Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Finding Daily Fullness!

All of us have seen the headlines recently, the sad and premature deaths of several of our cultures' rich and famous. As I watched the news this weekend, I saw the faces of those who had recently departed and was saddened to see the obvious loss of hope that they seemed to have. Of course some knew they were leaving soon and others found out at death! " It IS appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment!" Heb 9:27

But my thoughts today center around finding daily fulfillment, no matter what your circumstances. Each of us lives with eternity in view, even when we do not acknowledge it. It looms in the future of every human being!

As I was reading and praying this AM, I spent some time in Psalm 1 and this is where we will mine today's treasure....

This Psalm is a treasure as it gives us the pathway of daily success and blessing. (now when I say blessing, I am not saying $$ blessing, but simply HEART blessing, which is multifaceted). Go ahead and read the Psalm......take your time....enjoy the ride.....it is only 6 verses....

I would like to give you a few things to consider that it is teaching us......

Blessed in this passage and the other 43 times it is used in the Bible means.....to be prosperous or HAPPY! If I were to ask you, is it wrong to want to be happy, what would you say? In reality, it is not wrong to want to be happy but where we error is HOW and WHERE we think we can find happiness. Here is where God's plan detours from man's thinking.

We often think we will find happiness in money and wealth, health and beauty, relationships and people, material things and riches, jobs and success and many others things of life. Now these things themselves are not necessarily wrong but when they are placed out of place in our thinking and life choices, they can easily lead us astray.

But God says.....that we will be most happy when

1) We reject the worlds way.... (vs. 1)
He uses 3 different descriptions to reveal the world to us.....the ungodly, sinners and the scornful.....I like the NLT on this one...
(which doesn't mean Nice Loose Translation)

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not
follow the advice of the wicked,
or stand around with sinners,
or join in with mockers.

Part of the reason we often fail to walk or live with daily joy and blessedness is that we have adopted the worlds way of thinking and living. This should NOT be the case with God's children. We should reject the"stinking" thinking of the world and cling to HIS way and HIS way alone! Notice verse 2....(again in NLT)

But they delight in the law of the Lord,
meditating on it day and night.

2) They Choose a Different Path from the World......(vs.2)
People who enjoy happiness (lasting) are people who reject the worlds way for a better way.....God's.
They DELIGHT in HIS word and MEDITATE on it each and every day..... Delight here is also translated PLEASURE & DESIRE. Do you pleasure in God's word? Is it what you desire everyday? Now for most of us the answer is no. Is it any wonder that we have lost our happiness, our joy?

The word Meditate is often translated as speak, utter, mourn, groan with the idea that one would repeat over and over from the inside out God's precious word. Thinking, reflecting, engaging HIS promise and principle. Do you find yourself thinking, reflecting and rejoicing in HIS truth? Most times we do not, because we spend so little time in it. When we do we don't stay long enough to receive it as ours and thus never learn the wonder of meditating in it!

So....Do you want to be happy? Then make time, daily, to read, learn, feed upon, and think on the promise of God for you. It will bring HAPPINESS to your HEART as you engage the God of the Universe and HIS love for you! It is the ONLY place to find fullness in life!

You'll be Happy you did!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Are You in the Zone (part 3)

Morning Everyone! Another Awesome Saturday our Father has given us..... I trust you are spending some much needed time at HIS feet this morning. You ought to see how the sun shines in the sanctuary through the cross at 6:45am....It will light up your heart! But hasn't the cross always done that to those who see and believe!!!???

Now onward to today's final treasure on getting out of the COMFORT ZONE....

Hebrews 11:6....But without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for he who comes to God must believe that HE is, and that HE is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM.

Another test of whether we are in stuck in the ZONE, in regards to our walk of faith, is by asking ourselves this question.... Are we exercising faith in God in our daily life? We have already seen that "stinking thinking" & "prayerlessness" are evidences of COMFORT ZONE Christianity. But today we look even more closely to see what we are trusting in God for???

