Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait!

Today our treasure is found in Leviticus 24:12

Then they put him in custody until the mind of the LORD might be shown to them.

Now to best grasp the power of this verse we must understand more of the passage. There was, in the camp of the Israelite's, a young man whose mother was an Israelite and his father was an Egyptian. This young man apparently got into a fight with another Israelite man and while doing so he blasphemed the name of the LORD. This news got back to Moses and his instructions were for them to place this young man into custody and here is the part I found such a blessing today, until the mind of the LORD was known.

The NLT states it this way.... "until the LORD'S will in the matter should become clear to them."

I am not going to discuss the event of his sin but more importantly I want us to consider Moses' instructions to them. He simply told them to hold him until they knew clearly what God would have them do.

I can only imagine this happening today in our Facebook/Twitter society where everything is instantaneous. Microwave meals, sound bites and text messaging are wonderful tools to bless and enable us in many ways. But they are also signs that we want and expect things quickly and without delay. This has no only infiltrated us but also our walk of faith.

This may be wonderful in some areas but when it comes to walking with the LORD this can be and often is catastrophic. I have seen it many times. People, good people making decisions quickly and off the cuff without ever consulting God and His word. Now if we are talking about where we are going to eat that is no big deal but when it comes to more important matters it may cost us the rest of our lives.

What ever happened to people truly seeking the mind of the LORD in their decision making? Proverbs 3:5-6 (a verse we should all memorize) says this.....

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.

Through the years I have seen time and time again God's children coming to me after they have made huge decisions, financial, emotional, relational, job related and even marriage decisions without ever consulting the LORD. Then they find that they have gotten themselves into hard and difficult places. Then they are ready to do it God's way. But why not before? Why not seek His wisdom and direction on the front end?

Often times it is because we are IMPATIENT. God may not tell us quick enough to make us happy. Other times it is because we do not really want His direction. He may say NO and we do not want to deny ourselves so we simply don't ask. This is SELFISHNESS. Perhaps we don't ask cause we feel we can handle it (this is one of my weak points). We just think we know what is right and go ahead and do it. In reality this is PRIDE. (Ouch) To see how bad this one works out see Leviticus 10 the story of Nadab and Abihu, they thought they had it figured out but found out they were dead wrong (pun intended).

So where are we going with this. We need God! We need Him every day and every hour as the song says. We need His wisdom and direction in every area of life. We must be careful in each and every decision to seek the LORD. We need His clarity to enlighten us. Whether it is family related, job or financial we need HIM, His clear direction to light our way.

I love the old song that says....When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word, what a GLORY He sheds on our way..... Oh so true....what a glory HE sheds on our path!!!!

Now have you sought Him today? Spent sufficient time before Him just letting Him speak to your heart. Do it today. Open His word, read and pray. If necessary....wait..... Allow Him to speak into your life, your specific situation.....He will!!!!

And You will be glad you did!

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