear it preached, apply it to our lives and the lives of our family members). That it may be clearly seen that there is a work of God going on in our lives.

This all started today in my morning devo's from Acts 2:41a..... Then those who gladly received his word..... I reflected on this a bit and wondered, do I really receive HIS word gladly??? Is it precious to me? Do I live to read, hear and study what God has to say?

How about you? You see, what we do is reflective of whom we love and worship. Our actions reveal our self love and lack of love for Christ. It is really about who will be our God! Will we surrender and come to the light of HIS word and allow HIS word to search us out? TO cut away that which is not pleasing to HIM even though we often love our sinful practices. It is my prayerful desire that I will yield to HIM each and every day and recognize HIM for who HE truly is...... my Lord and my God!!!!

May I gladly receive what HE has for me today. May I place myself into position to hear from HIM! How about you? What changes do you need to make? Do it! Make them today! Do not delay! Choose today WHOM you will serve! You will be glad you did...when you choose Christ!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daddy's Home!!!

Some of us have had the privilege to experience the joy of coming home from a hard day at work only to hear our kids shout "Daddy's" home or "Momma's" home. Excitement has filled the air as our children anxiously await our arrival. It's IS great! When they are surprised by the arrival it is even better.

Have you ever been this way with God? With our precious Lord? One dear sister I was praying with many years ago taught me this as she prayed over her day. Her, her husband and I would pray regularly together and one day as she prayed she simply said "Father, where will I see you in my life today." That statement is still impacting me some 25 years later. I was reminded again this morning as I was reading in John 21.

Let's take a look together as I think John had one of those "Daddy's" here type of moments that he shared with us. Look with me at John 21: 3-11. Now this passage is much larger but for our consideration let's limit it for now. Jesus had returned to them from the grave and they had seen HIM 2 times so far. Peter leads the group and decides to go back to the familiar (for him). He goes fishin....(that's fishing for those non southern types).

After struggling through the night with no success he decides to head in for a little rest. Been a full night without anything to show for his labors but fatigue and frustration. Then they hear a call from the shore and are instructed to cast the net on a particular side of the boat. Now in a previous "blog" we have discussed Peter but today another disciple stands out to us. It is John. You see, as soon as they followed those simple instructions from the Lord (and they did not know it was HIM) the nets filled up. When this happened John made a dramatic declaration.....

"It is the Lord!"

No walking on the water this time. No stilling of the winds and waves. Just turning their frustration and failure into abundant provision. John recognized his Lord's signature on their situation. And when he did he could not keep it in and immediately shouted out! I can see this happen in my minds eye. He had seen Jesus do this type of thing so many times that when it happened he instantaneously knew HE was on the scene.

How about you? Has Jesus shown up in your world lately? Have you seen His signature on the canvas of your life? Look for Him, cause HE is there! He most often doesn't work through the spectacular even though HE often does it. HE typically works through the most mundane tasks. Remember what HE told the disciples in this scene? Simply throw your nets on the other side! Then and only then did they see HIS signature on their work. What if they had not obeyed this most simple request? What if they had dismissed it as ridiculous? What if they had laughed it off? They would have missed the most tremendous blessing. That of seeing HIM work in "their world." Of knowing HE was there and HE knew their struggles.

Let me make one simple request of you today. Obey those simple request's of your heart today. Those inner promptings of our Lord that we often dismiss as only "our" thoughts. We rationalize, excuse away the very opportunities we have to see HIS handiwork in our lives. We read HIS word and when HE speaks we only think of why we can't or shouldn't instead of simply saying "yes Lord." Try simplistic obedience today. Obey HIM and HIS inner promptings no matter what. You may find yourself shouting as many others have done "It's the Lord."

I hope I hear you when you do.......


Monday, February 16, 2009

Joy Comes in the Morning!

Have you ever been through a season in your life where you had one disappointment after another? As you were dealing with one, then along came another? Wave after wave of "stuff" washed over you, again and again? Perhaps you are there now. Perhaps it is a friend that is struggling through these life changing issues. Either way, God has not left us without witness!