In this day of immediate gratification......Credit cards, lines of credit, mortgages, car loans, charge cards at almost every retail location, even and including food locations, both restaurants and groceries. We never have to do without. Never have to wait or pray cause we can have it NOW!

This mindset permeates our whole society and is the very essence of the world that God commands us not to love. (see 1 John 2:15-17) Because when we love this world we love ourselves and NOT our Father as we should.

Not depending on HIM is a sign of self love. When we depend on HIM we will come to HIM as little children and look to HIM for our every need. COMFORT ZONE Christianity is comfortable because we control the gratification of our soul. We become very smug, satisfied and self reliant.......MMMMM, shall we say....comfortable!

Today's verses teach us that COMFORT ZONE Christianity does not and cannot please our Great God and Father. When we do not exercise faith and depend on HIM and HIM alone we are manifesting a fleshly lifestyle and dependence. This is totally contrary to the TRUE Christian lifestyle HE desires and commands.

So, are you too comfortable in your walk? Is there too much you and not enough HIM? Confess your detachment from HIM. Confess you self reliance. Confess your lack of dependence on HIM. Confess your rejection of HIS provision. Confess being too comfortable in your walk. Trust HIM today! Lean upon HIS promise! Pray, Wait and Rejoice as you enter the refreshing, joy filled, walk of faith!

You'll be glad you did!


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Are You in the Zone (part 2)

Today I would like for us to think on this treasure. What have you asked God for lately? Have you even asked God for anything in the recent few days? Now the reason for this question is that I believe this is perhaps the most prayer less generation ever. The reason of my thinking is due to the fact that we in America are the most comfortable generation ever!

Consider these precious truths....

James 4:2....you do not have because you do not ask.

1 John 5:14-15...Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him.

John 14:13 & 14...And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do,....If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.

I could have written many other scriptures but these will suffice. Our topic for the past few days is, are we in the COMFORT ZONE in our relationship with Christ? One of the telling signs that we are, is how much are we depending on HIM in our everyday lives? How do we assess that??? How much and what are you praying about (aka...asking HIM for ).

So, my brothers and sisters, how is you prayer life? Are you spending much time in secret with HIM? Specifically searching scripture seeking answers from HIM via HIS precious word? When we are comfortable, we will be self sufficient. Oh, we will call on HIM when there is a major calamity but in the daily stuff we have it all under control. Or so we think.

If you haven't been spending time with HIM in His word and in prayer time perhaps this is a flag saying you are too comfortable in your walk of faith. Perhaps it is time for you to ask God to get you out of your COMFORT ZONE so you can see the glory of GOD on a daily basis. Don't settle for less than the absolute best HE has for you and your family.

But you will never see it until you get out.......of your COMFORT ZONE that is!!!


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are You in the Zone?

Morning Everyone, Sorry for my absence but have been a bit under the weather as well as swamped in the work. God is Good!

Let's focus a few minutes on this thought. Zones.......Have you ever been in a zone? You probably have but just didn't realize it. We see zones all around us. There are parking zones, speed zones, school zones, quiet zones (for those of us older folk #:) )and I am sure many others that are not coming to mind right now. But there is one zone that is not good for the believer.......COMFORT ZONE.

This zone is recognized by these parameters. What we feel comfortable in or doing. What we have always done. What we have always thought or seen. In other words what we either have experienced or seen or think is the boundary or this zone. This is where I believe many Christians have taken up residence in our culture. They have backed in their travel trailers of life and planted deep stakes with plans to never move.

Now this is dangerous for us for several scriptural reasons.....

1) Isaiah 55:8-9... For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways MY ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are MY ways higher than your ways, And MY thoughts than your thoughts.

This warns us that when we are the most comfortable it is possible that we are the least likely to be where HE wants us to be, spiritually. This should cause us to be sure that HE controls our every action and thought. Ask ourselves, Is this where and what HE would have us to do???

