Saturday, December 27, 2008

Can You Leave the Light On??

Can you leave the light on for me? That is such a simple request. Yet, for the one making the request it can be quite a life changer.

Take for instance the request that started this whole thought process, one of my granddaughters requested that I leave the hall light on for her tonite. Now what do you think I did? Yep, you're right, I turned it on and left it on, for her. Perhaps she was slightly afraid, or just wanted to see in her room a little better with the door cracked open, or maybe she just wanted to see if I would honor her request.

To me the request was so "minute" by todays requests standards but to her it was huge. I was glad to honor her request. Don't you think God has somewhat the same dilema and delight?

For us, our request may be a life changer. Perhaps we seek God's help in a critical situation we find ourselves in. Or seek direction in an important decision.

Or our request may simply be one of encouragement. We're beaten down due to life's circumstances so we just need a little touch from our Father.

Or maybe our simple request is just as simple as my granddaughters, "can you leave the light on?" We just need to see a little more clearly to bring us peace.

Do you think God cares about us that much? Do you think HE knows what we are going through and waits for us to cry out to HIM? How about you my friend, do you thik HE cares about you and your stuff?

From the pages of scripture, HE clearly outlines this type of love, care and concern for all of us. HE says the if we, being evil (selfish and self centered) know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our heavenly Father do for those who trust HIM.

We have just come through Christmas where we know HE has sent HIS Son to be the Savior of the world and now we don't believe HE cares about us today?? Wrong thinking!

HE cares about us just as much today as HE did 2000 years ago when HE sent HIS Son. Go ahead, ask HIM. Call out to HIM today. You can do it. Go ahead try it, come on you can do it!!! "Father, will you leave the light on?"

Let me know what HE does!
Sleep tight...
Blessings, Bruce

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cancel Christmas!!!

Unless you've lived in a cave as of late, we all know that the "forecast" of our Newspapers and TV reporters is one of constant doom and gloom. In fact this has been their main story even before many of you started to believe it! By now so many have bought into their line that it looks like from their point of view we need to cancel Christmas.

Now that's an interesting thought. Cancel Christmas!!!??? Would it make you feel any better if we didn't have to tune in daily to hear how the "retailer's" were doing? Would it change things in your world? If Macy's doesn't make 47 million profit, will it really determine how your world will be......tomorrow? How about Walmart, if they do not make 60 million will it hurt you???

Frankly, I could care less how any retailer is doing as they do not control my life in any way. If one closes down, another will take it's place in very short order. Now I admit, I haven't lost my least, not as of yet, but even if I did, is it the end of my world if I do??? Now for those of you from my church family who are reading this, don't get any crazy ideas!!! What I am trying to say is that my life is not controlled by my circumstances in life.

My life will definitely be affected by my circumstances but not "controlled." There is a huge difference! We as adults in this ever changing world should never be so driven by our circumstances that negative headlines or anything else dictate our actions. We do have a choice! Even when we do not see our way clear, there is always a way!

The reason for my ever positive objectivity is because of the original Christmas! The very first one. It actually took place over 2000 years ago in a little city called Bethlehem. It was there that the ONE who is Christmas, came to earth to restore God's relationship to man. HIS name is Jesus! HE was born, lived some 32 years on earth and died on a cruel Roman cross in Jerusalem. It was there that HE gave the first and greatest gift ever given. HE gave HIS life! HE died on that cruel instrument of death, to pay the debt of sin for humanity, (that would be you and me). God the Father accepted that payment in full and the proof of it was seen 3 days later when HE rose bodily from the grave.

Because of HIS sacrifice, we today can have life's greatest need met. The need to be brought into right relationship with God through HIS Son Jesus the Christ (CHRISTmas). Once this has been received, with our greatest need being met by the greatest Gift ever given from the greatest giver ever to give....God Himself, everything else pales in comparison.

