Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Come Ye Thankful, part 3

HE remembered us in our weakness. He saved us from our enemies. He gives food to every living thing. Give thanks to the God of heaven. Psalm 136:22-26

Well, here we are on our third and final session reflecting on this beautiful Psalm of praise. I hope our time on this verse has brought you to His throne of thanksgiving by its reminders of all He has done. It has me and may He continually remind us of His faithfulness. Today is one of those reminders for us....

I would like to focus on verse 25. "He gives food to every living thing." HIS PROVISION OF FOOD... How often do you, especially those of us in the USA, pause to give honest, heartfelt thanks for the food He provides for you? I mean each and every time you pause to eat. Now here in the US we have food everywhere. Grocery stores, Warehouse stores, Quickie marts, Drive thru's, restaurants, road side produce stands and even now with the spring and summer upon us in the back yard.

Just yesterday evening I had the privilege of walking on the edge of my yard up next to a patch of tall brush. Two of my granddaughters followed (or shall we say led the way) as we leaned into the brushy area to pick Blackberries. What a blessing. Not only the berries but also the kids. Each a gift from my heavenly Father. Watching them munch on the berries of HIS provision brings me much blessing even this morning as I remember this...

Do you see that? Have you paused to reflect on His provision for you lately? James 1:17 says... "every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights." The God who created the evening lights (stars and moon) gives to us EVERY good gift is from His hands. Let's reflect on a few gifts on this beautiful day.

HIS Provision of Life... Have you paused to thank Him for the life He has given you? I am not speaking of the life you are living as in present CIRCUMSTANCES, but life itself. HE has given you LIFE itself. In Genesis it says He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Gen 2:7

Life is the privilege to connect with God and His creation. It really is awesome when you see the bigger picture. Everything about us is designed to do that. Look at your body and all of the senses HE has given you. Hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling and touching. Walking, running, sitting and standing to name a few more of those blessed privileges. Each of these are gifts (provisions) from God so we can connect with His world and yes HIM. When you lose one or part of one you will understand what I mean. Praise Him for His provision for you.

HIS Provision of Relationship... Here is where some of us will be stretched a bit perhaps. Have you thanked God for those He has placed around you? Your spouse, children, parents and even friends (if they point you to Christ). Now sadly we sometimes bring relationships into our lives that do not bless our life and suffer the consequences for our actions. But God's provisions bring His blessings to us. As we develop and build those godly relationships we will see His hand in each one of them.....if we are honestly looking.

Scripture teaches us that "faithful are the wounds of a friend." Pro 27:6 Even when friends wound us God uses that for good. He has a plan. Our godly spouses are His provision for us. Our godly children and parents are His provision for us. Have you given HIM thanks for His relational provision for you?

His financial provision! Many are realizing the blessing they had in the past. Sometimes we do not see His blessing until it is taken away. In good times and bad we must realize God is our provider. We often forget that however when we are riding the "wave" of good times. I have seen quite a change in some attitudes toward work in the last few years. Many who would often gripe or complain about their jobs today are just thankful to have one. Others are on the "rack" of stretching, living each day without a job while working hard to find one. God still provides.... those testimonies are such a blessing.

His blessing of peace and joy... Is there peace in your heart? Do you have the blessing of joy filling your soul? If you do (and every believer should) it has come from your Fathers hand of blessing to you. You did not earn this nor do we deserve this. But He has given this to us because He loves us. He does not desire for the curse that rests upon this world and humanity to rob us of the joy of Life.....

He has, by His power, chosen to fill us with His Spirit and He brings us peace... sweet peace into our lives. No matter what our struggles....He can calm those troubled waters...if we allow HIM to... Scripture again says "the peace of God will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil 4:7 HIS Joy is called Joy unspeakable in scripture..Does that describe you today...filled with peace and joy....It can and should... He has provided ALL we need for life and godliness...