The only way to be sure is for us to bring it all to the table of HIS word. To subject ourselves to wise and godly counsel and to spend sufficient time in prayer. Sadly, I have seen far too much flesh thinking and acting and not enough humble surrender to HIS plans and purposes in life.

So what about you dear one? Are you prioritizing your life to meet with God more regularly? Making changes to facilitate this? It is necessary to die to self for this to happen. (Romans 12:1-2) Don't look for everyone to agree with your surrender as many in the camp follow self dedicated lifestyles. Spend time with HIM in secret, let HIM guide your life's choices and daily decisions. You will be glad you did.....

but it will take you out of YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

We'll look a bit further tomorrow....


Saturday, June 13, 2009

Who's Watching???

Hello Everyone, How are things on this lovely Saturday? HE has provided another banner day for us today. hasn't HE!!!!???? Have you thanked HIM for it? Take time to do that now! Praise HIM for HIS faithfulness!

Today's treasure is found in Psalms 33:18-19.....

Behold the eye of the LORD is on those who fear HIM, on those who hope in HIS mercy, to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.

T and I have just finished keeping our Grandchildren over night. Their mom was sick and so were they so we thought we could serve them by taking care of the two little ones while mother went to the doc and then home for meds and sleep. Now, I must admit this is a blessed mission. Even when they are not sick we will almost always say yes!!!

Our youngest Granddaughter is at the ripe age to get into everything. But this time she is on medication and it seemed as though she took an extra amount of careful watching. One time I looked over and she had stacked one of her little kiddie chairs in the seat of one of our wooden dining room chairs and was preparing to climb for her Mt Everest experience. Needless to say, I was watching and caught her before she made her assent to the top!

As I read this verse today I was thankful for our Great God's faithfulness to watch over us! HE see's all and know's all regarding our life experiences. Only when we rest in the fact of this verse can we learn to "enjoy" the ride shall we say. Far too many times we fret over our circumstances. Lay awake at night trying to work out our current situation. When all the while HE has HIS eye on us!

What is troubling you today? What are you trying to figure out? To work out? To wrestle through? Lighten up! Even the most difficult becomes easy when HE enters the situation! Far too many times HE wants to show us the way and we are too busy trying to work it all out to see HIS hand at work! How sad to think that we may miss this fabulous opportunity all because we forget the our Father has HIS eye on us!

No matter what is troubling you today..... stop and talk to HIM! Tell HIM how you feel and what you think. Then RELAX..... HE has it all under control. Humble yourself under HIS authority and let the Almighty God work! Nothing is impossible for HIM!

All I can say is.... I am glad my Father is watching over me!


Friday, June 12, 2009

Strength for the Journey

Morning Everyone!!!! How is your day going? Seen our Great Father's hand at work yet? HE is there and working all the time! Even when we do not see HIM!

Today's Scripture Treasure is found in Ephesians 1:19 & 20...

And what is the exceeding greatness of HIS power toward us who believe, according to the working of HIS mighty power which HE worked in Christ when HE raised HIM from the dead and seated HIM at HIS right hand in the heavenly places,

The power of God working in us! Let's think about that a bit. Is the power of God evident in your life? Do you see the supernatural power of God unleashed in you? Shouldn't we be able to see HIM at work? The answer has to be a definitive YES, based upon today's treasure.

First, the power HE is speaking of is power that is NOT limited by any earthly limitations. HE describes it as the power that was unleashed in Christ when HE raised HIM from the dead and then carried HIM through the heavens into the 3rd heaven. It is this power that is to be working in us! Resurrection power pulsating through our veins!

Next, it is available only for those who believe in Christ (trust HIM to save them). You see there is a transaction that takes place at the moment a person trusts Jesus to save them. The moment they believe, HE seals their trust with the HOLY SPIRIT. HE moves into us to enable us to live the resurrected life. But this is all made possible by exercise of our faith in HIM!

