Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cancel Christmas!!!

Unless you've lived in a cave as of late, we all know that the "forecast" of our Newspapers and TV reporters is one of constant doom and gloom. In fact this has been their main story even before many of you started to believe it! By now so many have bought into their line that it looks like from their point of view we need to cancel Christmas.

Now that's an interesting thought. Cancel Christmas!!!??? Would it make you feel any better if we didn't have to tune in daily to hear how the "retailer's" were doing? Would it change things in your world? If Macy's doesn't make 47 million profit, will it really determine how your world will be......tomorrow? How about Walmart, if they do not make 60 million will it hurt you???

Frankly, I could care less how any retailer is doing as they do not control my life in any way. If one closes down, another will take it's place in very short order. Now I admit, I haven't lost my least, not as of yet, but even if I did, is it the end of my world if I do??? Now for those of you from my church family who are reading this, don't get any crazy ideas!!! What I am trying to say is that my life is not controlled by my circumstances in life.

My life will definitely be affected by my circumstances but not "controlled." There is a huge difference! We as adults in this ever changing world should never be so driven by our circumstances that negative headlines or anything else dictate our actions. We do have a choice! Even when we do not see our way clear, there is always a way!

The reason for my ever positive objectivity is because of the original Christmas! The very first one. It actually took place over 2000 years ago in a little city called Bethlehem. It was there that the ONE who is Christmas, came to earth to restore God's relationship to man. HIS name is Jesus! HE was born, lived some 32 years on earth and died on a cruel Roman cross in Jerusalem. It was there that HE gave the first and greatest gift ever given. HE gave HIS life! HE died on that cruel instrument of death, to pay the debt of sin for humanity, (that would be you and me). God the Father accepted that payment in full and the proof of it was seen 3 days later when HE rose bodily from the grave.

Because of HIS sacrifice, we today can have life's greatest need met. The need to be brought into right relationship with God through HIS Son Jesus the Christ (CHRISTmas). Once this has been received, with our greatest need being met by the greatest Gift ever given from the greatest giver ever to give....God Himself, everything else pales in comparison.

Thus the reason of my bliss, the secret now is this, the Comforter now abides with me! (as the old song goes)...The current ability of negative headlines aka circumstances to determine our daily attitudes and actions is a sad testimony of people who either do not know the true and living GOD or of those who have taken their eyes off of HIM and are letting Wall Street and Washington take HIS place in their lives. Either way, I am not cancelling Christmas at my house. My kids are not canceling Chrismas at their homes. Our church has not cancelled it's Christmas celebrations. We chose CHRIST and HIM alone, and thus we celebrate!!!

Merry Christmas to those who look beyond today and see the awesome love of God for you and your family, in the person and work of Jesus Christ!

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