Today's treasure was found in Deuteronomy 17 in a passage where God is giving out HIS instructions to the children of Israel for kingdom living. He came to a portion where HE gives them specific guidelines for a king. It is in this portion of scripture we find today's nugget.... (I like treasure hunting don't you???) Here are some of HIS instructions for the future kings of Israel...
When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy for himself this body of instruction on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep that copy with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the LORD his God by obeying all the terms of these instructions and decrees. This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way....vs. 18-20a
Do you see the beauty of this passage? It is filled with powerful truths and principles that will bless the king and all the people of Israel if applied. I also believe that there are great principles to bless you and I if we apply these we will see that come to pass.
Notice the first portion....
1) He had to copy the instructions personally and publicly. This accomplishes several things. This assured the accuracy of his instructions. It also held him accountable to a higher authority. It was not done in secret but was a public profession of his willingness to abide by God's standards and instruction for himself and all the children of Israel.
I believe that just as God gave a standard for the children of Israel, He also gives us a standard of instructions for the church and Christian. Of course, it is the Bible. As many of you know, we are seeing phenomenal growth at our church, with people being saved and families coming to join the fellowship of believers. One of the important things we do is ask folks to read our church constitution, by-laws and doctrinal statement. They must do this personally and then when they desire to join, they will do so publicly, acknowledging their agreement with and to what we have agreed is HIS instruction for us all to follow. We also give them a questionnaire they must fill out and sign stating their agreement with us also. If they will not then they are not afforded the privilege and responsibility of yoking with us. This protects the church and encourages commitment.
When you join the church fellowship, it means we all have agreed to yoke together under the authority of Christ and His word (as our Constitution, by-laws and Doctrinal Statement comes from there). It also means we have agreed to be under the authority of His leadership as that is His prescribed method. Our public profession at the joining of the fellowship is our statement of agreement with and submission to HIS plan for us, as leaders and believers in the church.
What I am finding today is there are many who want the blessing of the fellowship but without the commitment to and accountability of the church community. This is not good but most importantly....Not Scriptural. God expects us to be under the authority of HIS word and His church. This is not popular today in our independent, self centered, selfish culture....but never the less it is still right. Lack of commitment is lack of obedience no matter which way you look at it. Lack of obedience is lack of surrender to HIS will and plan for your lives.
Our first principle to bless our lives is are we committing ourselves to and surrendering to His plan for us as a body of believers. If not, before anything else, examine why you are NOT committed. What is holding you back? What is your excuse? You can blame it on many people, places and things but sadly we need only look in the mirror to see the root of the problem. Confess the sin as it is..... the commit yourselves whole heartily to HIS plan IN HIS church.......
Part 2 tomorrow...
You'll be glad you did!!
Pastor Bruce
1 comment:
Thanks brother, I am catching up. I had not heard this portion before, but it certainly rings true.I appreciate your heart for the church. What this reminded me most of was a practice I started years ago of taking a passage that I wanted to memorize or just chew on for a while and writing it on a small piece of paper and sticking it in my pocket. I would read it every time I pulled it out with some change or my pocket knife and by the time the paper was tattered and disintegrated, I had learned the passage backwards and forwards. I think the practice of copying key verses for Dads, Moms, Bosses, and others in key positions would be a highly effective way of keeping ourselves on track. Reading them daily would keep us from becoming proud or turning away in the smallest way or as Peter would say 'keep us from falling'. Love you brother
Mike G
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