Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are You in the Zone?

Morning Everyone, Sorry for my absence but have been a bit under the weather as well as swamped in the work. God is Good!

Let's focus a few minutes on this thought. Zones.......Have you ever been in a zone? You probably have but just didn't realize it. We see zones all around us. There are parking zones, speed zones, school zones, quiet zones (for those of us older folk #:) )and I am sure many others that are not coming to mind right now. But there is one zone that is not good for the believer.......COMFORT ZONE.

This zone is recognized by these parameters. What we feel comfortable in or doing. What we have always done. What we have always thought or seen. In other words what we either have experienced or seen or think is the boundary or this zone. This is where I believe many Christians have taken up residence in our culture. They have backed in their travel trailers of life and planted deep stakes with plans to never move.

Now this is dangerous for us for several scriptural reasons.....

1) Isaiah 55:8-9... For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways MY ways, says the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are MY ways higher than your ways, And MY thoughts than your thoughts.

This warns us that when we are the most comfortable it is possible that we are the least likely to be where HE wants us to be, spiritually. This should cause us to be sure that HE controls our every action and thought. Ask ourselves, Is this where and what HE would have us to do???

The only way to be sure is for us to bring it all to the table of HIS word. To subject ourselves to wise and godly counsel and to spend sufficient time in prayer. Sadly, I have seen far too much flesh thinking and acting and not enough humble surrender to HIS plans and purposes in life.

So what about you dear one? Are you prioritizing your life to meet with God more regularly? Making changes to facilitate this? It is necessary to die to self for this to happen. (Romans 12:1-2) Don't look for everyone to agree with your surrender as many in the camp follow self dedicated lifestyles. Spend time with HIM in secret, let HIM guide your life's choices and daily decisions. You will be glad you did.....

but it will take you out of YOUR COMFORT ZONE!

We'll look a bit further tomorrow....


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