Thus the reason of my bliss, the secret now is this, the Comforter now abides with me! (as the old song goes)...The current ability of negative headlines aka circumstances to determine our daily attitudes and actions is a sad testimony of people who either do not know the true and living GOD or of those who have taken their eyes off of HIM and are letting Wall Street and Washington take HIS place in their lives. Either way, I am not cancelling Christmas at my house. My kids are not canceling Chrismas at their homes. Our church has not cancelled it's Christmas celebrations. We chose CHRIST and HIM alone, and thus we celebrate!!!

Merry Christmas to those who look beyond today and see the awesome love of God for you and your family, in the person and work of Jesus Christ!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Love You More!!!!

My Grandaughter and I often play a little game together. Usually I get it started by saying to her that I love her. She will usually reply that she loves me. Then I will reply I Love you more to which she will respond I LOVE YOU more and of course I will get a little louder and Say I LOVE YOU MORE!! and on and on we go just having a little fun together.

I must admit that even though it is a little game, I do enjoy it, and I do love her.....MORE! But how blessed we are to have a gift of love to give. I am old enough to know that material gifts are never a match for the gift of love to someone. Whether it's a gift of love to a grandchild or to a senior citizen it is just as precious.

Jesus once asked Peter if he loved HIM more than the other disciples. Its found in John 21 and is an interesting and stirring study. I thought about that a bit and wondered how I would respond if HE asked me if I loved HIM more than other people or things. Do I love HIM more than I love my job? Do I love HIM more than my own personal agenda? How about more than my stuff? How about more than having my way? You know that question could really pose some questions to my heart!!?? What do I love and do I love them more than Christ?

We are instructed to love HIM with all our Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength. As I read and think that through I am challenged by the questioning of my devotion/love. How am I to prove it? How will I know what I love and when my love is right before God?

The answer must be found in HIS word. He says If I love Him to keep His commands! His commands are His truths, principles, precepts and priorities. What are His priorities for us today?
Love God more than myself and others!
Love My wife more than myself and others.
Love My family more than myself and others!
Love Others more than myself, things and personal pleasures or personal agendas.

How many wives wish their husbands would love them more than work, friends, or personal agenda's? How many kids wish their parents would love them more than their jobs, or pursuit of earthly treasures (stuff)? How many people just wish someone would show they care instead of just passing them by? Once when I was visiting a senior citizen who was in a nursing facility, as I was leaving one dear soul grabbed me as I began to leave and asked me to please come and visit as no one from their family had come to see them. Of course, I stopped for a visit!!! How many times have we been too busy to show the priorities to those we should love....more!

It is my hope in this season and onward that my life will Shout to the Lord.....I LOVE YOU MORE!!! May HE see it in my love for HIM, My wife, family and others!

Dear friend, will you shout it with me? Where do we need to start?.........OK, then let's get at it!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Family Funnies!!!

Every one of us has them. No matter where we have come from, how many there were or what color they were or language they spoke. I call them family funnies. Funny things that happened in our families in the past that just flat out made us laugh. Sometimes we laughed till we cried. Think back a minute.....what were some of your family funnies that happened, usually unplanned, spontaneous that caused you to stop and enjoy the moment??? We all have them. Ususally the more family members the better just simply because there are more things that can go wrong and cause us to stop and laugh!

My memory always falls back to a time probably 20 years ago when our children were smaller (now I am telling my age big time). My wife and I were headed out for a short run (not jogging, she doesn't jog, never has)) to perhaps the grocery store or something like that, I really do not remember exactly( 50 + is tough). As my wife often did on Sat's she was busy getting everyone's clothes washed that morning. Just before we started out she started a load of clothes in the washer. The first part of the first cycle ( for those of you who are laundry challenged) is the fill cycle. The machine had started to fill and we were preparing to head out. Our son (who was probably 7 at the time) was in the living room area doing his own stuff. My wife simply said to him "son, when the washer starts to agitate, please turn it off till we return." His response was "ok Mom." So off we go on our Sat circuit.

We returned a few hours later with most of our stuff in tow. We came in and put up everything and once we had finished our duty, Mom, of course, went to check the washer. She raised the lid of the washer and what does she find???? The washer had run it's entire cycle, meaning it was finished with the clothes. Sadly, all was done without the aid of any wash powder. My wife saw this situation as an act of absolute rebellion on our son's part. So she immediately went to him with this statement.... "Son, I thought I told you to turn the washer off when it started to agitate." His response is the FAMILY FUNNY of the day.... He said, "But mom, it didn't agitate me."

