Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Spent some time thinking recently regarding the issues of the heart. For most of us we are concerned only of the physical heart due to its absolute importance in life. In fact without its daily faithfullness to fulfill its God given duty we do not survive. There are several parts of the human body we can live without but one of them is NOT the heart. It is essential to our survival. In fact I was reading an article recently that spoke extensively on that very topic. A 30 year study had continued to verify the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. Several factors will contribute to a healthy physical heart....right eating, balanced with exercise will carry all of us a long way in life....barring some DNA issues unknown to us.

But the greater issue of the heart does not concern the physical heart but the emotional heart. You hear about it from time to time. Someone says that they have had their heart broken or perhaps they don't say anything but just by their actions you can see there is a serious heart problem.

As I have lived my life, some 51 years now, I am amazed how many people choose to live their life with clear evidence they have been broken but not healed. Harsh or critical words, saddness, anger dominate where peace should prevail. Division of heart has grown to the point of division of life. Songs have been written, suds have been sold but all to no avail.....is there any hope for the heart?

I am sooooo glad to say that even after some 32 years of living my life to the Glory of God and the good of others there is hope for the human heart. It will not be without fear, it will not be without faith but there is freedom from the clogged arteries of brokenness. Jesus is still the answer. Not some religiously pioused relationship with some church or denomination but with the ONE who said "come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." I can speak from experience that there is rest, yes sweet rest when we allow Christ to set us free! My greatest joy is to be able to share today that your heart issues (as well as mine) can find cleansing via Christ.

Today as always, HE is faithful!

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