I could write a book on the blessings of His provision for all of us. But in the blogger world I am already in the land of nono by my the length of this. Shall we say that if we will press the pause button on our life and reflect on all of HIS provisions you will find yourself thanking God for His faithfulness. He has done so much for us.

Father, thank you....for just being you. So faithful, so gracious, so good! Forgive me that I am not as thankful as I should be. That I often do not see all you have done and provided. Open my eyes and let me see, that I may thank you and praise your most worthy name!

Thank Him for His provision for YOU....
You'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Come Ye Thankful part 2

As we gather around His table again today let me encourage you to review Psalm 136 with me again. It is a quick 26 verses. We will again focus our hearts on the last four....

He remembered us in our weakness. He saved us from our enemies. He gives food to every living thing. Give thanks to the God of heaven... 22-26

Of course the meat of what we are wrapping our thoughts around is the fact that we should be thankful to our great God. Yesterday's verse reminded us of how He has helped and continues to help us in our weakness. I rejoice in that personally. Humbled and thankful for His presence in my life.

Now today I want us to reflect a bit on the second part.... HE SAVED US FROM OUR ENEMIES... Now for the Jew at the time of the writing of this Psalm there had been multitudes of enemies. Just a little reflection on this....Egyptians, Philistines, Hittites, Amorites, Moabites and the Arameans. The list was innumerable for them. Time after time they had seen God not only protect them but in many instances supernaturally work to deliver them and give them total victory. For that they were to come and give HIM thanks...

But what about us? Has He done anything like that for us? Have we enemies that stand in our path and seek to destroy us? I would say definitely! Our first enemy is SIN. Some may not think this is our greatest enemy but I do, because this enemy resides within every human being. Our nature towards sin and sinfulness is far greater than any of us can truly imagine. It runs deeper and further than we know.

Left to grow and develop to maturity in our lives SIN leads us to DEATH. Most of us do not consider that each time we are tempted but that is what God's word and life's experience teaches. Destroyed lives litter the highway of life. Broken marriages, broken homes and broken lives are the fruit of sin. BUT HE SAVED US FROM OUR ENEMIES!

When we trust Christ to save us from our sin the scripture teaches us that "we are no longer slaves to sin." Rom 6:6 and also shows us..." we were set free from the power of sin." These wonderful truth's and their personal reality bring me to thanksgiving....How about you?

Another enemy is Satan. He rules this world and is called the prince of the power of the air. He guides the affairs of the world and of unregenerated people directing them and the world system to their ultimate destruction. We are a fly in his ointment. As Christians, we are in the dead center of his target. His goal is to destroy Christ, Christ followers and anything that speaks of Christ.

Again, Christ has broken Satan's power just as HE did the power of sin....Heb. 2:14.."only by dying could could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death." No longer do we have to fear this enemy. In fact Eph 6 teaches us to stand strong in the Lord in the power of HIS (God's) might against the schemes, plans, desires of the devil. Satan was and is defeated by the power of Christ!

Another enemy is fear. How many times do we allow fear to control a decision or affect a relationship. How many times do we avoid or deny because we fear what may or may not happen? All I can say is that God's word teaches us this enemy also is defeated. "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7 We do not need to fear because HE has given us power to overcome. We are more than conquerers, so much so Paul wrote and said to us " I can do all things through Christ who is my strength." Phil 4:13

HE is worthy of our continual thanksgiving because HE has SAVED us from our enemies. This list of course was not exhaustive but each and every enemy should be brought to Christ. Watch them bow before HIM in submission to HIS power and authority. Take time today to thank HIM for all the ways HE has saved you from all of YOUR enemies.....

You'll be glad you did!!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Come Ye Thankful

There is a Hymn of our faith that declares "Come ye thankful people come" and that is just the truth I want us to consider today. Actually my text comes from the Book of you know which one that is??? You are right! It is the book of Psalms....

Turn and read Psalm chapter 136 today. Read it slowly and carefully allowing each verse to fill your mind with its treasure. It's beautiful isn't it? I would like us to consider the whole chapter but most especially the last 4 verses...