Today's treasure is found in the Gospel of John. In chapter 20 we enter the record of the resurrection of Christ. None of us can fully imagine what the followers of Christ had experienced in those days leading up to HIS resurrection. Let it suffice to say that their world had been turned upside down! Now that, we can identify with. Especially for those who were the closest to HIM. Like Mary. Not HIS mother, but Mary Magdalene.

She had arrived at the tomb of Jesus only to discover HIS body was gone. Nowhere to be found. This was just another set back that washed over her soul. Her friend, her brother, her Savior had been taken captive, falsely accused, convicted and condemned. HE had been crucified with thiefs and died before her very eyes. She had mourned through the Sabbath and had purposed to come early on Sunday to grieve, mourn and anoint HIS body again, only to discover HIS body had apparently been stolen. Verse 11 records our first true glimpse into her continued struggle with the events surrounding her life and her Savior. "But Mary stood outside the tomb weeping."

Have you ever been there? Nothing else to do but to let your emotions out! Can't take another hit? Another setback? Some of us simply stuff and try and move on! Some get angry and try and work it out. Others simply can't go any further, just stand there and cry! Sometimes that is all there is left to do.......humanly speaking! But as always, Jesus has other plans for us. HE just doesn't let us in on all of them ahead of time. This IS one of those times.

You see, her grief was soon to be pierced by HIS voice. Verse 16 records it. She did not recognize Jesus at first, thought HE was the gardener. Only when she heard HIS voice did she collapse in worship before HIM clinging to HIS feet. Jesus spoke to her and simply said " Mary." Isn't that awesome?! With only one word HE washes it all away! You see what that word was? Yep, it was her name! He called her by name! I would love to have been there to see this tide of truth and emotion roll! Her faith was becoming sight and her heart was being healed. All in one moment and with one word!

Can I say this. HE still does this today. With one word HE can change things in our lives. We must however position ourselves to hear HIM call. Remember, where were the other disciples??? They were not here and therefore they did not hear! Still true today! Many are so busy with their agenda that they cannot hear HIS calling their name. May I simply say this to us all today. No matter what ails you or I. HE cares! HE is there and willing to show up if only we will put ourselves into position to hear HIM speak our names.

My beloved, take time today to be still before HIM. Let HIM know your pain, your fears, your uncertainties and listen for HIM. HE will speak. He will call out to you. Read HIS Psalms and allow HIM to reveal HIS love for and to you. Then, just as Mary did you will find your suffering pale in the light of HIS glory and grace. And you too will cling to HIM!


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Been Thinking About Love!!!

Well, after a much needed season of rest and restoration, my wife and I have returned to reality. We are appreciative of our children (who gave this gift to us at Christmas) and to our church family for allowing us to "get away" for a winter season. It was, as usual, awesome. While gone we were able to rest, read and reflect as we love to do. And coupled with our present day, here are a few thoughts.....


Today will be filled with cards, flowers, candy and many other offerings to prove our love for one another. I too have focused some of my reading this week on the subject that is so prevalent today. LOVE!

We hear it spoken of often. We are told we fall into it and some even say we fall out of it. Some suggest we can buy it, others that it is without price. I have come to the conclusion that most of the world actually doesn't get it. Their concept of love is based purely on the physical/emotional and most often doesn't see the fullness of TRUE LOVE! That is why there are sooooo many books written with so many differing points of view.

Now, I am not saying that I have "arrived" as I too am a fleshly/emotional creature, as I have been created, but there is one difference.....I have been born again! All of us as believers in Jesus Christ are NOW, new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17) and have the capacity to go beyond what we were at our physical birth because of the Spirit of the living God living in us! It is at this juncture where I would like to challenge worldly thinking.....

What is the love chapter in the bible???? Do you know? It is actually in a letter written to a church struggling with the typical problems of flesh vs Spirit! Look with me in 1 Corinthians 13 and you read the whole chapter. Quit balking, it is only 13 verses. I'll wait.....

There, now that wasn't hard now was it? The context is actually about spiritual gifts. But nestled in the middle of a church letter, where they are being instructed about the use and abuse of spiritual gifts, we find the biblical description of love! Love as God intended it to be. Not jaded by humanities issues but clearly defined by our Great Creator. Every time I read it, I am admonished. But for our sake we will consider one little portion. The little phrase found in verse 8. Here it is....


