Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daddy's Home!!!

Some of us have had the privilege to experience the joy of coming home from a hard day at work only to hear our kids shout "Daddy's" home or "Momma's" home. Excitement has filled the air as our children anxiously await our arrival. It's IS great! When they are surprised by the arrival it is even better.

Have you ever been this way with God? With our precious Lord? One dear sister I was praying with many years ago taught me this as she prayed over her day. Her, her husband and I would pray regularly together and one day as she prayed she simply said "Father, where will I see you in my life today." That statement is still impacting me some 25 years later. I was reminded again this morning as I was reading in John 21.

Let's take a look together as I think John had one of those "Daddy's" here type of moments that he shared with us. Look with me at John 21: 3-11. Now this passage is much larger but for our consideration let's limit it for now. Jesus had returned to them from the grave and they had seen HIM 2 times so far. Peter leads the group and decides to go back to the familiar (for him). He goes fishin....(that's fishing for those non southern types).

After struggling through the night with no success he decides to head in for a little rest. Been a full night without anything to show for his labors but fatigue and frustration. Then they hear a call from the shore and are instructed to cast the net on a particular side of the boat. Now in a previous "blog" we have discussed Peter but today another disciple stands out to us. It is John. You see, as soon as they followed those simple instructions from the Lord (and they did not know it was HIM) the nets filled up. When this happened John made a dramatic declaration.....

"It is the Lord!"

No walking on the water this time. No stilling of the winds and waves. Just turning their frustration and failure into abundant provision. John recognized his Lord's signature on their situation. And when he did he could not keep it in and immediately shouted out! I can see this happen in my minds eye. He had seen Jesus do this type of thing so many times that when it happened he instantaneously knew HE was on the scene.

How about you? Has Jesus shown up in your world lately? Have you seen His signature on the canvas of your life? Look for Him, cause HE is there! He most often doesn't work through the spectacular even though HE often does it. HE typically works through the most mundane tasks. Remember what HE told the disciples in this scene? Simply throw your nets on the other side! Then and only then did they see HIS signature on their work. What if they had not obeyed this most simple request? What if they had dismissed it as ridiculous? What if they had laughed it off? They would have missed the most tremendous blessing. That of seeing HIM work in "their world." Of knowing HE was there and HE knew their struggles.

Let me make one simple request of you today. Obey those simple request's of your heart today. Those inner promptings of our Lord that we often dismiss as only "our" thoughts. We rationalize, excuse away the very opportunities we have to see HIS handiwork in our lives. We read HIS word and when HE speaks we only think of why we can't or shouldn't instead of simply saying "yes Lord." Try simplistic obedience today. Obey HIM and HIS inner promptings no matter what. You may find yourself shouting as many others have done "It's the Lord."

I hope I hear you when you do.......


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