Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How's Your Garden Growing? Part 3

Here we are on our third day regarding this critical subject. We have seen first, that God is in all aspects of the giving process. HE provides the seed for us to sow. Secondly, We looked a bit yesterday at the tragic life of one who squandered the seed he had been given! Now, today, what happens when we cooperate with God and give as HE instructs?

Well, again our text comes from 2 Corinthians 9:10.....

"Now may HE who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness."

Multiply the seed you have sown......MMMMMMMM, a nugget here. God not only provides the seed for us to sow but HE can also multiply it!!! Imagine, believing that HE will bless what we give in obedience, in Jesus name. Do you actually believe HE can multiply that which we give? Do you believe HE can bless today in such a measure that what we give HE multiplies? HE can give even greater harvest as the result?

Notice what HE did not highlight.... It is not the size of the gift! So often we think that only the rich give but quite the opposite is true. The rich often times are the stingiest givers. Unless they have been touched by the masters hand! In reality, He is looking at the heart behind the gift. A heart that willingly, obeys its Master and joins in the process of God's work. When it isn't about worldly gain, material possessions or personal pleasure we can yoke up with the Holy Spirit and see HIM work in ways we cannot normally see.

HE multiplies the seed for those who sow. Can I take the liberty here to reverse it? HE does not multiply the seed for those who do not sow. Ever wonder why you just can't seem to get ahead? Wonder why it seems as though others seem to prosper more than you or your family? It may be that your selfishness is being highlighted. You are living your life your way and spend your God given resources any way YOU please. You have lots of stuff and lots of problems, no peace! Well, this is a monster of you own making.

I once told one of God servants whose life had shifted from a 6 figure income to the brink of bankruptcy, you did it your way so how is it working for you? Are you ready to do it God's way? He was and today he is and God has worked mightily in and through his life. Today he is cooperating with God on a level that many are afraid to walk. I pray for a whole church full, of fully surrendered Children of God, willing, able and ready to give and go at any moment for God.

The biggest enemy is our flesh. Denying ourselves on a daily basis for HIS glory! So that we can join HIM in HIS work. Do we dare trust HIM in this area? Are we willing to give up stuff so others may come to know Christ? Again, it is a daily, moment by moment choice!

If you want to see God do great things in your world, we must be willing to expect great things from HIM! Without giving up control in this area to HIM we will never see all that HE can accomplish!
My precious brother and sister in Jesus, HE longs to work through you and touch this world. Join with HIM. Ask HIM what HE would have you give? Then do it! If you are soooo strapped you can't then, join with us on one of our FPU classes or Journey to financial freedom classes. Get free so you can join the work of God!

I love being where HE is at work. Won't you join us there!

How's Your Garden Growing? Part 2

Why isn't my garden growing? This may be a question someone would ask if they had a garden spot and had planted some seeds. One of the first things we would ask in return is, did you plant any seed? How much did you plant and where did you plant it may be a few others?

What would you say to someone who said they were getting nothing out of their garden and you had asked them if they had planted any seed and they had said NO? You would no doubt laugh and say how could you expect fruit from a garden when you had planted no seed in the garden!!!

This weeks text helps us here.....

2 Corinthians 9:10...Now may HE who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.

As we learned yesterday, God provides the seed.......and if we know that (HE said it in HIS word) then why in the world would we NOT sow the seed HE has given??? When we think of it like that, it does seem silly to not use HIS resources, HIS way! Let me share with you another passage that speaks powerfully on this.... Turn to Luke 12:16-21. Read it through and let's consider a few things about Bounty (aka seed aka money).

Whether you realize it or not we are blessed bountifully here in the USA! I believe this passage applies to EVERY born again believer in the US! We must consider a few things from this passage...

1) Bounty is an Opportunity, not a burden! (16-17)The rich man was blessed and struggled with what to do. What shall I do? It was a concern for him, a burden if you will. He wasn't sure what he should do with his new found bounty. He however did not go outside of himself for his wisdom. He decided what he needed to do. He decided to keep it for himself. Thus creating a greater burden for himself. More stuff to keep up with. More to tend and watch over! Wonder how his life would have changed if he would have asked God and followed in simple obedience......give it away!

2)Bigger is not always best.....especially when we don't consult God! (18) He naturally decided to buy bigger. He must have been an American! We rarely think about being content. We get more, we want more, we build more, we buy more!!! I will store all my crops and my goods he says......All for himself! Get the big picture! I wonder how many families could have been saved if we had just kept our lives simple??? How many kids could have grown up with the love they desperately wanted if mom's and dad's had chosen to keep their lives simple? Ever heard....I want my kids to have more???? How about more love and more time!!! Maybe we could if we didn't have so much stuff!!!

