Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trade Secrets!!!

Every now and then we will hear of an employee who sells away what is termed a company's "trade secrets." What these are, usually consist of proprietary recipe's, scientific formula's, specific ingredients or some similar information that has led to the success of that particular business. The sell of those critical documents usually lands those employee's in the "Slammer."

Well today, I am going to let you know the trade secrets of "Getting a Good Grip in Life." This is the proprietary info of Christianity. I may wind up in God's slammer, but I kinda doubt it......though some of you perhaps hope I do..... :) ....If that is God's plan then prison ministry here we come!!!!

This info is not new, not profound, not even "hot off the press" of heaven. It is actually so simple, it is profound! It is so life changing, it is profound! So let me encourage you to apply these principles, keep these principles and see if you do not experience the fullness of God at work in you!

Get a Good Grip in Life!
(by getting a good grasp of the Bible....)

1) Read the Bible Everyday!

Blessed is the one who reads the words of God's message...Rev 1.3

In order for us to learn the plans, ways, purpose and person of God we must read HIS book. Reading in a deliberate and systematic fashion is not only good but also necessary for HIS children to Know Him beyond the scope of salvation. Today's lack of Biblical understanding in the church (aka US!) is largely due to us actually believing that just going to church is enough..... Well, it ain't, in good ole southern vernacular. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!! EVERYDAY! Set aside a specific time and even place where you meet with HIM in HIS word.

2) Study the Bible Carefully!

These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. ...Acts 17.11

We have more tools today than any previous generation yet we seem to know even less than any previous generation. I believe the reason is that we do not set aside a time, daily to meet with God in HIS word and study it seriously. The Berean Christians actually went home and verified the message preached to them via the Apostle Paul. Think that one through for a moment.... How many of you simply take what your pastor says at face value, or some other "spiritual" person in your life and never check it out???

I, for one, love it when God's people check out what I have studied and preached from the pulpit or given in counseling. There is no safer place to be.

If you do not know how then ask your pastor, (your God given undershepherd) and let him assist you in finding a good study Bible. This is NOT a sign of weakness but is actually one of maturity and strength. Let him show you how to use it or find other resources that will help you go deeper into the treasure chest of HIS word!

I will save the remainder of these trade secrets until tomorrow. Let me close with this... Just recently, I had a mother whom I know to be a student of scriptures, approach me and ask me to help her find some NEW TOOLS to enhance her study of God's word. What do you think I did? Feel threatened??? NOPE! Discouraged??? NOPE! Saddened??? NOPE! I, joyously said yes I will help you! I actually gave her a few books from my personal library to let her "check" them out before she bought!

I will say to you what I said to her.... if I can ever help, just let me know!!!
Read and Study HIS book my brothers and sisters. For in it we find the WORDS OF LIFE!!!!

You'll be glad you did!

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