Friday, April 17, 2009

The Beauty of the Church!!!

Today more than ever we are seeing an all out assault on the church of Jesus Christ! From both inside and outside of the body of Christ we see it. Outwardly the enemy of our soul (and ultimately life itself) is waging a strategic conflict and inwardly he is using a more deceptive tatic. My purpose today is not to deal with either but to think through the reality of the "church."

For many their thoughts when the term church is used immediately runs to a building or some facility that they have attended. This is often the case in life as when we say hospital we often think of the facility rather than what the hospital truly is! A building can no more make a church than it can actually make a hospital.

The church of Christ, by that I mean all of those who have been saved by HIS grace and not of their own efforts in any way, is a living, breathing body of believers in Jesus Christ who are indwelt by HIS Spirit and exist to fulfill HIS purpose in this world. This purpose is clearly defined in HIS word the Bible and is a major component in HIS work, in and through HIS church on earth today.

But again my purpose is not to focus on that part of HIS perfect plan but to focus a bit on the beauty of HIS church. This may again puzzle some of you as you have never perhaps thought of the church being beautiful. Unless, however, it was describing some facility of some sort. This is not in any way what I am proposing. HIS church is HIS body made up of PEOPLE, human beings who have encountered HIM, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, the Savior of the world.

This week for me has been a continuation of the journey since HIS call came to my life some 25+ years ago. It continues to be a journey and a classroom both at the same time. HE leads me and teaches me all at once. Sound like you??? It should, that is how HE works. That is the essence of what Romans 8:28 communicates. But in my personal journey sometimes I am overwhelmed at HIS love and mercy to HIS church. Today is one of those wonderful moments where HE is refreshing me by allowing me the privilege of being where HE is at work......deeply and lovingly in lives.

This is the place of pain and healing. You know you can't have one without the other don't you? We try to shortcut the process but HE will not let it happen. NO SHORTCUTS!!! We must walk the valley's as well as the mountaintops. They are all on HIS map for our journey! The church of Christ is made up of journey men and women. People on the journey with God.

We miss the beauty of HIS work when we try and make it such a formal show and fail to realize that HE has made it a beautiful tapesty of lives interwoven by journey's of grace. We run from the very beauty of what HE has planned and purposed for us to be.......a body of Christ. Healers of hearts by engaging our Christ healed (and being healed) hearts with the hearts of others who too are on the journey to find healing for their own lives/marriages and families.

Our Scripture today is found in Acts 20:35-38....
Paul is leaving the Ephesian church behind and he has admonished them and instructed them in the grace of the Lord Jesus. He is ending his exhortation and we see some powerful glimpses as to what the early church was really like..... They knelt together, prayed together.....wept together, hugged each other and gave out those holy kisses and grieved at the departing of their brother in the Lord. This shows us something of what it really was..........Intimate, personal, engaging, honest, open, real.........WOW!!!

Does that sound like the way you engage your church??? What I have learned through the years is that people get out of "church" what they put into church! I have learned that you often have a nucleus of those who are willing to plug in and be real. To be intimate, personal, engaging, honest, open and real is who they are and what they pracitice. Others sadly have chosen another route. It is one of safety, one of comfort and ease. I call them the "fringe folk." They drop in for a service and some are even faithful at that. But they rarely engage, get personal or intimate regarding their lives and sadly miss the real beauty of Christ's church.

Their opinion of HIS church has been twisted and perverted by their own unwillingness to be open with others and quite honestly even HIM. This often happens because of some past hurt or event that still today haunts them and untimately hinders them from God's best for them. I love and live to be where HE is calling people to come to HIM for not only salvation but also for the beauty of HIS intimacy. The wonder of HIS grace being lavished not only in but also on all those who believe.

It is NEVER without risk however. We cannot have the power of HIS grace without risking by being open with others. We WILL encounter pain!!!! This is part of the fall and also part of how we are freed from the baggage of the past. If we dare to come out by faith we can experience HIS healing and the helping of others (AKA the church of Christ). If we choose to stay on the fringe we will only be warmed by the fires of grace. It may feel good for a season but little actual work of Christ will be done. I CHOOSE HONESTY, OPENNESS, INTIMACY for the glory of Christ! Anything else is a cheap substitute.

Lately, HE has brought individual after individual and family after family across my path. Many are engaging HIM via HIS word and HIS workers (the CHURCH). I see HIS beauty being reflected in lives changed, transformed and healed by the Masters touch. HIS CHURCH IS ALIVE AND WELL my brothers and sisters. Look around you and see the Beauty of the Lord!

SO how is your church???? Maybe it's time to get real with HIM, others and ultimately with yourself and engage HIS church so HIS work can be done. But remember HIS work starts first IN us before HE will work through us!!!


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