Friday, June 25, 2010

Burning Bushes

Imagine coming home from the grocery store and pulling into your driveway only to see a bush burning in your front yard. As you watch it, you notice a strange phenomenon happening. The bush is burning and yet it is never burned up. It is just a continual burning bush....

Well today's passage is just that event and we find that in Exodus 3...

Then Moses said, "I will now turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush does not burn." SO when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, " Moses, Moses!" And he said " Here I am."

This scriptural life event is one of those passages we just stand and say WOW!!! Moses, a simple shepherd going through his normal daily routine has an encounter with God. All because of a burning bush. As a result of this event, his life would be forever changed.

Now back to our front yard burning bush. You get out of your car, approach the bush and just when you think things can't get any wilder, a Voice speaks to you out of the bush. In fact, the Voice calls you by name. He identifies Himself as God and by now you are a believer!!! Man, how incredible. How awesome! How powerful!

Yep, that is the event of Mose's call. His moment when he realized the wonder of God and His plan for his life. Now most of us know the rest of the story. What God's plan was and how He worked through His Man, Moses.

May I simply say today that God still uses burning bushes. Now some of you just turned the radio off, you just checked out mentally because you think I have lost it. But I only mean that God still uses everyday things in the lives of people to reveal Himself, to communicate His plan and call us to action.

For some, the burning bush is a major illness. For others it is a job loss, a sudden situation or an unplanned event or meeting. God reveals Himself and still speaks to people. Now we must be careful in our interpretation during these times as Satan often tries to imitate God. However his deceptive schemes, when compared to scripture will not stand in the light of God's word. It will be revealed as counterfeit.

I have been to hospital rooms where fellow believers have acknowledged that God had spoken to them very clearly through their event. Surrender to His plan, clarity of God's purpose, will often be their testimony. Often what seems to be a tragedy or an unusual event is God getting our attention.

Notice what and how God worked in this situation...First Moses saw the event and recognized it as "outside" the norm. (Big surprise here) Second, notice he did not just blow it off but he actually stopped his normal routine to investigate and observe. How many times we might have heard the Voice of God if we had only turned aside for a moment to pause and consider the event of our life. Moses did and when he did...God used Moses sensitivity to speak to him. It was then and only then that God spoke.

So let me just mention to you today,what events are happening all around you. Have you paused to consider them. Perhaps this is one of your burning bush opportunities. Observe and reflect and allow our Holy God to speak. Perhaps you need to reflect on your situation in light of God's word and see if He has a word, plan, call for you. As Moses learned, God's plan is so much greater than anything he could have ever imagined. He was blessed beyond measure and saw God work in ways no one in his family had ever seen. All because, one day he turned aside to see a BURNING BUSH!!!!

If you see one, do it....
You'll be glad you did'

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