Enough said.... We both looked at each other, burst into laughter and moved on. We realized that sometimes people hear what we say but don't understand what we mean. It is up to us to clarify. Needless to say, I have enjoyed that simple little lesson that day many times over in life. You see, laughter is good. It is good for you, it is good for your family.

Proverbs says... A merry HEART makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the HEART the spirit is broken.

MMMMMMM Look around you today. What do you see? Cheerful countenances? Is there joy in the face? Smiles? How about in the mirror? What do you see? Saddness? Or smile? It looks to me there is alot of broken spirit going around today. I see it in faces of people all around. Look you'll see it too. It doesn't have to be that way! Christians are not immune to sad faces!

Laughter is good. Lighten up a bit today. It is sooooo easy to "stress" out over stuff that really doesn't matter. Learn to laugh with and at yourself in life. God has allowed us to laugh. It is in HIS plan that we laugh and enjoy life. This Christmas season look around you, let's laugh together and not focus our attention on all the negatives of life. They will always be there so we might as well learn to laugh in the midst of our struggles. You may find that if we don't let them , they won't agitate you either!!! Blessings...Bruce

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In Whom Do We Trust!

While our coins and money say that we trust in God will you agree with me that that is highly suspect? If we trusted in God would we be sweating the failure of our largest auto companies? If we trusted in God would there be such pandemonium every time the stock market goes up 100 points or down 100 points? If we trusted in God would we be agreeing to the disposal of millions of babies each and every year for the past 40 years? If we trusted in God would we be fighting from state to state the issue of legalizing sodomy and perverse marriage? I could go on and on but I think by now if you are thinking you see how clear it is that we do not trust in God. As a nation it appears we have forsaken HIM a long time ago. The evidence is all around us.

But for our discussion, if we do not trust in God then in whom are we trusting. Well, at the present it would seem that we are headed towards trying to replace God with big Government. It is clear from each and every broadcast of the news that IS the clear agenda. If we just take time to evaluate our own Gov's ability to handle things all I need to do is say....Military spending! OR maybe....Social Security! and now add to that Bailout! If we place our confidence in Gov then we are in dire straights. Big Trouble! But the main thing is really that if we trust in Gov it is simply made up of people. What we are really saying is that we trust in ourselves. Man is that in which we have confidence. Danger, Danger, Danger!!!

The Bible says "there is a way that seems right to a man but the ends thereof are the ways of death." Though man may accomplish many feats, he has proven that he, at best, is flawed. Those of us who have been slighted, hurt, swindled, lied to or about, ripped off, stolen from, beaten, kicked, defamed, or any of the other things man does regularly, know that man's way is often not the best!

Today as always I will call your attention to God 's word where HE says to "trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and HE shall direct your paths." We must be a people who trust in God and God alone for our help and guidance.

How long has it been since you prayed and spent time talking with God? Have you ever prayed and worked through your need of HIM? After more than 3 decades of serving HIM, I can safely say to you...Trust in God in all your situations. Turn to His word for guidance and a good Bible believing and Bible preaching church for your encouragement and support. Without HIM, we are doomed for fail, but with HIM, Nothing is impossible!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Fast Food ???

This week I experienced what many of us can identify with. I was headed to work early and stopped at a local drive through to pick up a chicken biscuit and a drink. I made sure that the attendant knew what I wanted and proceeded on to the pick up window. Every thing going well I get to the window (with it raining buckets full outside) and get my drink and biscuit. Off I go!!!

I immediately get on the road and made the tragic mistake of pulling out and getting onto the interstate BEFORE checking my bag. Guess What??? Yep, you got it.....wrong biscuit! A stinking Bacon/Egg/Cheese instead of Pure protein...aka ...chicken. No big deal you cry but what you do not know is after a 1.5 hour morning workout I needed protein not fluff!!!