3) Bounty can lead us to paths of laziness, apathy and loss of Biblical vision! (19) Life is not about us eating and drinking and merriment. While God does allow us to enjoy the life HE has given us, I am certain HE has no desire for us to stagnate in our selfishness.....! How many brothers and sisters in Jesus have fallen prey to stagnation as they laid back in their proverbial recliners of life! How many precious souls have gone into eternity as we rest in our bounty???!!!

4) Bounty, when squandered selfishly, will be left behind.....and.....WILL BE LEFT BEHIND! (20-21) How many have left their "Stuff" behind as they left this world and headed into the next??? It is certain we can carry nothing out! So we must be careful with what we do with what HE has provided!
All the resources that HE had provided squandered on stuff that will not last nor will go into eternity!

5) Let's Be Rich Toward God!
(21) So why not cooperate with God in HIS Great Work and use those GOD provided resources for HIS glory! It is a choice you know???!!! Each individual has a choice. As a matter of fact I just got off the phone with another of God's financially free servants and they just obeyed the Lord and HE has provided again! They made a choice to obey and HE is again providing!

So.....How is your seed planting going? How's your garden growing??? It's your choice!


How's Your Garden Growing?

This weeks topic is one that many of you may be able to identify with. During this spring season many families and individuals spend lots of time sowing all types of seeds. Some are sown in the yard as grass seed. Others may sow in their garden spot many types of seeds they trust with the right sunshine and rain they will see a bountiful harvest of produce to fill their freezers. Either way this week's treasure uses this illustration to teach us truth on how God works in this process....spiritually. Our text is found in 2 Corinthians 9:10.....Read it with me....IN fact read chapters 8 and 9 throughout the week.....you will be blessed!

"Now may HE who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness."

Now before we dig in too far I must tell you that this passage, contextually, is all about giving. So for those of you who run any time a man of God brings up the topic of giving go ahead and put your running shoes on.......Chickens! For the rest of you, hang on as HE is about to unveil how Awesome HE is in this Great work of God, in showing us how HE uses us to accomplish His work here!

Chapters 8 and 9 both are dealing with how God works in and through HIS church (aka you and I ) to meet the needs of missions here and all over the world. When we come to verse 10 HE unveils several key things regarding giving.

1) HE is IN all aspects of the process of giving.
HE uses an illustration most of the original readers would have clearly understood back then.....HE supplies the seed (the initial product that brings forth growth and harvest) for the ones who will sow it. HE also supplies the end result (the true goal of seed sowing, food for the eater, ) bread. HE not only initiates the beginning but supplies the seed to be sown and HE also provides the final product to meet the need of the hungry. Kinda reminds me of the Alpha and Omega passage where HE is the beginning and the end!!!

In giving it is the same way. HE will supply seed (aka Money) for us to sow and even multiply that which has been sown (aka the process ) which we will look into another day. Now for Many Christians today this concept of cooperating with God in finances is rare. Most get THEIR money, do with it as they please and then give God the left overs. If there is anything left at the end of the month then HE gets that. I often hear christians talking about ways they have spent their money (sadly wasted would have been a better word) and they bypass the many opportunities God has provided for them. I too am guilty of this in times past. We squander it on our fleshly desires. OUCH.....hurts doesn't it!? We will give an account........to ONE who knows the whole truth!!!!

How sad it is that we are so far removed from HIM that we fail to see what HE clearly shows in scripture.....IT IS ALL HIS! We miss the incredible opportunities that HE often places before us to give in obedience and watch HIM provide the seed and then multiply it!

Many of our CBF'rs have been through FPU here at our church. Many are learning how to cooperate with God in their giving. Many are seeing HIS provision as well as HIS blessing. But let me warn you. IT will never be without the exercise of faith. We must trust HIM in and through the process. I have heard testimony after testimony in the past few years. How about your's? What does your spiritual garden say about your seed sowing for God? Are you asking HIM what HE would have you do?

Tomorrow we will deal with the why's of why we don't! It is so simple yet sooooo profound! Joining with the God of the Universe to reach this world for HIM! Nothing else compares!

Join with us, won't you???


Friday, May 22, 2009

We will Remember...

As we all head into this Memorial Day weekend may we pause and thank God for those who have given their lives for our freedom. I like most of you, was born and raised in this beautiful Country of the United States. I celebrate my freedom today because someone else died for me to enjoy this privilege. Thanks to all who have sacrificed for us! Thanks to all our veterans for their willing sacrifice also!

