When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the LORD his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees. This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way....vs. 18-20a
Let me remind you of the context of our passage.... This portion is the record of what God was instructing Israel was necessary for them to enjoy Kingdom living with HIM. The specific passage we are studying is HIS instructions for the future Kings of Israel.... The first principle we have seen is that he was required to copy the God's instructions for himself by himself under the observation of the Levites. This meant he (the King) would do so privately and publicly. This provided his personal involvement and public accountability to God and the children of Israel. This is much like the beauty of the church. It is both a private and public commitment to God. Many today want some sort of detached relationship with both God and His church but this is not scriptural. We saw that last week. Now today's principle is....
2) God's instructions were to be with him at all times. MMMM, interesting isn't it. God knew that the Kings would be subject to their own natures and the persuasion of others so HE instructed that they ALWAYS keep a copy of HIS words with them.
Think of this, a King, sitting on his throne and a situation comes up that he does't know what to do. He reaches into his Robe pocket and pulls out a copy (handwritten by himself) of the word of God to seek wisdom and direction. How powerful would that be!!!
How about if our President would do the same! Wouldn't that be incredible? It sure would. Seeing the one holding the highest position in the land turning to God and His word for wisdom and direction. That would be refreshing and may I add, safe. O that those in authority over us today would heed these instructions.
But on to us...How can we keep a copy with us now, today. Well, we have more copies of the word of God than any other people group in human history. And yet we know so very little. This is a tragedy beyond measure. Too much has brought us to too little. One thing I often recommend is that we set ourselves on a regular reading of God's word. Daily is best and beneficial to us all. But I also recommend that we memorize His word. Hide it in our hearts is what the Psalmist calls it.
Psalm 19:11...I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
I once had a senior citizen from another church try and tell me that our children's ministry of teaching our kids to memorize God's word was not right nor good. It was this very passage that I used to enlighten him regarding the beauty of memorization and to rebuke this lying deception of satan in him. To hide God's word in us that HE might guide us and instruct us and protect us. It is a great principle for us all.
So are you memorizing God's word. Are you preparing yourself to keep a copy of His word with you at all times. What will others think?? Who cares what others think... what we should be saying is... what will God think?? So put yourself on a regular schedule of learning and memorizing His treasure...
Try one verse per month. Once that is achieved then go to one every two weeks. Before you know it you will see the benefits. God will bring it up and out just when we or others need it the most.
Where do I start you may ask. Start in your daily reading. When you find a verse that speaks to your heart. Underline it, write it down and write it out. Purpose to memorize it before the month is out. Go over it often throughout the day and before you know it.... you will be finding the blessing of Kings of years past and of saints of today....
God loves you and wants us to know His plans and purposes. This will bring us to rightly relate with HIM and others....
Apply this principle in your life today...
You'll be glad you did!
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