Now here are a few things to consider if we do not see HIS supernatural power at work in us....WHY? This passage unveils Paul's prayer for the Ephesians. That God would open their eyes to HIS awesome work in them.

What areas will I see HIS power at work?
  • Freedom from the guilt of sin! Christ has born our sin debt so we can be free!!!! Shall we say celebrate!!!!
  • Freedom from the power of sin.....Sin shall no longer have dominion over us!!!!
  • Freedom from habitual sin....We are transformed by changing our belief system!!!
  • Freedom to follow Christ in simple obedience....By obeying HIS word, we trust HIM to bring it to pass!
  • Freedom to love others as HE would have us to do even though they (and we) do not deserve it! It is called AGAPE for a reason! (aka..no strings attached)
  • Freedom from the fear of man to worship and serve the Awesome God that HE IS!
Think on this a bit and ask youself, am I free to follow Christ? Am I living in the power of HIS resurrection? You can be and should be! Find out why not and make the necessary changes. Why settle for second best.... mediocre Christianity powerless Christianity! Get out of your comfort zone and let the power of God work in and through you!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Blessing or Burden?

MOOOOORRRRNNNNIIIIINNNGGGGG Everyone! How are you today? Rejoicing in the Wonder of Christ today??!! We should! HE loves you (and I thank the Lord) with an Everlasting Love! Aren't you glad!!!!??? Smile, HE loves you!

Today's verse is a short one to spur your thinking on personal responsibility. How many times have you heard someone say "its not my fault?" Now sometimes I will give in, it isn't but far more times than not it IS OUR FAULT but we just will not take the blame. Consider this next verse and the treasure it has for us....

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8

The simple truth found in this powerful passage is that God's word, if properly handled can bring prosperity and success to your world. What are the vital truths found in this. I want us to consider a few things ....

1) God's Word is constantly part of the life.... It shall not depart from you. It is not just salt and pepper to spice up but is the main course. Is that true of you? Or are there seasons where we are absent without leave. Where we neglect to read and feed upon it. Here is a good indicator...are there times when you do not know where your Bible is? Where you cannot find it for perhaps days at a time? If so then it is NOT a constant in your life.

2) God's Word is consistently a part of the thinking process. It is the standard by which decisions are made. Meditation is the act of thinking through the scriptures and its truths and how application is made to our life. It is the light, the instruction book, the compass for all decisions. Is that true in your world?

3) God's Word is correctly applied in our lives by guiding our behavior. It is one thing to speak God's word, another to know it by still another to do it. It is amazing how many times people who speak truth, know truth but do not apply it to their lives.

I will never forget a man who came to me (from another church) with marital problems. After spending time with him pointing out several scriptures to help, I asked him how he was going to apply them. When he realized I was expecting him to DO TRUTH, He looked at me and said " you really believe this stuff don't you?" I laughed and said I sure do.

If I didn't believe God's Word to be truth then what would I stand on??? Human reasoning? Tradition? Secularism? Obamaism? Where has all that gotten us????? I know HIS word is truth and have seen HIM bless so many as they come to HIM through HIS word and reap the blessings.....read on!

Notice the remainder of the passage. Then we will see prosperity and success. Now, any of you not want prosperity and success???? I believe most all people want to be blessed and successful in life. Now here is the trigger point.....What does it all hinge on??? Who is responsible???? I will write it out for you again...

For then YOU (caps mine) will make YOUR way prosperous, and then YOU will have good success.

So if we don't see HIS blessing and success but rather burden and failure many times we can trace the problem back to...............OUR FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! It is our fault! We need to confess our unwillingness to follow God's plan for our lives!

Consider this today! Any changes need to be made in your world regarding time with HIM in HIS word? Any area where HE wants us to change things but we are resisting? May I suggest we humble ourselves and follow in simple obedience! Your blessing awaits!


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It Can't Happen to Me!!! Can it??