He remembered us in our weakness. He saved us from our enemies. He gives food to every living thing. Give thanks to the God of heaven...

You may notice that I did not print out His faithful love endures forever. That is because that phrase was actually not in some of the best manuscripts. It was added probably by a scribe at some point in history. But our consideration must focus on what we know to be HIS word. Read those precious verses (22-26) and consider their truth.

Now certainly we know this Psalm is written by a Jewish man primarily for the Jewish people. But aren't its truth's just as applicable for us?

HE REMEMBERED US IN OUR WEAKNESS.... Wow. The sad reality is that we actually cannot fully grasp how truly weak we are. We are weak in regards to salvation. There will never be enough good works for us to earn or merit heaven. Sadly, many will appeal to their righteousness (good works) only to hear those horrible words..."depart from me you worker of iniquity for I never knew you." Matt 7:23 HE saw our desperately weak condition and sent HIS Son to die in our place.....By HIS stripes we are healed....Praise God!

We are also weak in our striving against sin. Heb 12:4...None of us fight against our sin nature to the point of bloodshed...Now do we???? Be honest.. we far too easily give in to those fleshly impulses. But HE again saw our need and sent us HIS Holy Spirit to enable us to WIN this battle. 1 Cor 10:13

We are weak in our Surrendering of the self life to truly live for our God. Far too many times we take the path of ease and comfort over HIS walk of struggle and pain. Over and over again HE calls us to the alter of sacrifice for our self life. Jesus phrased it this way...." if anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself....Luke 9:23....

We are so weak and in many other areas. All I want us to see and acknowledge is that HE knows how weak we are and has made preparation for that in and through salvation. HE has done many things to rectify this sad dilemma.

1) He has sealed us with HIS Holy Spirit. HE is God's power in us to accomplish HIS work in and through us. 2) He has given us HIS word to guide, comfort, convict and teach us. It is God's will in written form. Only as we learn it and apply it will we see His strength manifest in us and in His work. This only happens by belief!!! WE MUST BELIEVE WHAT HE HAS SAID AND ACT BASED UPON THAT BELIEF. 3) He has given us the Church. Now this is not a building made with human hands as many want to say. But is the beautiful body of Jesus Christ that is about His work each and every day. Through this body we are encouraged, held accountable, taught, strengthened and many other things that only our plugging into HIS body can accomplish.

So let's give thanks for the fact that HE has remembered us in our weakness. For all He has done to help us in our weaknesses. What is your weak spot? Where is it that you continually struggle and often seem to fail? Bring it to Jesus today. He already knows. Let Him bring His power to bear on your struggle. Watch what HE does. See how He loves you and what He has in store for those who come to HIM. Give HIM the thanks HE so rightly deserves.

You'll be glad you did!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait!

Today our treasure is found in Leviticus 24:12

Then they put him in custody until the mind of the LORD might be shown to them.

Now to best grasp the power of this verse we must understand more of the passage. There was, in the camp of the Israelite's, a young man whose mother was an Israelite and his father was an Egyptian. This young man apparently got into a fight with another Israelite man and while doing so he blasphemed the name of the LORD. This news got back to Moses and his instructions were for them to place this young man into custody and here is the part I found such a blessing today, until the mind of the LORD was known.

The NLT states it this way.... "until the LORD'S will in the matter should become clear to them."

I am not going to discuss the event of his sin but more importantly I want us to consider Moses' instructions to them. He simply told them to hold him until they knew clearly what God would have them do.

I can only imagine this happening today in our Facebook/Twitter society where everything is instantaneous. Microwave meals, sound bites and text messaging are wonderful tools to bless and enable us in many ways. But they are also signs that we want and expect things quickly and without delay. This has no only infiltrated us but also our walk of faith.

This may be wonderful in some areas but when it comes to walking with the LORD this can be and often is catastrophic. I have seen it many times. People, good people making decisions quickly and off the cuff without ever consulting God and His word. Now if we are talking about where we are going to eat that is no big deal but when it comes to more important matters it may cost us the rest of our lives.