How do we reconcile this with the teaching of the world that we can somehow fall in and out of it like some dip into the pool. This reveals their shallow understanding of what love is. Jaded, colored, shaded by their flesh and lacking true biblical understanding. The Bible says....God is Love (1 John 4:16) thus true love flows from God to us. HE is love and the only way we can get it or fully understand it, is for us to know HIM and HIS love for us!

Of course we find this in and through HIS SON Jesus Christ! HIS sacrificial death on the cross is where we see Love in action. Once we receive Christ as our Savior then HIS Spirit moves in and brings with HIM the Love of God, as HE too is fully God. Once there HE begins the process of teaching us the beauty and wonder of true love, HIS love.

When HIS love is in us, then what HE loves we too will learn to love. It will not be without struggle nor will it be without sacrifice (Gal 5:17) As you have already read chapter 13, I am sure you noted all the self denying, self sacrificing verses written there. You cannot have the fullness of the worlds/fleshs love and the fullness of the love of God at the same time. They are not able to co-exist. You will love the one and hate (reject or despise) the other!

When the world says that love fails they are right. From their prospective, fleshly love (which is the only love it knows) can, will and often does fail. It is based upon the flesh, the sensual, the emotional, things that are temporary. But True Love never fails! The Love that flows from the heart of God to the soul of man will never pass away! It is rooted solidly in the person of God, Himself. It will last because HE is eternal.

So now the question, what kind of love do you have, know and give? Is it the fleshly, sensual stuff that changes with the tide or is it the kind that is eternal? The kind that bears, believes, hopes and endures? (1 Cor 13:7)The kind that makes changes but itself does not change? If your love fails then what you had was not from HIM! Choose today to allow HIM to love you, to love others through you and to teach you to love HIM with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Remember, true love never fails. Thank God for that!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why Do We Ask?

I recently heard of a woman who was addicted to plastic surgery. I know, I had never heard of such either, but it was true. This sad individual had so many surgeries she literally looked "fake" or "artificial." She had so many nose surgeries that she had been told by the surgeons that the next one on her nose may cause it to literally collapse. In reality, she looked deformed, almost freakish.

I will just use one example to show how she looked..... Have you ever seen someone who pressed their face and lips up against a window pane and seen the lips flatten out? Of course you have and we all would laugh at them if they did it now. Well this poor individual's lips looked as though they were pressed flat against a window pane, permanently. A truly sad sight to see. The upper and lower lips were probably 2 or 3 times what is "normal" for her.

Here is my thought. Does she ever ask someone who loves her what they think? Ask the question how do I look? How would they respond? Would they ever dare to tell her the truth? Does she really want to know the truth?

Today's treasure is found in John 8:1-11. Here Jesus encounters the scribes and Pharisees at their best (or worst depending on your understanding). They bring to Jesus a woman caught in the very act of adultery. (This in itself screams "setup") Once they throw her before our Savior, they reminded HIM of what Moses said. At that point they proceeded to ask a question of Jesus that has caused me to stop and think for a bit..... "But what do YOU say?" This is a huge question. They were not really wanting to know but simply were trying to set HIM up in a trap.

In vintage, Savior, Son of God form, Jesus "takes care of business!" He doesn't play in little human games, but as usual cuts to the chase and turns this whole stinking, reaking setup into a heart revealing, heart searching moment. See John 3 for another one of these moments!

But here is my question. Did they really want to know what HE had to say about the situation? Where they really interested in hearing from HIM regarding this? The answer to both of these is NO WAY, HOSEA! (yes, I am bi lingual, and that is the extent of my bi and lingual) They were only interested in how HE would play into their game. They had an agenda and that was their goal, get on with their agenda!

Before we jump on the bandwagon and slam those horrible Pharisees let's pause and think this through. Aren't we really a lot like that ourselves? We have our own little agenda's and we pretend to approach God with wanting to know what HE has to say on the matter. When we don't get what we expect we simply sleek off into the darkness?