Galatians 4:4-7... but when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons, and because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out, "Abba, Father!" Therefore you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

Deception is one of those things that everyone else in our lives may clearly see, but we are completely blind to it! We may be so absolutely sure we are right at a given moment, only to find ourselves up to our elbows in alligators a short time later. How about you, have you ever been deceived? If you have, it can be a tragic experience, and shall I say it often is!

This past week I spoke with a dad from another church that was sharing his heart regarding a wayward daughter. "She was raised in church," he said to me as he poured out his heart to me. She was living in sin with her unsaved boyfriend. Both mom and dad had expressed their sadness to her regarding her carnal decisions. She says she is a born again christian and yet she has chosen a path different from her Savior.

Now let me say there are several deceptions at work here, not only
in this 20 year old's life but also in mom and dad's lives too . First, mom and dad are deceived if they think a relationship to a "church" has any power over their daughters life. You see, God has not called us to have a personal relationship with a "church" but with HIM. This particular deception has been used on many a parent. If I just take them to "church" they will turn out alright. Often Proverbs 22:7 is also quoted in regards to this.
Can I say this to you parents out there.....going to church is a GOOD thing but it is not the absolute best for their life.....KNOWING CHRIST as Savior and developing a powerful, intimate personal relationship with HIM is THE BEST. The issue with this young lady was Mainly between her and her Savior, her mom and dad and then with her church. Keep it between them and HIM!!!!

Another deception is that "she" knows better than her parents and than God. She, as a christian, knew what she was into was clearly, Biblically wrong, but she was going to do it anyway. She was deceived into thinking she knew better that God and her parents what was best for her. Deception says a 20 year old has more wisdom than God, His word, her parents and her church family (if it is a Bible practicing, Bible believing fellowship).The Bible says "the way of a fool is right in his own eyes!"Proverbs 12:15
Proverbs 14:12 There is a path before each person that seems right,
but it ends in death.

Another Deception is that she could be in an adulterous relationship and "she" was not going to get pregnant!!! How many times has satan and the flesh deceived someone into believing that it was not going to happen to them. They were going to be the only ones who could "get away" with it!!!! Well, as usual, God will not be mocked.....I received another phone call just last night from this dad to inform me his 20 year old was now pregnant.

Reality can be a brutal taskmaster. This young girl, with all of "her" plans for the future has just hit a delete button. Her plans are dramatically changed. (Abortion, the killing of a baby, is not an option, thank the Lord) So now she has 9 months of some of the greatest challenges of her young life ahead of her. Then, 20 plus years of funding and feeding this child. This is called the law of sowing and reaping. What we sow we reap, all in His time!

Lastly, I believe that our last deception is found in the passage I have at the beginning of this blog....The deception that does not let us live like we are.....Heirs of God through Christ. We do not align our attitudes and actions with the truths that teach us who we ARE in Christ Jesus. If this young lady had lived like she was, and heir of God, a child of the King, would she be in this present situation??? Absolutely NOT! She was deceived into believing less of herself. Settling for a fleshly lifestyle instead of one that lives as HIS CHILD! Many fall prey to this deception!

Can it happen to you and I??? You bet. Anytime we live any other way other than as a Child of the King, we are deceived. May HE show us where we are deceived in regards to our personal lives and lead us to lives of Biblical truth, honesty and purity.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Did You Forget the Anniversary???

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ....Ephesians 1:3

Are you one of those who get so busy that you have forgotten a special event? Something like a Birthday or an Anniversary??? I must confess this one as I blog this all important issue as God is reminding me of my tresspass.

THANKFULLY it was not my wife's birthday or our anniversary!!! In fact is was not even one of my immediate family members events. It happened to be our Church Secretary's event.......National Secretaries Day!!! (NSD from now on) Now before you jump to conclusions, you must understand the inner workings of our Church office. This precious sister has served our Church (and me) for well over a decade and is a constant in bailing out her pastors on a regular basis. She provides behind the scenes critical administration, scheduling and many times just an ear to help us work out the things God is doing in us and in our church. Praise God for her!