Along with this great weekend celebration, we must also remember the ONE who died so that we too might enjoy freedom. Freedom from the bondage of sin. Freedom from the debt (the penalty) of sin. Freedom from guilt. Of course I am speaking of God's Son, Jesus Christ! We must also thank God for the gift of His Son so that we may have freedom in Christ.

May we never forget the high cost of true freedom. Whether we are speaking of civil, social or religious freedom or freedom from the condemnation of sin. Praise God for this awesome privilege to be free!!!

John 8:36 If the SON therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed!

Have a Christ filled weekend!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Aiming High????

I have heard it said that if you aim at nothing you hit it every time. Haven't you seen that played out over and over in life. People aiming at nothing.....and ultimately hitting it every time!

I talk with people frequently who when asked what do you want to do (aka..what are you aiming at) they simply reply..."I dunno" And you know what, they are honest in their assessment of themselves. They really don't know. They do not have a defined goal, purpose or target in their lives....except maybe to play, or gel or relax.

Today's passage leads us to sweet waters as we see the goal that Paul had for his life and his exhortation to all of us in regards to our supreme goal. Read it with me......

2 Corinthians 5:9..."Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him."

Goals of life might be to be successful, popular, strong, smart, wealthy or many other worldly pursuits. For the Christian it may be to be good, loving, honest, forthright, merciful, gracious and many other admirable goal! But are these the absolute best in life??? God's word again gives us the direction we need. Paul was saying that no matter whether we are here on the earth or already in heaven we should have but one goal. PLEASE CHRIST!

This must be the bedrock foundational truth to based our actions and attitudes on. Please Him! Everything else will fall into its proper place when we choose to please Him in all we do. A similar exhortation is found in 1 Corinthians 10:31...where we are told whatever we do to do to HIS glory. If we set out to please HIM as a Man, Woman, Young Adult, Child, employee, employer, student, Christian....do you not know that this is our highest calling!

Notice that it is not just pleasing but well pleasing. Going above and beyond in our life to be well pleasing to our great God! Is this your aim? Is your each and every moment controlled by one aim alone? That is to please Christ? To be well pleasing to HIM! According to HIS word, it should be. No excuses just humble yourself and say YES Lord! I will do what is right and let you take care of the rest!

The US Airforce once had the ad's that simply said "Aim High." Can I say that this is not their slogan but actually was written some 2000 years before by the apostle Paul when he said to us, AIM HIGH! Please Christ!


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sweet Smells of Seasons!

Have you smelled them yet? Have you been able to capture a fragrance of spring yet? I have on several occasions recently. Fragrant aromas flowing through the air announcing to all the purpose of the their presence. Some are beautiful to look at, others their smell captivates our senses to remind us of the arrival of spring and summer.

As I read today I was captured by the word "fragrance" in the scriptures and how God used it. Today's treasure is found in 2 Corinthians 2: 14 as the apostle Paul shares the focus of his life as he serves Christ in the midst of his daily grind! Perhaps it will bless you as it did me this morning as I was reading.

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 2 Cor. 2:14

A few things jumped out at me this morning. First, Paul was thankful in his life. Now for most of us we fail to grasp the power of that statement. We must all realize that Paul was carrying a heavy burden. He was suffering greatly and had been suffering greatly at the hands of the lost and sadly the saved also. Throughout this letter he speaks of his personal sufferings of heart, mind and soul! And yet, HE WAS STILL THANKFUL! How did he maintain this???? Let's look further....

Our Second nugget from God's word is the he realized that God had led him there. Even though God did not cause the evils that had fallen on him, he recognized that they were God allowed. Then if they were God allowed, God had a purpose in his life as well as the lives of others. Do you pause in the midst of your struggles to see God's hand in them? If you look closely you will see HIS fingerprints all over the place!

Thirdly, Triumph was certain! God always leads in victory. So many times in the word of God what looks like utter defeat turns into absolute victory for HIS children. Paul knew victory would ultimately be his as God leads the way to victory! Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, Peter, and Paul could all testify of the certainty of the triumph of God's children. No matter how dark, how uncertain, how difficult, victory is certain. How about I say 1 word........CALVARY! Enough said!!!

