MOOOOORRRRNNNNIIIIINNNGGGGG Everyone! How are you today? Rejoicing in the Wonder of Christ today??!! We should! HE loves you (and I thank the Lord) with an Everlasting Love! Aren't you glad!!!!??? Smile, HE loves you!
Today's verse is a short one to spur your thinking on personal responsibility. How many times have you heard someone say "its not my fault?" Now sometimes I will give in, it isn't but far more times than not it IS OUR FAULT but we just will not take the blame. Consider this next verse and the treasure it has for us....
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8
The simple truth found in this powerful passage is that God's word, if properly handled can bring prosperity and success to your world. What are the vital truths found in this. I want us to consider a few things ....
1) God's Word is constantly part of the life.... It shall not depart from you. It is not just salt and pepper to spice up but is the main course. Is that true of you? Or are there seasons where we are absent without leave. Where we neglect to read and feed upon it. Here is a good indicator...are there times when you do not know where your Bible is? Where you cannot find it for perhaps days at a time? If so then it is NOT a constant in your life.
2) God's Word is consistently a part of the thinking process. It is the standard by which decisions are made. Meditation is the act of thinking through the scriptures and its truths and how application is made to our life. It is the light, the instruction book, the compass for all decisions. Is that true in your world?
3) God's Word is correctly applied in our lives by guiding our behavior. It is one thing to speak God's word, another to know it by still another to do it. It is amazing how many times people who speak truth, know truth but do not apply it to their lives.
I will never forget a man who came to me (from another church) with marital problems. After spending time with him pointing out several scriptures to help, I asked him how he was going to apply them. When he realized I was expecting him to DO TRUTH, He looked at me and said " you really believe this stuff don't you?" I laughed and said I sure do.
If I didn't believe God's Word to be truth then what would I stand on??? Human reasoning? Tradition? Secularism? Obamaism? Where has all that gotten us????? I know HIS word is truth and have seen HIM bless so many as they come to HIM through HIS word and reap the on!
Notice the remainder of the passage. Then we will see prosperity and success. Now, any of you not want prosperity and success???? I believe most all people want to be blessed and successful in life. Now here is the trigger point.....What does it all hinge on??? Who is responsible???? I will write it out for you again...
For then YOU (caps mine) will make YOUR way prosperous, and then YOU will have good success.
So if we don't see HIS blessing and success but rather burden and failure many times we can trace the problem back to...............OUR FAILURE TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! It is our fault! We need to confess our unwillingness to follow God's plan for our lives!
Consider this today! Any changes need to be made in your world regarding time with HIM in HIS word? Any area where HE wants us to change things but we are resisting? May I suggest we humble ourselves and follow in simple obedience! Your blessing awaits!
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