Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Come Ye Thankful, part 3

HE remembered us in our weakness. He saved us from our enemies. He gives food to every living thing. Give thanks to the God of heaven. Psalm 136:22-26

Well, here we are on our third and final session reflecting on this beautiful Psalm of praise. I hope our time on this verse has brought you to His throne of thanksgiving by its reminders of all He has done. It has me and may He continually remind us of His faithfulness. Today is one of those reminders for us....

I would like to focus on verse 25. "He gives food to every living thing." HIS PROVISION OF FOOD... How often do you, especially those of us in the USA, pause to give honest, heartfelt thanks for the food He provides for you? I mean each and every time you pause to eat. Now here in the US we have food everywhere. Grocery stores, Warehouse stores, Quickie marts, Drive thru's, restaurants, road side produce stands and even now with the spring and summer upon us in the back yard.

Just yesterday evening I had the privilege of walking on the edge of my yard up next to a patch of tall brush. Two of my granddaughters followed (or shall we say led the way) as we leaned into the brushy area to pick Blackberries. What a blessing. Not only the berries but also the kids. Each a gift from my heavenly Father. Watching them munch on the berries of HIS provision brings me much blessing even this morning as I remember this...

Do you see that? Have you paused to reflect on His provision for you lately? James 1:17 says... "every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights." The God who created the evening lights (stars and moon) gives to us EVERY good gift is from His hands. Let's reflect on a few gifts on this beautiful day.

HIS Provision of Life... Have you paused to thank Him for the life He has given you? I am not speaking of the life you are living as in present CIRCUMSTANCES, but life itself. HE has given you LIFE itself. In Genesis it says He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Gen 2:7

Life is the privilege to connect with God and His creation. It really is awesome when you see the bigger picture. Everything about us is designed to do that. Look at your body and all of the senses HE has given you. Hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling and touching. Walking, running, sitting and standing to name a few more of those blessed privileges. Each of these are gifts (provisions) from God so we can connect with His world and yes HIM. When you lose one or part of one you will understand what I mean. Praise Him for His provision for you.

HIS Provision of Relationship... Here is where some of us will be stretched a bit perhaps. Have you thanked God for those He has placed around you? Your spouse, children, parents and even friends (if they point you to Christ). Now sadly we sometimes bring relationships into our lives that do not bless our life and suffer the consequences for our actions. But God's provisions bring His blessings to us. As we develop and build those godly relationships we will see His hand in each one of them.....if we are honestly looking.

Scripture teaches us that "faithful are the wounds of a friend." Pro 27:6 Even when friends wound us God uses that for good. He has a plan. Our godly spouses are His provision for us. Our godly children and parents are His provision for us. Have you given HIM thanks for His relational provision for you?

His financial provision! Many are realizing the blessing they had in the past. Sometimes we do not see His blessing until it is taken away. In good times and bad we must realize God is our provider. We often forget that however when we are riding the "wave" of good times. I have seen quite a change in some attitudes toward work in the last few years. Many who would often gripe or complain about their jobs today are just thankful to have one. Others are on the "rack" of stretching, living each day without a job while working hard to find one. God still provides.... those testimonies are such a blessing.

His blessing of peace and joy... Is there peace in your heart? Do you have the blessing of joy filling your soul? If you do (and every believer should) it has come from your Fathers hand of blessing to you. You did not earn this nor do we deserve this. But He has given this to us because He loves us. He does not desire for the curse that rests upon this world and humanity to rob us of the joy of Life.....

He has, by His power, chosen to fill us with His Spirit and He brings us peace... sweet peace into our lives. No matter what our struggles....He can calm those troubled waters...if we allow HIM to... Scripture again says "the peace of God will keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." Phil 4:7 HIS Joy is called Joy unspeakable in scripture..Does that describe you today...filled with peace and joy....It can and should... He has provided ALL we need for life and godliness...

I could write a book on the blessings of His provision for all of us. But in the blogger world I am already in the land of nono by my the length of this. Shall we say that if we will press the pause button on our life and reflect on all of HIS provisions you will find yourself thanking God for His faithfulness. He has done so much for us.

Father, thank you....for just being you. So faithful, so gracious, so good! Forgive me that I am not as thankful as I should be. That I often do not see all you have done and provided. Open my eyes and let me see, that I may thank you and praise your most worthy name!

Thank Him for His provision for YOU....
You'll be glad you did!

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