What ever happened to people truly seeking the mind of the LORD in their decision making? Proverbs 3:5-6 (a verse we should all memorize) says this.....

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

Through the years I have seen time and time again God's children coming to me after they have made huge decisions, financial, emotional, relational, job related and even marriage decisions without ever consulting the LORD. Then they find that they have gotten themselves into hard and difficult places. Then they are ready to do it God's way. But why not before? Why not seek His wisdom and direction on the front end?

Often times it is because we are IMPATIENT. God may not tell us quick enough to make us happy. Other times it is because we do not really want His direction. He may say NO and we do not want to deny ourselves so we simply don't ask. This is SELFISHNESS. Perhaps we don't ask cause we feel we can handle it (this is one of my weak points). We just think we know what is right and go ahead and do it. In reality this is PRIDE. (Ouch) To see how bad this one works out see Leviticus 10 the story of Nadab and Abihu, they thought they had it figured out but found out they were dead wrong (pun intended).

So where are we going with this. We need God! We need Him every day and every hour as the song says. We need His wisdom and direction in every area of life. We must be careful in each and every decision to seek the LORD. We need His clarity to enlighten us. Whether it is family related, job or financial we need HIM, His clear direction to light our way.

I love the old song that says....When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word, what a GLORY He sheds on our way..... Oh so true....what a glory HE sheds on our path!!!!

Now have you sought Him today? Spent sufficient time before Him just letting Him speak to your heart. Do it today. Open His word, read and pray. If necessary....wait..... Allow Him to speak into your life, your specific situation.....He will!!!!

And You will be glad you did!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Burning Bushes

Imagine coming home from the grocery store and pulling into your driveway only to see a bush burning in your front yard. As you watch it, you notice a strange phenomenon happening. The bush is burning and yet it is never burned up. It is just a continual burning bush....

Well today's passage is just that event and we find that in Exodus 3...

Then Moses said, "I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn." SO when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, " Moses, Moses!" And he said " Here I am."

This scriptural life event is one of those passages we just stand and say WOW!!! Moses, a simple shepherd going through his normal daily routine has an encounter with God. All because of a burning bush. As a result of this event, his life would be forever changed.

Now back to our front yard burning bush. You get out of your car, approach the bush and just when you think things can't get any wilder, a Voice speaks to you out of the bush. In fact, the Voice calls you by name. He identifies Himself as God and by now you are a believer!!! Man, how incredible. How awesome! How powerful!

Yep, that is the event of Mose's call. His moment when he realized the wonder of God and His plan for his life. Now most of us know the rest of the story. What God's plan was and how He worked through His Man, Moses.

May I simply say today that God still uses burning bushes. Now some of you just turned the radio off, you just checked out mentally because you think I have lost it. But I only mean that God still uses everyday things in the lives of people to reveal Himself, to communicate His plan and call us to action.

For some, the burning bush is a major illness. For others it is a job loss, a sudden situation or an unplanned event or meeting. God reveals Himself and still speaks to people. Now we must be careful in our interpretation during these times as Satan often tries to imitate God. However his deceptive schemes, when compared to scripture will not stand in the light of God's word. It will be revealed as counterfeit.

I have been to hospital rooms where fellow believers have acknowledged that God had spoken to them very clearly through their event. Surrender to His plan, clarity of God's purpose, will often be their testimony. Often what seems to be a tragedy or an unusual event is God getting our attention.

Notice what and how God worked in this situation...First Moses saw the event and recognized it as "outside" the norm. (Big surprise here) Second, notice he did not just blow it off but he actually stopped his normal routine to investigate and observe. How many times we might have heard the Voice of God if we had only turned aside for a moment to pause and consider the event of our life. Moses did and when he did...God used Moses sensitivity to speak to him. It was then and only then that God spoke.

