It is special to Him because He shows His love, mercy and watch care as He works in our lives. Special to us because the God of our universe cares for us. Nothing is impossible for Him. We just come as little children and allow Him to work in our most difficult circumstances, which of course are not even a remote obstacle to Him. As we saw yesterday, what a powerful event it is when our Father answers. The more difficult the situation, the more powerful the answer.
Let's continue on with Psalm 126:2b-3....
And the other nations said, "What amazing things the LORD has done for them." Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us! What joy!
Another benefit of answered prayer is that it is a testimony to the unsaved world of His existence, His involvement, His power and His love. Often the unredeemed mock, ignore, laugh and many other signs of rejection and unbelief. In fact they can be quite brutal at times. Sadly, I can remember in my BC days that I too was a part of that type of mocking. Turn in your Bible to Psalm 137:1-3 and you will see a written record of the persecution Israel faced while in Babylon. This will help us understand their laughter, joy and proclamation of God's amazing work for them.
Notice what verse 2 says to us....That when God moves, they (the unsaved) witness His incredible working. They knew the enslavement of Israel but they also saw their deliverance as well. Sometimes answered prayer is a public proclamation of God's existence to the lost.
If they don't see it, then we need to tell it!!! As God works among us we need to be acutely aware that the lost/unbelieving are watching. When HE works, if it is not noticeable to them then we need to share what HE has done. Answered prayer can not only bless us but also point others to our Savior and our God.
I love what verse 3 does. It is a declaration of how significant God's working among us is. Amazing things! They reflected along with the lost only to shout in conclusion HE has done amazing things for us!!!! When we pray, we open the door for God to do AMAZING THINGS. The opposite is also true. When we do not pray, we get exactly what we ask for.....nothing.
Is that true in your world? Is HE working and doing mighty things? Perhaps, It doesn't seem that He is because you are not asking for Him to be involved in your life. Pray my brother and sister. Pray. Spend time with Him in secret. Tell Him your struggles, fears and obstacles. Let him be your burden bearer.
Don't give up after a few days, weeks or even years. Keep on praying, clinging to Him and His promises from His word. When He answers, not only will you be blessed beyond measure but the lost will see the glory of our God. And who knows, it may be just what they need to see, to open the door for you to share the gospel with them.
I love the way that verse 3 finishes....WHAT JOY!!! That is the testimony of God's saints. What Joy! Answered prayer brings God's joy to our hearts! Have you ever been there? I have and it is truly a place filled with laughter and singing! If you are in the valley today, do not despair, just pray, pray without ceasing. When He answers you will be filled with Joy! His joy...and there is nothing like it!
So my friend, never give up! Pray on!
You'll be glad you did!
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