Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is Controlling YOU? part 2

Yesterday we spent some time looking at relationship issues and how they may or may not affect us. All of us have been wounded by people! None of us is immune to the problems created by people. I have heard it said "that church would be great if it wasn't for people." That statement could be said of many things, marriage, work, retirement etc....

The reality is that we cannot have relationship without risk. It cannot happen. To have a vibrant relationship we have to open up, be honest, speak truth, share our feelings, our heart, our dreams, our desires, our hopes, our fears and on and on. But as we do this we are trusting the other person to handle with care, our hearts, our lives, our trust. But when they don't, when they crush us with their words or actions many things can happen.

We can "clam up." We can "give them a piece of our minds." We can retreat to the safety of never trusting again. We could grow angry, bitter, and totally ditch any future relationships because "THEY, (men, women, christians, co-workers etc) can't be trusted!!!???

But as we saw yesterday, God has a different plan in mind! Here is our treasure....

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

We have to get the garbage out..... All the fleshly stuff that comes as a result of the wrong. If we do not, they can and will become a stumbling block to our future. In other words, OUR PAST CAN (and will) CONTROL OUR FUTURE! Instead of God's word guiding and leading us, unresolved issues can destroy us, long after the event that triggers them.

Yesterday we heard of one couple that had sought to find their way out of their self induced darkness. We left with them weeping and holding on another, rejoicing in the healing powers of Christ and His word. How did we get there??? Was it just the getting rid of the "stuff," the negative stuff that is in us??? Nope, that is just one part of the prescription. Let's study "the rest of the story."
God's word says....
32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Let's choose another path...I like the word instead!! It means we don't have to be locked into the status quo of pain, struggle and anger. We can and may I say, should choose another way! God's way that is!!! His way consist a huge decision. A decision to not let our flesh, our circumstances or any wrong done to us, control our actions and attitudes.

He says to.....are you ready??? Are you sure???? Here is the beginnings of freedom!! Two words.....

BE KIND!!!!!

Are you kidding me? You must be joking you say!!! You definitely have been spending too much time in the don't live in the real world, Preacher, you say!!!! Well, before you write me and this passage off let me encourage you to hang in there! TRUTH IS COMING!!!!

The word "KIND" here means "fit for use, Able to be used." When we live our lives under the domination of the flesh, under the shadow of some past wrong and we are angry, bitter, or just plain mean, we are not usable by God. Our past is determining our future. God has another way!!! Be gracious instead of mean. Be joyful instead of angry! Then and only then will we be usable by HIM. We choose this path by our willingness to submit to HIS plan instead of satan's.

This does not mean we deny the wrong suffered, just that we choose to not let the wrong dictate our future! The next word is "Tenderhearted" which means compassionate and pitiful. We must learn to be compassionate towards those who have wronged us. Pity them in the reality that they too are sinners under the dominion of the flesh. Saved or not, the wrong done, if not handled Biblicaly, places those individuals under the Yoke or bondage of sin, until it is acknowledged and forsaken.

Then lastly, HE says for us to be "forgiving towards one another." Forgiveness is a willingness to let the wrong go. Not that we will forget it but that we choose by an act of our will to NOT let it control us!!! We can and may even have consequences from it, the rest of our lives but IT DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR FUTURE unless we allow it to determine our attitudes and actions.

We have wronged God by our sin towards HIM. Yet HE chose to willingly forgive based upon the cross of Christ. We can forgive because we have been forgiven! The relationship may or may not be fully restored (depending on the situation) but you can be free from the pain and suffering of the event!!! If both parties choose to follow God's plan they can experience the power of His healing in their hearts and home!

The couple we heard about yesterday both acknowledged they had failed each other, wronged each other, not been the godly husband and wife that God had intended them to be. I asked both of them to acknowledge their sin, then ask for the others forgiveness. They did and then they both granted full forgiveness. This is just step one of the healing process but it is a giant first step!!!

How about you? What is controlling you? Is there some past sin, wrong or offense that has deeply wounded you and you need to find some freedom? You can be free! Choose today to let the garbage go and choose to allow God to make you usable by letting the wrong go, nailing it to HIS cross and give the offender the same grace you have received in Christ!!! They don't deserve it but neither do you or I.
God will fill you with HIS amazing grace!!!
Freedom awaits!

You'll be glad you did!!


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