Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Tragedy of Aloneness

Once as I was visiting a Nursing Facility where one of our church family was residing, I was on my way down the hall making my way towards the door when I had an older gentleman call out to me. His call caught me a bit by surprise as I did not know him, nor had ever met him. He simply said, " will you come and visit with me?" For those of you who know me well, you know that I love to visit and share with folks even though my need for study does not always allow me to do as much as I would love to do.

This man was speaking my language. A language of personal contact and speaking from the heart. He spoke to me regarding his family and basically stated that no one ever came to visit. We assume this to be true but I have often found that some will forget even if their loved ones have just left the building. However, I went in and spent some time with him and Lord willing encouraged him a bit. I know he did me!!!!

But as we consider today's passage we must think about the tragedy this dear man was facing. No matter when or how often he had been visited...he felt all alone. Surrounded by people coming and going, he still felt as though he was alone. That's a bad feeling. A horrible situation by any stretch of the imagination. To think you are alone, all alone with no end in sight. He was experiencing this when I happened to walk by. He called out in an attempt to help in his struggle. Thankfully, I happened to hear (now I know some of you are questioning this due to my selective hearing issues....) but I did hear and thankfully I responded.

Today's passage reminded me of this event....

1 Peter 3:12.... For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers;

I found great comfort in this today. God sees and hears when we call out to HIM. What are the specifics that should bless us and guide us in today's journey of faith???

God sees..... This is the what, the where and the when of our life. HE knows what is going on with us. He is aware of where we are in our journey and the when's of the specific issues. Often times we think we are alone and that no one knows and/or cares. Our particular struggle has brought to light emotions and thoughts that perhaps we have never faced before. We must combat them with the precious truths of God's loving word. HIS eyes are on the righteous. He see's our struggle. HE is not uncaring but more than anything HE watchs to see what WE are going to do. Will we revert back to old patterns of behavior? Will we fall prey to allowing the flesh to dominate and lead us to paths of destrucion? Or will we simply realize that HE sees and cares and will intervene as only HE can at strategic moments to help us find the way! But what is HE waiting on????

I believe HE waits on us to call!

Remember, His ears are open to our prayers!!!! Prayers are our calling out to God. Prayers are us crying out to HIM. Right were we are, calling HIS name and bringing our petition to HIS throne. I am soooooo encouraged to tell you that not only does HE SEE but HE ALSO HEARS. My hearing is damaged for the rest of my life. Things I once enjoyed the sound of I can no longer hear. But HE hears clearly, with the absolute clarity that only HE has, as HIS children call to HIM in prayer.

There is an old yet powerful song that sings a bit of this..... " I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear these burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone."

Do you think they understood the heart of God???? Absolutely! My precious friend, Never forget HE loves you and will see you though. You are NOT alone! He simply waits on you to call HIS name!!!! Try it...... He'll be there!

"Call to ME and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3

"Come unto ME, all lyou who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

HE said it....I believe it....How about you???


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