Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ....Ephesians 1:3
Are you one of those who get so busy that you have forgotten a special event? Something like a Birthday or an Anniversary??? I must confess this one as I blog this all important issue as God is reminding me of my tresspass.
THANKFULLY it was not my wife's birthday or our anniversary!!! In fact is was not even one of my immediate family members events. It happened to be our Church Secretary's event.......National Secretaries Day!!! (NSD from now on) Now before you jump to conclusions, you must understand the inner workings of our Church office. This precious sister has served our Church (and me) for well over a decade and is a constant in bailing out her pastors on a regular basis. She provides behind the scenes critical administration, scheduling and many times just an ear to help us work out the things God is doing in us and in our church. Praise God for her!
Now here is how I found out I missed "her" day of reflection and thanksgiving.....I come into my desk on the day AFTER NSD and on my desk is a computer generated card that said..."Happy Secretaries Day" and on the inside she had the receipt of her SELF paid lunch stapled to it! She's a comedian at heart!!!!
First, let me say I loved the card.... I was glad that it didn't have her resignation in it! Secondly, glad because she knew me and my schedule well enough to know that God had our plate full. (contrary to what some of you believe...especially you deacs) #:) and she was able to communicate my failure with humor instead of blood letting. Thirdly, by now she has learned that God owns our schedules and even though I missed this special day she was a Grace Giver to her pastors! Forthly, I am glad that both my wife and our Secretary are Christ servants as my wife had reminded me during that day to not forget NSD. I still forgot????!!!!! Needless to say, our Youth Pastor and I did take her out on a later date to celebrate her gift to the body of Christ! Apparently we are going to get another chance as she has stayed with us thus far (it may be her husband won't let her quit...Go Jimmy!!) either way God is gracious...
On Sunday June the 7th, we at CBF are going to celebrate 14 years of God's grace to us as one of His body of believers in the Triad area. What a day that will be for us. We have definitely been graced with year after year of HIS Blessing. As I think through the events of the past 14 years what stands out to you the most????? Some of you have been with us since the start. Others have joined us on the journey. What are you thankful for in regards to God's work through CBF???
Here are a few of my thoughts....
One, I am thankful this work is NOT a work of man. Since our inception, we have never been a work of man. We were birthed out not by choice but by Spirit directed events that led us to where we are today. There was NO master plan by this pastor or the church leadership to DO this work! It was and praise God still is a God directed ministry.
Two, I am thankful for many who have come to faith in Jesus Christ since HE birthed us out! Multitudes have been saved, discipled and today serve HIM both here at CBF and some at other Churches in our community and around the world. Last year was one of the biggest years ever here as God continues to bring lost sinners to Himself! I look forward to seeing what HE is going to do next!!!
Thirdly, I am thankful that we are a flexible church. What I mean by this is that while we hold some things as absolutes, i.e.....The Bible, Deity of Christ, Salvation by Grace via Faith etc.... we also do not make majors out of minors. We allow God room to work in the lives of His children. We do not have our Great God in a box!!! We flex as HE grows us. Thus one of the reasons we are continuing to grow younger. Grace in action without compromise of majors!
Forthly, I am thankful for His faithfulness through the original group of believers who have stayed with us for the duration! Your faithfulness has not only blessed His work here but also has encouraged your pastor and kept him in the ministry many times when tempted to throw in the towel!!!
Fifth, I am thankful for His energy that all of you new folk bring to His work here. You are by your gifts, talents, strengths and passion/love for Christ energizing HIS body via HIS Spirit in you! Press on!!!
Sixth, I am thankful we are a family church. This is a multifold blessing. We see and continue to see His families come, seek Him and point their respective families to Him. Young marrieds and children fill us up with their excitement and expectation weekly. This is a tremendous blessing. We are also a Church which is a family. If you truly yoke up with us, you will experience the family love. Fringe and family do not go together. Those who get close will....get close!!! It is not unusual for 30-45 minutes after our services for many to still be here plugging into each other.
Seventh, I could go on and on but I will make this my last for today....I am so thankful to be allowed the opportunity by God to shepherd this wonderful "Ekklesia." With all of our failures ( of which I no doubt lead the way), our shortcomings, our, the Bride of Christ are still beautiful to me. (I can only imagine how HE see's you) I weep as I think of all of your testimonies. Trophies of HIS grace living out and in the SPIRITUAL blessings of Ephesians 1:3. I am a blessed man. A blessed pastor. A blessed servant!
Will you join me on our special day and celebrate the Work of Christ! It is not just a celebration of our past but the glory of our future! Christ!
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