Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is Controlling YOU?

Last nite I had the privilege of spending some time with a young couple who are wrestling through some difficult marital issues. Both are guilty of hurting each other over the past several years. Their pain is evident and often comes out in their words, facial expressions and actions towards each other. This was not the first time we have met, but is just part of the journey that we are on together growing in the grace of God. I will get back to them in a moment.

As I reflect on them and their plight, I was reminded of the common truth that this is true of many of us. Broken or damaged relationships, hardened hearts and violated trust marks the lives of many. HOW will we handle such pain? How will we manage such disappointment?How are we to go on with such saddness working in our hearts?

We must remember that this IS common to all of us!!! We are not alone, we are not the first to go through this, we are not the ONLY ones struggling with these very serious issues! God, in HIS infinite wisdom recorded for us the pathway to freedom from that which ails many of our relationships! Our treasure today is found in Ephesians 4....

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

I like the simplicity of the NLT on this. Note the very specific things he instructs us to do. First, we have some STUFF to get rid of! Bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander and bad actions have to go. When we are dealing with damaged relationships we have to deal with what is IN us first. The stuff that comes from the wrong and how we have allowed it to affect us in our lives, either in attitude, word or actions.

In order to do this we have to make the choice to let some stuff go! Get our eyes off the wrong and onto what our Great God has in store for us as we work through this. This requires surrender to HIS will and not our own. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S DONE, you say!!! YOU WEREN'T THERE TO SEE HOW AND WHAT HE DID, you scream!!!! It doesn't matter! God was and HE still wants us to be free. Are you free in your relationships???

The real issue is a heart issue. We must start with our hearts and allow HIM to clean out the stuff that has entered as a result of wrong. Bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander and bad actions gotta go!!! Two wrongs will never make it right. You do want it to be right don't you??? All that God intends and desires for you? HE does and that is really what matters.

So on this first of a short series on WHAT IS CONTROLLING YOU... think through how you have handled the one who has hurt you. How have you responded? Think carefully through each of those things that Paul told us to get rid off. Are you guilty of any? Then choose to let them go. To put them off! To release them, rid yourself of the marks of the flesh. Let's choose another path.

The pathway to restoration. The pathway to joy. The pathway peace. The pathway of healing that flows from the throne of our Great God! It is available. But we must do it God's way!

Now back to the couple of last nite. When we finished the evening they wound up holding each other and weeping in joyful reunion as God did a major work of healing. I will say they (and God) touched my heart. It was a powerful sight to see HIS hand work so powerfully after only a few weeks. They were willing, however to trust God and surrender to HIM and HIS plan! As a result, HE worked! They simply followed HIS word!

How about you? Are you willing to let HIM in on your relationship issues? To let HIM cleanse and purify your hearts??? To let HIM heal and bless your family, friends or marriage? It will never happen unless we let go of some very damaging and dangerous stuff!!! All I can say is, I encourage you to.....

Let it go!
You'll be glad you did!

ps...part 2 tomorrow

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