In our current economy here in the US, we find that many are more cost conscience than they were several years ago. Today perhaps some may ask before buying "how much" or "can't you give me a better price than that?" We are honestly and actively looking for the best deal for our money. There is nothing in the world wrong with that. In fact it is wise on our part to be frugal and careful with what God has given to us to manage.
But when it comes to following Jesus few actually consider the cost of following God as they journey in life. Today's treasure is found in Genesis 22....turn there and read the whole chapter. This will give you a greater understanding of our study today. Now that you have read it let's examine just a portion of this beautiful chapter.
Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him " Abraham!" And he said, " Here I am." Then He said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you." So Abraham rose early in the morning.... Gen 22:1-3a
Now let me remind you of a bit of history from Abraham's life. Many years earlier he had left his family, his country and everything familiar to follow God. He had been promised a child from the Lord and had spent the majority of his adult life waiting on God to provide. When Abraham was 100 years old God moved and blessed he and Sarah (90yrs old) with a child in their advanced age. Yep, you are right, it is Isaac, the very son whom God now instructs Abraham to offer as a sacrifice.
WHAT???!!!! Are you kidding me, you may ask? And may I add rightfully so. What in the world is God doing here??? Well, let's examine a few verses to see if we can gain some wisdom for ourselves....
First let's not forget that verse one says that God had decided to "TEST" Abraham. We often fail to think that God would actually administer a test in the life of one of His children. Let me say HE does this quite often. We just do not realize the gravity of what is really going on in our personal situation. We usually don't think...Ah this must be a test from the Lord. Nevertheless HE does test us. Abraham is being tested and let's see what happens...
Second, let's take a look at what God does in His test of Abraham. He asks Abraham to get himself ready and take his son to the land of Moriah and spells out that he wants Abraham to offer him as a sacrifice. In other words....kill him.
Can you imagine this? Can you imagine God asking that of you or I? Telling us that He plans to take one of your precious children or perhaps someone very close to you? I can just imagine what was going through Abraham's head. Did he wrestle with this? Did he get into a debate with God? Perhaps he said God take me but leave my son???!!! Well, being the Biblicists that I am let's see what God's word has to say. All that HE has given us is that early in the morning he got himself ready and he and his son left in obedience to God's will.
Wow. Simple obedience. He just got up and went. Isn't that refreshing!!! Now the scripture doesn't say if it was the next day or not so that is left to our speculation. I tend to think he had some time of working through this with God and himself. Either way, he went....
May I suggest to you that God is testing many of His children today. He is calling us to turn from sin, turn from the world, turn from unhealthy habits and follow Him without reservation. Some He is calling to change jobs, change careers and even change locations. Others He is calling to a deeper walk, a more involved life in the work of the Lord. He is calling us to give up what is precious to us, to offer it to Him, to give it to our Great and Gracious God.
I am blessed by the faith of Abraham. His willingness to surrender to God's plan for his life even if it meant the giving up of that which was most precious to him. I wish that it were true of every believer recorded in scripture. In Colossians 4:14 we are introduced to a brother who sends his greeting to the Colossian church family. His name is Demas. Now to show you how precious Demas was within the fellowship in verse 14 he is mentioned along with the Apostle Luke. I believe this indicates he was involved deeply with the work of the Lord.
However, later in his life we do not have this record of his life. In fact things take a much more negative turn. In 2 Timothy 4:9-10...
Be diligent to come to me quickly, for Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica...
How tragic. How sad! Here is a brother who walked side by side with Luke and the Apostle Paul but the last record we have of him in scripture is that he walked away. He turned his back on the great work of the Lord and walked back into the world. That is more mention of any involvement in God's work. Gone....Never mentioned again.....not one word!!!! Silence!
I wonder what the test revealed in his life? What was God asking him to give up that he refused to do....We see a bit of it in the verse.....He loved his present life. He loved his world. He just couldn't....say wouldn't give it up.....He left and is gone from the pages of Holy Scriptures....
The cost was too great in his eyes. He just would not give it up....Isn't that like many of us today? Don't many of us serve God with the same lack of devotion? The same lack of denial? I am afraid it is true in far too many of us. Even though we know HE demands our all we give Him only a token measure of our life. Is there any wonder His power is lacking in our daily life.
If we want His best then we must be willing to give Him our BEST. Live each and every day in total surrender to His plan and purpose for your life. Allow Him to test and see if you will love Him as Abraham did or will we shrink away as Demas, loving this present world more than HIM? It is my prayer that we will all follow Him no matter what the cost, because ours is a HIGHER CALLING!
You'll be glad you did!
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