So let me just mention to you today,what events are happening all around you. Have you paused to consider them. Perhaps this is one of your burning bush opportunities. Observe and reflect and allow our Holy God to speak. Perhaps you need to reflect on your situation in light of God's word and see if He has a word, plan, call for you. As Moses learned, God's plan is so much greater than anything he could have ever imagined. He was blessed beyond measure and saw God work in ways no one in his family had ever seen. All because, one day he turned aside to see a BURNING BUSH!!!!

If you see one, do it....
You'll be glad you did'

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Higher Call, a Higher Cost...

In our current economy here in the US, we find that many are more cost conscience than they were several years ago. Today perhaps some may ask before buying "how much" or "can't you give me a better price than that?" We are honestly and actively looking for the best deal for our money. There is nothing in the world wrong with that. In fact it is wise on our part to be frugal and careful with what God has given to us to manage.

But when it comes to following Jesus few actually consider the cost of following God as they journey in life. Today's treasure is found in Genesis 22....turn there and read the whole chapter. This will give you a greater understanding of our study today. Now that you have read it let's examine just a portion of this beautiful chapter.

Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him " Abraham!" And he said, " Here I am." Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." So Abraham rose early in the morning.... Gen 22:1-3a

Now let me remind you of a bit of history from Abraham's life. Many years earlier he had left his family, his country and everything familiar to follow God. He had been promised a child from the Lord and had spent the majority of his adult life waiting on God to provide. When Abraham was 100 years old God moved and blessed he and Sarah (90yrs old) with a child in their advanced age. Yep, you are right, it is Isaac, the very son whom God now instructs Abraham to offer as a sacrifice.

WHAT???!!!! Are you kidding me, you may ask? And may I add rightfully so. What in the world is God doing here??? Well, let's examine a few verses to see if we can gain some wisdom for ourselves....

First let's not forget that verse one says that God had decided to "TEST" Abraham. We often fail to think that God would actually administer a test in the life of one of His children. Let me say HE does this quite often. We just do not realize the gravity of what is really going on in our personal situation. We usually don't think...Ah this must be a test from the Lord. Nevertheless HE does test us. Abraham is being tested and let's see what happens...

Second, let's take a look at what God does in His test of Abraham. He asks Abraham to get himself ready and take his son to the land of Moriah and spells out that he wants Abraham to offer him as a sacrifice. In other words....kill him.

Can you imagine this? Can you imagine God asking that of you or I? Telling us that He plans to take one of your precious children or perhaps someone very close to you? I can just imagine what was going through Abraham's head. Did he wrestle with this? Did he get into a debate with God? Perhaps he said God take me but leave my son???!!! Well, being the Biblicists that I am let's see what God's word has to say. All that HE has given us is that early in the morning he got himself ready and he and his son left in obedience to God's will.

Wow. Simple obedience. He just got up and went. Isn't that refreshing!!! Now the scripture doesn't say if it was the next day or not so that is left to our speculation. I tend to think he had some time of working through this with God and himself. Either way, he went....

May I suggest to you that God is testing many of His children today. He is calling us to turn from sin, turn from the world, turn from unhealthy habits and follow Him without reservation. Some He is calling to change jobs, change careers and even change locations. Others He is calling to a deeper walk, a more involved life in the work of the Lord. He is calling us to give up what is precious to us, to offer it to Him, to give it to our Great and Gracious God.

I am blessed by the faith of Abraham. His willingness to surrender to God's plan for his life even if it meant the giving up of that which was most precious to him. I wish that it were true of every believer recorded in scripture. In Colossians 4:14 we are introduced to a brother who sends his greeting to the Colossian church family. His name is Demas. Now to show you how precious Demas was within the fellowship in verse 14 he is mentioned along with the Apostle Luke. I believe this indicates he was involved deeply with the work of the Lord.

However, later in his life we do not have this record of his life. In fact things take a much more negative turn. In 2 Timothy 4:9-10...

Be diligent to come to me quickly, for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica...

