Well, I hope you spent some time thinking on the truth we covered yesterday. To understand that God has provided all we need to live a godly life and even has given us the power to do so, is AWESOME! Jesus said it in John 10:10... "I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly." God's purpose to both reconcile sinful man (and woman, I am an equal opportunity kinda guy for you ladies) to Himself and then give them the power/ability to find life...true life, which HE called abundant life.
That statement alone stirs me. The CREATOR of the Universe, the Earth, the Animal Kingdom, Plant Life, Humanity and even life itself says.. HE has come so we MIGHT have .... LIFE, and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY. This would be defined as life outside of the realm of our own abilities, desires and understanding. We often believe that God simply uses the gifts that we already possess and talents we already exercise to glorify HIMSELF... but not entirely so dear believer. If godliness were attainable by HUMAN effort or work, then we would already be there... but it is NOT. True godliness equals true life. An interesting study....
Our treasure today continues to be found in 2 Peter 1....Read verses 3-11 again as we focus a bit on this passage...
Now lets highlight verse 4...
...and because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires.
Two key phrases that mark the beauty of this passage... vs. 3 GOD has given us... and again in vs 4...he has given us great and precious promises. Here the wonder of God's grace is revealed.... He has given us all we need to live a godly life and HE has given us promises that enable us to share in His divine nature and which will then lead us to escape the world's corruption...
He has given us His goal (godliness or godly life) and the means (power/ability) to get there. It is His promises that are the means of His getting us to His goal. Scripture, God's written revelation to us, IS His instruction book in greater measure than we could ever imagine. It is there He introduces us to HIMSELF. Who HE is. What HE plans. How HE works and so on...
It is estimated that there are some 10,000 promises in God's word. He acts in accordance to it. So for us to attain godliness (His goal), we will only do so as HE reveals Himself, and His ways to us and then performs His work in us! Each and every situation in life (our life) is brought to Him and filtered through His word. We submit these situations to HIS plans and purposes by engaging HIM in all of them.
Bible reading and prayer is key to engaging HIM in every area of life. Acknowledge His plan and purpose in every area of your life. It is freeing to do so. I know from personal experience in life. May I share a bit of our personal life with you? Here it is.....depression, job loss, cancer, fire in family business, business failure, foreclosure, long and deep financial difficulties, sickness, and sudden death and these are all that came to my mind.
This is the record of our life in the past 25 years. Sounds like fun doesn't it. How can this be abundant life??? You may ask that questions legitimately, and I will tell you that if you look only at the circumstances you will not see nor understand it. But look past the big C and understand that my precious wife and I both surrendered our lives to HIM decades ago. So each circumstance was and is under HIS control. We stayed in His word and lived each day in HIS presence. HE gave us the power to get through it. Our lives have been humanly tough but spiritually blessed. We are sooo blessed!!!
I must say that HE does give us life and give it to us more abundantly. In our passage we have learned the goal, as well as the power to attain the goal so what is left? Well , this is where our role comes in... What is our role in the whole scheme of things here? Verses 5-7 holds the answer...
In view of all of this, make every effort to respond to God's promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.
I will leave today with us considering the portion of verse 5... Make every effort to respond to God's promises.... Is that true in your life??? Are you (and I for that matter) making EVERY EFFORT in our relationship with God? Is our relationship with HIM the MOST IMPORTANT relationship we have? Is HE above all people and things in our lives? Are we giving HIM the time each and every day that is necessary for us to adequately engage our hearts to HIS? How about our attitudes and actions to HIS plans for us? For the vast majority of American Christians, our relationship with HIM pales in comparison to our own agenda, our families, our jobs or our fleshly desires. We will never know the beauty of Abundant Life without Loving Him with ALL our heart. HE IS OUR PRIORITY!!!!
If we want to unleash the power of the Supreme God in our lives we must come to HIM, His way and using HIS method. It is not 92% HIS way and 8% ours but 100% HIS way! HE IS GOD! Have you forgotten??? HE is the Absolute Authority in Life as HE is Life. Is that proven out by your life? He has so much planned and purposed for us, yet so often we don't even scratch the surface. Saturate your heart and mind in HIM today. Don't just do it for one day or two, May this become your life's goal, to have and enjoy the godly life HE has planned. Let nothing and no one keep you from lining up at the table of God's provision. Life is at stake. Yours, mine and other's lives. Anything other than a life lived in harmony with HIM and in love with HIM is a powerless example of Christianity and a public tragedy.
He has provided all we need! It is Done! Believe it! Receive it! Act on it! Read His promises, claim them as your own, base your life on what HE has said....
You'll be glad you did!