Lastly, Paul recognized that his world was not about ONLY him. He knew that God was not only working in his life but also to allow others (the lost) to hear and eyewitness the grace of Christ! Here he calls it "diffuses the fragrance of HIS knowledge in every place." Have you ever been somewhere when fragrant flowers were in bloom? Often times you can smell them long before you actually see them. Many times when riding our motorcycle my wife and I would smell the aroma's of flowers or honeysuckle long before we would see them. I often wonder am I the aroma of Christ to my family, my friends or the world in which I live? This was what Paul had in mind as he penned these truths. His message was one of Christ and Him alone. For others to see Christ and hear Christ from his life and lips was to allow them to smell the fragrance of His Savior!

He was able to be thankful in all of his circumstances as he grasped the glory of the work of Christ in him! God leads, HE leads in triumph, HE works through us to reveal HIS glory to those around us! Now that is the reason to be thankful. What is happening is not happening by chance or accident. God is working our HIS glorious plan, even when and especially when it includes surprises, sadness, suffering and struggle!

It is then when we need to surrender to the potters hand and see what kind of vessel HE can construct! Then and only then will we be the fragrance of Christ as HE works lovingly and deliberately in and through us. This is the season of Grace!!!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Light Has Come to AMERICA!!!!!

Today's short blog will celebrate the recent admission of the American Psychological Association that there is "NO" conclusive evidence there is actually a "gene" that causes someone to be homosexual. In other words, they are not born that way.

DUH, Ya think???

Some 15 years after the APA bowed to political pressures of the Sodomite community of America, they have now come to THEIR psychological senses and admitted what Christians have always known. Sodomy, Homosexuality, Gay lifestyle is SIN! Just as much as Adultery, Pornography, Sex outside of marriage, Beastiality, Drunkeness etc... is also SIN! Sin is a choice. It always is and always has been! We've never denied that. The Christian community ( those true to Biblical Authority) that is.

That is why Jesus told the woman taken in Adultery to "go and SIN no more." Sin is a violation of HIS law, HIS truth, His word! When Paul wrote of God's plan for the human body in 1 Corinthians 6, he was clear to note several dominate "sins" of his day. They are still dominate in the unregenerated society in which we live. Read the verses with me...

9 Don’t you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers—none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God. 11 There was a time when some of you were just like that, but now your sins have been washed away, and you have been set apart for God. You have been made right with God because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you. NLT

Sound familiar??? Sounds very much like today's struggles doesn't it? You see, sin has always been our struggle, since the fall of man that is! The true church has not changed her message! It is the reason of Calvary! Preach on Oh Church of God! The light is shining and will continue to shine as we do not bow to the pressures of society but to Our Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone! Then we will not have to recant our previous position but will remain firmly planted on the Rock! AMEN


Thursday, May 14, 2009

With All My Heart...

I am sure that most of us have at one time or another said to those we love...."I Love You with All my Heart." Now that saying is powerful when said to a spouse or loved one. What we usually are trying to say is that we love them from the greatest depth of our soul. From way down deep in our being we are communicating the depth of our love.

For you guys out there I highly encourage you tell your wife you love her frequently. If her love language is not verbal then say it with your actions!!! Amen ladies!!!???

Now on with our blog.... I was thinking on that statement "with all my heart." I ran across it today as I read in Psalms 119 and found it in verse 10. Here is what it said...

With my whole heart I have sought You...Psalm 119:10

As I considered this simple yet awesome verse I wondered???? Am I seeking HIM with all my heart? Am I honestly pursuing the Lord with all I am? I must admit, I was challenged. Even as I write this blog I am pierced at the honest evaluation that statement causes.

With my Whole heart! As I contemplate that powerful statement, I must consider other things this verse might have said. Could the Psalmist have said....With 1/2 my heart I have sought You? Or perhaps with 2/3 rds of my heart I have sought You? How about with 1/4 th of my heart I have sought You. Fellas what if you said to your wife...I love you with 1/2 my heart? What do you think she would say??? Or would she say???? You may just get the silent treatment! Reading it in that manner we see that what HE was really saying is, that in his seeking of the Lord, he was fully committed to pursue God.

MMMMMM.... Fully committed. Just what is that to us? I am sure some of my Independent brothers could give us a list but I want to go deeper. It is not the things HE is concerned with (as HE will take care of those things Himself) but more with the HEART of HIS children. Time after time in the NT Jesus dealt with the issues of the heart. He doesn't want 1/4, 1/2 or even 2/3 of the heart of HIS children but wants it ALL!

How much is ALL??? Everything, every area, every part!!!! Nothing held back.
As we look at today's Church, do we see heart's fully committed to HIM? Honestly, no. What I have heard over and over from chruch leaders is why is there such apathy in the church? The truth is, there is NO committment. Could it be the opposite of committment is complacency?

