In our spiritual realm, we also find that our understanding and application of truth falls short as well. Take a moment and look in the spiritual mirror for a sec. What do you see? A faithful servant in love with Jesus Christ? A devoted follower of Jesus who loves others as Christ does? One who is reflecting a sacrificial heart in all areas of their life, (time, talent and treasure)?
Honestly, we all struggle with both the understanding and application of truth in life. We desperately need direction and help in fulfilling HIS purpose in our daily life.
Now if you are one of those Sunday only Christians, you are not even in the ball park of what we are studying today. Your relationship with God is being so limited by your limitations (fear, pride, control, etc...) that you can't even imagine what we are going to study today. Our hope is you will find the Christ of the Bible. A true relationship with HIM permeates EVERY area of a life, not just Sunday's.
Our Treasure today is found in 2 Peter 1... Read verses 3-11.... Take time now to do so. .... Now, I personally like the NLT on this one ( wipe that smile off of your face you NLT lovers)... We will start with verse 3...
By HIS divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.
There are several things here we need to note as we study this together....
1) We have all we need to live for HIM! Contrary to what some of us believe, His word clearly teaches us that HE has provided all His children need to live a godly life. To be freed from sin, from emotional bondage, from lying thoughts and even guilt of the past. How you may ask can this be? I still struggle so much. I can't seem to get past it. It always seems to win. This leads us to the second truth in this passage...
2) It is by HIS Divine Enablement or Power!!! This answer is found in the first 4 words. "By HIS divine power." We are able to rise above the power of sin. My beloved friends, "No, despite all these things (the test and trials of life, sin struggles.etc) overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us." Romans 8:37
We have all we need. That's what He said. So if there were no Christian book stores, internet blog sites, facebooks, emails, even churches...could you make it? According to God's precious word, ABSOLUTELY! He has given us all we will ever need the moment we trusted Him to save us. Think on that a bit. All we need. No Lack! No Deficiency! No shortfall! (I wish congress would get this!) All we need, we already possess.
For me however, as I encounter believers everywhere, why is it that we continue to look for and want more. Many believing that we somehow lack all we need. I believe this is due to either a lack of biblical understanding or lack of proper application. Both can be due to satan's deception. No matter the root cause we have a serious conflict. GOD'S WORD SAYS.....WE HAVE ALL WE NEED!
Do you believe that? You need to consider this powerful truth as this is foundational to your victory. If you do then we can go on and learn the process of application. If not then we can't go any further. You are stuck in a pseudo rut!
Kind of like you coming home from work and your spouse is cooking a meal for you guys to enjoy together. The pot is on the stove, the food is in the pot. Salt, pepper and butter has been added. Your spouse looks at you and says....I don't know what is wrong but this is not getting hot and cooking as it should. The butter isn't even melting. You check and it is plugged in to the power source, you check your breakers and they are all in the on position. You know that power is at the house cause the kitchen lights are on..... MMMMM, you look and what do you see.....she hasn't turned the knob on the stove to the on position. All the power she would have ever needed was right there to accomplish her task but to no avail.... she hadn't availed herself of that power!!! Many Christians are just like that! Living day by day in cold, lifeless drudgery, all because they have not "turned on" the power.
You are stuck in UNBELIEF. This is deadly to your walk of faith. You must decide whom or what you are going to believe. Self (or satan as he is the author of unbelief) or God and His word! This fundamental ( I love that word as it makes many squirm, but it is GOOD) is necessary to a strong Christian life. You must own it and it must own you. YOU HAVE ALL YOU NEED! NOW! Not later! But NOW!!!
Spend time today meditating on this wonderful truth. Spend some time in prayer, thanking God for His provision for you daily walk, your daily victory. As we study this passage in coming days, we will see how HE plans to UNLEASH HIS POWER in US! But we must first believe that HE has given all we need.
Do YOU Believe???
You'll be glad you do!!!
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