Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Come Ye Thankful part 2

As we gather around His table again today let me encourage you to review Psalm 136 with me again. It is a quick 26 verses. We will again focus our hearts on the last four....

He remembered us in our weakness. He saved us from our enemies. He gives food to every living thing. Give thanks to the God of heaven... 22-26

Of course the meat of what we are wrapping our thoughts around is the fact that we should be thankful to our great God. Yesterday's verse reminded us of how He has helped and continues to help us in our weakness. I rejoice in that personally. Humbled and thankful for His presence in my life.

Now today I want us to reflect a bit on the second part.... HE SAVED US FROM OUR ENEMIES... Now for the Jew at the time of the writing of this Psalm there had been multitudes of enemies. Just a little reflection on this....Egyptians, Philistines, Hittites, Amorites, Moabites and the Arameans. The list was innumerable for them. Time after time they had seen God not only protect them but in many instances supernaturally work to deliver them and give them total victory. For that they were to come and give HIM thanks...

But what about us? Has He done anything like that for us? Have we enemies that stand in our path and seek to destroy us? I would say definitely! Our first enemy is SIN. Some may not think this is our greatest enemy but I do, because this enemy resides within every human being. Our nature towards sin and sinfulness is far greater than any of us can truly imagine. It runs deeper and further than we know.

Left to grow and develop to maturity in our lives SIN leads us to DEATH. Most of us do not consider that each time we are tempted but that is what God's word and life's experience teaches. Destroyed lives litter the highway of life. Broken marriages, broken homes and broken lives are the fruit of sin. BUT HE SAVED US FROM OUR ENEMIES!

When we trust Christ to save us from our sin the scripture teaches us that "we are no longer slaves to sin." Rom 6:6 and also shows us..." we were set free from the power of sin." These wonderful truth's and their personal reality bring me to thanksgiving....How about you?

Another enemy is Satan. He rules this world and is called the prince of the power of the air. He guides the affairs of the world and of unregenerated people directing them and the world system to their ultimate destruction. We are a fly in his ointment. As Christians, we are in the dead center of his target. His goal is to destroy Christ, Christ followers and anything that speaks of Christ.

Again, Christ has broken Satan's power just as HE did the power of sin....Heb. 2:14.."only by dying could could he break the power of the devil, who had the power of death." No longer do we have to fear this enemy. In fact Eph 6 teaches us to stand strong in the Lord in the power of HIS (God's) might against the schemes, plans, desires of the devil. Satan was and is defeated by the power of Christ!

Another enemy is fear. How many times do we allow fear to control a decision or affect a relationship. How many times do we avoid or deny because we fear what may or may not happen? All I can say is that God's word teaches us this enemy also is defeated. "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7 We do not need to fear because HE has given us power to overcome. We are more than conquerers, so much so Paul wrote and said to us " I can do all things through Christ who is my strength." Phil 4:13

HE is worthy of our continual thanksgiving because HE has SAVED us from our enemies. This list of course was not exhaustive but each and every enemy should be brought to Christ. Watch them bow before HIM in submission to HIS power and authority. Take time today to thank HIM for all the ways HE has saved you from all of YOUR enemies.....

You'll be glad you did!!!

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