Last evening at the Church we sang "I surrender all." As we were singing I was praying "Oh God make it so in our Church, make it so in my heart."

I recently read a quote that I wrote on my board in my office. It reads... A commitment to growth kills complacency. WOW! Let's bring that into our thoughts for today. How committed are you to growing in your relationship with God? I mean making some huge decisions to seek HIM with all of your heart! With 100% of your heart going for it! Pursuing HIM?

Make a decision and the necessary changes to your life and lifestyle to place your relationship with Christ first and foremost. Make HIM the first person you speak with each day, the first person you turn to during the day when problems arise.

Now I would be negligent if I failed to share with you where this passage fits in contextually. Our verse for the day is nestled comfortably in Psalms 119. If you know anything at all about this chapter you know it is all about the Word of God! The place where we can seek HIM the most is in reading and studying the Word of God! Your Bible is THE place where you can pursue HIM with all your heart!

So how much time are you spending reading HIS precious word? How many verses are you working on memorizing? How faithful are you to HIS house (aka the church) where you can hear the Word of God faithfully proclaimed? How much time are you spending meditating on the things you know from His Holy Scriptures? You see, these all are a reflection of our hearts. If we love HIM with all our heart, it will be proven by how often, how much, what we have done in and with HIS book, the Bible!

Oh, my brothers and sisters. May HE grant us a love for HIM like we have never known. May we love HIM so much we spend every waking, spare moment infatuated with HIS biblical truths. So much so, HE hears us saying.......I love you with all my heart!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Tragedy of Aloneness

Once as I was visiting a Nursing Facility where one of our church family was residing, I was on my way down the hall making my way towards the door when I had an older gentleman call out to me. His call caught me a bit by surprise as I did not know him, nor had ever met him. He simply said, " will you come and visit with me?" For those of you who know me well, you know that I love to visit and share with folks even though my need for study does not always allow me to do as much as I would love to do.

This man was speaking my language. A language of personal contact and speaking from the heart. He spoke to me regarding his family and basically stated that no one ever came to visit. We assume this to be true but I have often found that some will forget even if their loved ones have just left the building. However, I went in and spent some time with him and Lord willing encouraged him a bit. I know he did me!!!!

But as we consider today's passage we must think about the tragedy this dear man was facing. No matter when or how often he had been visited...he felt all alone. Surrounded by people coming and going, he still felt as though he was alone. That's a bad feeling. A horrible situation by any stretch of the imagination. To think you are alone, all alone with no end in sight. He was experiencing this when I happened to walk by. He called out in an attempt to help in his struggle. Thankfully, I happened to hear (now I know some of you are questioning this due to my selective hearing issues....) but I did hear and thankfully I responded.

Today's passage reminded me of this event....

1 Peter 3:12.... For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers;

I found great comfort in this today. God sees and hears when we call out to HIM. What are the specifics that should bless us and guide us in today's journey of faith???

God sees..... This is the what, the where and the when of our life. HE knows what is going on with us. He is aware of where we are in our journey and the when's of the specific issues. Often times we think we are alone and that no one knows and/or cares. Our particular struggle has brought to light emotions and thoughts that perhaps we have never faced before. We must combat them with the precious truths of God's loving word. HIS eyes are on the righteous. He see's our struggle. HE is not uncaring but more than anything HE watchs to see what WE are going to do. Will we revert back to old patterns of behavior? Will we fall prey to allowing the flesh to dominate and lead us to paths of destrucion? Or will we simply realize that HE sees and cares and will intervene as only HE can at strategic moments to help us find the way! But what is HE waiting on????

I believe HE waits on us to call!

Remember, His ears are open to our prayers!!!! Prayers are our calling out to God. Prayers are us crying out to HIM. Right were we are, calling HIS name and bringing our petition to HIS throne. I am soooooo encouraged to tell you that not only does HE SEE but HE ALSO HEARS. My hearing is damaged for the rest of my life. Things I once enjoyed the sound of I can no longer hear. But HE hears clearly, with the absolute clarity that only HE has, as HIS children call to HIM in prayer.

There is an old yet powerful song that sings a bit of this..... " I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! I cannot bear these burdens alone; I must tell Jesus! I must tell Jesus! Jesus can help me, Jesus alone."

Do you think they understood the heart of God???? Absolutely! My precious friend, Never forget HE loves you and will see you though. You are NOT alone! He simply waits on you to call HIS name!!!! Try it...... He'll be there!

"Call to ME and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Jeremiah 33:3

"Come unto ME, all lyou who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

HE said it....I believe it....How about you???