How tragic. How sad! Here is a brother who walked side by side with Luke and the Apostle Paul but the last record we have of him in scripture is that he walked away. He turned his back on the great work of the Lord and walked back into the world. That is more mention of any involvement in God's work. Gone....Never mentioned again.....not one word!!!! Silence!

I wonder what the test revealed in his life? What was God asking him to give up that he refused to do....We see a bit of it in the verse.....He loved his present life. He loved his world. He just couldn't....say wouldn't give it up.....He left and is gone from the pages of Holy Scriptures....

The cost was too great in his eyes. He just would not give it up....Isn't that like many of us today? Don't many of us serve God with the same lack of devotion? The same lack of denial? I am afraid it is true in far too many of us. Even though we know HE demands our all we give Him only a token measure of our life. Is there any wonder His power is lacking in our daily life.

If we want His best then we must be willing to give Him our BEST. Live each and every day in total surrender to His plan and purpose for your life. Allow Him to test and see if you will love Him as Abraham did or will we shrink away as Demas, loving this present world more than HIM? It is my prayer that we will all follow Him no matter what the cost, because ours is a HIGHER CALLING!

You'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Simple but Profound

Well, have you ever discovered that something is simple yet its effect is profound. There are many things like that in life that in reality the are soooo simple, but their effect goes far beyond simple.

The old fashioned mousetrap is one of those devices. Simple yet so profound in its practicality and performance. How about an old style toothbrush? Simple yet profound. Now for some of you this may surprise you. Did you know that the "good old days" toothbrush was often made of a locust branch or stick? You would chew on it to soften it a bit on the end until the wood frayed out and then you would have used it to clean your teeth as best as you could. I don't know about you but I rather like the simple tooth brushes of today!!! Simple yet profound!

Today's truth treasure is found in Psalms are just a few verses...

Praise the Lord! How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. vs. 1-2

Now when we read this passage (and I encourage you to read all 10 verses of this powerful chapter) we see that HE is instructing us on the promised blessing to the families of those who fear the Lord and obey His word. Isn't that what we all desire for our families? Don't we want God's hand of blessing to be upon them both now (while we live) and after we go home? I definitely do. I want HIS hand to abide upon our family for all generations.

So, does it surprise you to see what HE requires for HIS promised blessing to abide upon a family, generation after generation? Fearing the Lord with joy and delight in obeying His word. This is so simple to us isn't it? Rightly relating with God and simple obedience to what HE has said.

I was reminded of this just yesterday when my youngest son and I traveled to another city to meet with a Pastor and founder of a Missions organization that ministers in many countries. We went with the intent not only of meeting him but also desiring to hear his testimony and to glean from his years of experience. In fact he had traveled to South Africa some 25 times and started orphanages in several countries. This is exactly what we needed to learn about.

While there he saw my son's desire to get to the field of service and began to encourage him in the work of the Lord. One of the most powerful moments we had was when he simply said to him, young man, nothing is more important than meeting with the Lord daily and getting into His word everyday. Wow, of all the things he could have said, and many of them good and wise things, he simply pointed him back to the foundational truth that we read here in Psalm 112. Fear God and delight in His word!!!

It is so simple, yet it is so profound! Each and every day, we must prioritize our day to bow before our God and King. To seek Him and His plan and purpose for our day and life. Those who do find that JOY will fill their lives, no matter what the circumstances. Any father, mother, individual who chooses to do so sets themselves up for His promised blessing. Beyond that, even whole families will be blessed and His success will abound within that family.

Forget all the worldly methodologies and lets stick with the simple and profound. In fact, I find it amusing the the Creator of the universe has made this so simple. With His incredible complexity, with HIS complexity revealed over and over again in creation, HE has chosen to make it so simple that even a child can follow Him. Why, because He desires for His creation to see Him as He all of His glory! He delights when we bow and worship Him. He blesses when we do as well. No matter what our circumstance or situation, let us come before Him and find the JOY of life.....It is God Himself!!!

You'll be glad you did!