From my years of ministry I have seen this happen over and over and over! We simply want God to agree with us, that we are right and our plan is right! When HE or HIS word (or HIS servants also) do not agree, we much like these Pharisee's turn from HIM and leave the scene. How tragic. This is a failure in two different areas.

1) A failure to understand ourselves. We by nature (birth) are sinners and bent towards making wrong decisions with wrong motives. Even after salvation we must "check" each and every thought, motive and decision by "what does God say about it?" When what we think, desire and do is contrary to what God has to say we must turn TO HIM and not away from HIM. This is proof that we are HIS and willing to do HIS will.

John 3:20-21... I love the Amplified Bible on this...For every wrongdoer hates (loathes, detests) the light and will not come out into the light, but shrinks from it, lest his works-his deeds, his activities, his conduct-be exposed and reproved. But he who practices truth-who does what is right-comes out into the light; so that his works may be plainly shown to be what they are, wrought with God- divinely prompted, done with God's help, in dependence upon HIM.

Isn't that revealing? When we come to HIM and HIS word to seek counsel, direction and understanding it proves the validity of our motives. But when we refuse what HE has to say it reveals the true nature of plan! Sinful, selfish and even satanic.... But their is also another failure we must understand.

2) A failure to understand Gods ways. HIS ways are not ours. HIS thoughts are not ours. HIS desires are not ours. (See Isaiah 55) We must not only desire to know what HE says but also to allow HIM (through the Holy Spirit) to align our lives with HIS desires. Legalism nor license is the pattern for freedom but loving devotion to HIM, developing a love for HIS word and a love for simple yieldedness to HIS Spirit. "It ain't rocket science." But it is a battle. HIS Spirit will often work contrary to our natures and desires. But don't lose heart!!! HE knew all this from the start!

As the woman taken in adultery learned, we too can trust HIS heart. But no more games! No more gimmicks! Ask HIM what HE thinks? Ask HIM how you look? Search HIS word and listen..... HIS heart is speaking!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Childlike Trust...

Years ago when my daughter was much younger ( I am glad she's gotten older and I haven't) we had a little situation where I was going to have to correct her. I had come home from work and her mother had informed me of the "situation." I took her to "the room" ( we all know what that is) and proceeded to work this into a teachable moment. After her acknowledging her wrongdoing, I proceeded to give her two options for her punishment.

Her response is the meat of our bloggie today! She looked at me with her little blue eyes and said "daddy, whichever you think is best." OUCH! Boy that one caught me by surprise. I did finish her lesson that day but not without her response still impacting me 20 plus years later. May it bless you today also...

That little rascal in her most simple terms cast her whole trust on me at that time. Now, as I look back, I know why she did that with me. I was the one with the most tender heart as my precious wife was (and still is ) the discplinarian of the family. She is LAW and I am grace....most times. Our little girl had that figured out and knew that while it may hurt for a bit, healing would come much quicker via the avenue of grace.

Here's my thought for the day..... WHY can we not seem to trust our Great God that way? Why do we have to negotiate? Why question? Why squirm soooooo much? I believe it is really a lack of understanding HIM! We do not understand HIS heart towards us!

Matthew 7:7-11.... is a passage about prayer, asking and receiving from God. In the midst of this powerful passage HE uses a very real illustration regarding a father's response to his son's request. Then in verse 11 HE says.... "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask HIM!"

This is really about understanding the heart. Christ uses our understanding of the heart of the parent and their love for their child and contrasts it to the heart of God. The term evil here describes our selfish nature to its core. If we with all our imperfect limitations give so freely to our children, how much more so, from our Loving Father, will HE do that which is best for us!!

This is really not about getting as much as it is about trusting in the HEART of GOD! Childlike trust! Will HE truly do, give, supply all that is best for you and I ? All we have to do is look at the cross of Christ. He saw our need and supplied it in full measure! How much more so now that we are HIS children!

In your situation, in your struggle, in your marital problem, financial situation and physical impossibility turn to HIM right now and say....." Daddy, do what ever YOU think is best." Believe me, you'll be glad you did..... ask my daughter!