Now here is how I found out I missed "her" day of reflection and thanksgiving.....I come into my desk on the day AFTER NSD and on my desk is a computer generated card that said..."Happy Secretaries Day" and on the inside she had the receipt of her SELF paid lunch stapled to it! She's a comedian at heart!!!!

First, let me say I loved the card.... I was glad that it didn't have her resignation in it! Secondly, glad because she knew me and my schedule well enough to know that God had our plate full. (contrary to what some of you believe...especially you deacs) #:) and she was able to communicate my failure with humor instead of blood letting. Thirdly, by now she has learned that God owns our schedules and even though I missed this special day she was a Grace Giver to her pastors! Forthly, I am glad that both my wife and our Secretary are Christ servants as my wife had reminded me during that day to not forget NSD. I still forgot????!!!!! Needless to say, our Youth Pastor and I did take her out on a later date to celebrate her gift to the body of Christ! Apparently we are going to get another chance as she has stayed with us thus far (it may be her husband won't let her quit...Go Jimmy!!) either way God is gracious...

On Sunday June the 7th, we at CBF are going to celebrate 14 years of God's grace to us as one of His body of believers in the Triad area. What a day that will be for us. We have definitely been graced with year after year of HIS Blessing. As I think through the events of the past 14 years what stands out to you the most????? Some of you have been with us since the start. Others have joined us on the journey. What are you thankful for in regards to God's work through CBF???

Here are a few of my thoughts....
One, I am thankful this work is NOT a work of man. Since our inception, we have never been a work of man. We were birthed out not by choice but by Spirit directed events that led us to where we are today. There was NO master plan by this pastor or the church leadership to DO this work! It was and praise God still is a God directed ministry.
Two, I am thankful for many who have come to faith in Jesus Christ since HE birthed us out! Multitudes have been saved, discipled and today serve HIM both here at CBF and some at other Churches in our community and around the world. Last year was one of the biggest years ever here as God continues to bring lost sinners to Himself! I look forward to seeing what HE is going to do next!!!
Thirdly, I am thankful that we are a flexible church. What I mean by this is that while we hold some things as absolutes, i.e.....The Bible, Deity of Christ, Salvation by Grace via Faith etc.... we also do not make majors out of minors. We allow God room to work in the lives of His children. We do not have our Great God in a box!!! We flex as HE grows us. Thus one of the reasons we are continuing to grow younger. Grace in action without compromise of majors!
Forthly, I am thankful for His faithfulness through the original group of believers who have stayed with us for the duration! Your faithfulness has not only blessed His work here but also has encouraged your pastor and kept him in the ministry many times when tempted to throw in the towel!!!
Fifth, I am thankful for His energy that all of you new folk bring to His work here. You are by your gifts, talents, strengths and passion/love for Christ energizing HIS body via HIS Spirit in you! Press on!!!
Sixth, I am thankful we are a family church. This is a multifold blessing. We see and continue to see His families come, seek Him and point their respective families to Him. Young marrieds and children fill us up with their excitement and expectation weekly. This is a tremendous blessing. We are also a Church which is a family. If you truly yoke up with us, you will experience the family love. Fringe and family do not go together. Those who get close will....get close!!! It is not unusual for 30-45 minutes after our services for many to still be here plugging into each other.
Seventh, I could go on and on but I will make this my last for today....I am so thankful to be allowed the opportunity by God to shepherd this wonderful "Ekklesia." With all of our failures ( of which I no doubt lead the way), our shortcomings, our lacks....you, the Bride of Christ are still beautiful to me. (I can only imagine how HE see's you) I weep as I think of all of your testimonies. Trophies of HIS grace living out and in the SPIRITUAL blessings of Ephesians 1:3. I am a blessed man. A blessed pastor. A blessed servant!

Will you join me on our special day and celebrate the Work of Christ! It is not just a celebration of our past but the glory of our future! Christ!
