Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HE Loves Us Both!

I will never forget the story of a Sunday School teacher of 10-11 year old boys. He asked each of them their birthdates. As this questioning made its way around the room, it finally came to two brothers. Expecting to hear that they were twins, they both surprised their teacher with their announcement of a birthdate in the separate months of October and November of the same year. When the teacher questioned this they both responded that one of us is adopted. He then asked which one of you? They both blessed and challenged him with their response...... we don't know, Dad and Mom will not tell us because they love us both the same! Whew......

I cannot imagine what must have taken over the class that day but those two kids (and their parents) preached a powerful sermon! What their dad and mom were doing is a beautiful picture of how God loves each of us the same.....

Today's treasure....James 2:1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality....

Just recently I again had the privilege of counseling a set of couples who had called in for a little brotherly counsel from this pastor. Neither of these couples actually attend our Fellowship (so those who do, can give up on trying to figure out who, ha!). As I was walking this morning, reflecting on how God worked in these two marriages, HE brought to my mind the incredible extremes they represented.

One couple, high school sweethearts, married, serving God throughout their marrige. They were very simple, humble and may I say tender to what God is doing in their lives at this moment. They basically live from a smidge over paycheck to paycheck. One of them has a serious illness and the other just left their job.

The other couple is a high energy, cutting edge and very affluent. They too married early by today's standards, right out of college and have been serving God also for many years. They have a sucessful business and presently are in good health. They actually look for places to give what God has entrusted to them to manage. But they too needed a tune up. A little maritial maintenance was also required with them as they wrestled out the issues of business, marriage relationship and life.

Two extremes, and yet one common Rock. They both had the incredible privilege of becoming children of God. And as I witnessed, God loved them both equally! He is NO respector of persons. My counsel to them all, was based not upon their means or lack thereof, but upon the sufficiency of Christ and His word! No razzle dazzle, just plain, simple truth from the word of God! It was not hindered by what they had or had not done. Just simply coming to the Christ of the Biblby faith.

Aren't you glad God is no respector of persons??? Do you rejoice in the amazingness (I hope its a word) of God's grace? I am the most blessed of all pastors. Regularly I have the privilege of saying to people from all strata of life, all backgrounds and all situations that God loves them and has an incredible plan for their life. No matter how bad we've blown it in the past. The future does not have to be hindered by the past. Simply, put it under the blood of Christ. Forgiveness is powerful. It sets us free!!!!

So, have you forgotten that you are loved with an everlasting love? Do you remember how much your Father loves you? Look to the Cross! There is the evidence of His unfailing, unconditional love for us. HE is no respector of persons.

I will say however, that HE will crush us if we seek to live in our pride and arrogance. If we refuse to humble ourselves before HIM and seek His face.

Proverbs 16:18...Pride goe s before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction.

Both of these couples came in the simplicity of their hearts to hear what God's word had to say. They had humbled themselves and said yes, we need HIS direction. Our way is not working like we thought it would. God show us the way.... And HE DID!!!!

Psalms 51:17... The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart....These, O God, You will not despise.

So which way will you choose. Come His way. Let Him work in your life and world. Remember, no matter where you are now, no matter how far you have gone, no matter how distant HE seems, HE loves us both!!!!!

Bow the knee to HIM today, call out, cry out and tell HIM all that is going on!

You'll be glad you did!!!

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