Now picture this, I am already on the interstate with it raining buckets full with full traffic as I head toward the big city and I have a dilemma. Go down an exit at 8am and try turning around to go back and get this straight (15 minutes at least ) or go on and eat the fluff. Needless to say I surrendered and ate the fluff. It might have lasted till 9:30 but it was better than nothing. That is what I get for grabbing for fast food without careful inspection...... MMMMM another one of HIS lessons is coming......

Isn't this like alot of us? We grab life on the go rarely inspecting what we are ingesting. Instead of good protein we get fluff. Then when it doesn't last or satisfy us we try to fill ourselves with something else. I have dedicated my life to encouraging people to not settle for 2nd best in life. As I look around it seems as though many have. Many have settled for far less than they could have in life if only they would get off the fast food of this world.

The bible says "there is a way that seems right to a man,(or woman by the way) but the end of it is the way a death." Simply, this means we may believe it to be dead right but it will turn out dead wrong. Sadly it is not usually as simple as getting the wrong biscuit. I remember a young teenager I counseled many years ago. I encouraged her to be careful of her relationships with the guys, to guard her heart and body. She had come from a broken home and had lots of anger to go around. She met MR Right....or so she thought.....Once she made her decision and got out on the "Interstate" of her life it was too late to go back! She did not get what she thought she had ordered.

I will never forget when she came to see me again several years later, with a child in tow, she told me how she wished she could go back and do it again, but this time make sure she was more careful to inspect her order. The scars of her poor decisions were evident on this struggling single mom! She couldn't go back!

How about you??? Tired of Fast Food?? Have you blown it? Failed miserably? Turned over so many leaves your yard is clean? Tired of the fluff yet? You will get there! I did! It took me many years to give in and give it up. There are no pots of gold at the end of Satan's rainbows, only manure. And I have spent my share of time there. Done with that, Praise God! I will simply say to you, God knows, God cares and so do I.

Solomon, the richest and wisest man to ever live said this..."This is the end of the matter; all hath been heard: fear God, and keep his commandments; for this is the whole of man." Life is not life until we engage the giver of life. The True and Living God. Anything else is simply, sadly fast food! Don't settle for anything else than real life, abundant life found only in a personal relationship with God, through His Son Jesus Christ! Matthew 11:28-30

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Have you anything to eat?

Jesus posed this question to His disciples. It was at the end of a long day and people were getting a bit restless as were the disciples I am sure. The sun was rapidly making its way across the sky to its evening resting place. The stage was now set for Christ to test His followers in a very subtle yet powerful way. They had come to HIM with the request to send the people away so they could find some food.

Remember now that they did not have 3 Hardee's, 4 McD's, 1 Burger King, a Wendy's on their way back to the villages. I am sure His disciples had tried to figure things out, way before they came to HIM. You see, they were just like we are....always trying to work things out, mostly before we even think about coming to Christ. The disciples knew that the people had some journey before they would be able to eat, so they came to the Savior. Today's question is His response to them. Have you anything to eat????? Strange response isn't it. They had come to Jesus to get Him to dismiss the crowd so they could get some food and He asks them if they had any food..... MMMMM .......

When Jesus does this kind of stuff it usually means HE is going to do something and we are going to learn something. These teaching opportunities happened often with His disciples as HE was teaching them and changing them. Today's dilemma is no different.

Their response was simple....5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Now this may be plenty for some small families but here we are talking about up to 25,000 people. The equivalent of a small town. I am sure when they responded they had NO clue what HE was about to do! Christ simply said tell them to sit down. HE then thanked the Father for His provision and they began to give it out.

The more they broke away from the bread, the more bread there was. The more fish they divided the more that filled their serving trays. A mighty miracle is being done. God is providing. For me the real blessing is in what was left. After all the men, women and children had eaten their fill.....the disciples then took up, are you ready????? 12 BASKETS FULL!!!!

After this most powerful miracle and teaching session there was still 12 baskets left behind. Have you ever wondered why??? Well theologically speaking there were 12 tribes in Israel and I believe this was to signify that flowing from the Father through Christ there was going to be enough to feed all the house of Israel. He, Jesus the Christ was their Messiah and had come to meet their deepest need. To feed their soul, to quench the thirsting of their soul. But they had to turn to HIM!

But even for all of us Gentiles, there is a message of hope for us. Even after HE has fed multitudes for generations my precious friend..there is still enough for you and me. He has not run out of the precious food that fills us and sustains us. If you are hungry today. Hungry for food, real food, lasting food, something more than the empty restaurants of the world..then turn to Christ. HE is still saying..tell them to sit down, let's give thanks.....HE gives, we eat and we are filled to the full.

No matter how many times you have failed, fallen or forgotten Him. HE stands ready and willing to give you the food that will satisfy. So I will close with His question.....Have YOU anything to eat???

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Prices Slashed !!! Buy More Stuff!

It happens frequently this time of year. Stores slash their prices to generate much needed funds to carry them through the down time of winter. This year is a bit more dramatic with the downturn in the economy, as prices were slashed weeks earlier than usual. Black Friday (title of the shopping day after Thanksgiving) was actually better than anticipated. Their strategy worked as many were lured into the stores looking for the bargain of a lifetime.

Sadly, this annual event which culminates with Christmas morning celebrations around the nation almost always end with people filled with lots of stuff but little joy. I have been given the privilege of being in many homes and with many families throughout my lifetime. Some have true and lasting joy but many do not. I remember in my own life the emptiness of it all. Lots of stuff......but no peace. Even though the gifts were purchased with loving intent, at a great deal, the end result was and is usually only more of the same, emptiness. Do you remember? Do you know the feelings I am describing? If you are honest with yourself and me, you do!

Why is it that millionaires and street people both suffer saddness & depression? Both can be candidates for suicide??? You would think that the one with the $$$ would find his peace and joy in his stuff. Not true! While STUFF may provide temporary happiness, note the word temporary it does not meet the deepest need of the human heart. There was a song many years ago that had the phrase in it..."Wasted days and wasted nights".... This probably best describes the human struggle to find meaning in life.

True meaning is available and at a cost you will not even believe. Talk about slashing prices....How about FREE! yep, that is what I said....Free! First we must acknowledge that our way isn't working. Admit it, all the stuff we have here in America doesn't buy happiness. Positions, power, public approval, popularity and even plenty of stuff doesn't satisfy your heart nor mine. Give it up and give it to Jesus! HE said " I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly." Does this describe your life? Abundantly filled with joy and peace. If not, then talk to the ONE who alone can do something about it. HE has paid for it already. Purchased it with HIS own life. Just for me, just for you. So buying more stuff isn't the answer.....HE is! Jesus loves you!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Spent some time thinking recently regarding the issues of the heart. For most of us we are concerned only of the physical heart due to its absolute importance in life. In fact without its daily faithfullness to fulfill its God given duty we do not survive. There are several parts of the human body we can live without but one of them is NOT the heart. It is essential to our survival. In fact I was reading an article recently that spoke extensively on that very topic. A 30 year study had continued to verify the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. Several factors will contribute to a healthy physical heart....right eating, balanced with exercise will carry all of us a long way in life....barring some DNA issues unknown to us.

But the greater issue of the heart does not concern the physical heart but the emotional heart. You hear about it from time to time. Someone says that they have had their heart broken or perhaps they don't say anything but just by their actions you can see there is a serious heart problem.

As I have lived my life, some 51 years now, I am amazed how many people choose to live their life with clear evidence they have been broken but not healed. Harsh or critical words, saddness, anger dominate where peace should prevail. Division of heart has grown to the point of division of life. Songs have been written, suds have been sold but all to no there any hope for the heart?

I am sooooo glad to say that even after some 32 years of living my life to the Glory of God and the good of others there is hope for the human heart. It will not be without fear, it will not be without faith but there is freedom from the clogged arteries of brokenness. Jesus is still the answer. Not some religiously pioused relationship with some church or denomination but with the ONE who said "come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." I can speak from experience that there is rest, yes sweet rest when we allow Christ to set us free! My greatest joy is to be able to share today that your heart issues (as well as mine) can find cleansing via Christ.

Today as always, HE is faithful!