Monday, June 28, 2010

Come Ye Thankful

There is a Hymn of our faith that declares "Come ye thankful people come" and that is just the truth I want us to consider today. Actually my text comes from the Book of you know which one that is??? You are right! It is the book of Psalms....

Turn and read Psalm chapter 136 today. Read it slowly and carefully allowing each verse to fill your mind with its treasure. It's beautiful isn't it? I would like us to consider the whole chapter but most especially the last 4 verses...

He remembered us in our weakness. He saved us from our enemies. He gives food to every living thing. Give thanks to the God of heaven...

You may notice that I did not print out His faithful love endures forever. That is because that phrase was actually not in some of the best manuscripts. It was added probably by a scribe at some point in history. But our consideration must focus on what we know to be HIS word. Read those precious verses (22-26) and consider their truth.

Now certainly we know this Psalm is written by a Jewish man primarily for the Jewish people. But aren't its truth's just as applicable for us?

HE REMEMBERED US IN OUR WEAKNESS.... Wow. The sad reality is that we actually cannot fully grasp how truly weak we are. We are weak in regards to salvation. There will never be enough good works for us to earn or merit heaven. Sadly, many will appeal to their righteousness (good works) only to hear those horrible words..."depart from me you worker of iniquity for I never knew you." Matt 7:23 HE saw our desperately weak condition and sent HIS Son to die in our place.....By HIS stripes we are healed....Praise God!

We are also weak in our striving against sin. Heb 12:4...None of us fight against our sin nature to the point of bloodshed...Now do we???? Be honest.. we far too easily give in to those fleshly impulses. But HE again saw our need and sent us HIS Holy Spirit to enable us to WIN this battle. 1 Cor 10:13

We are weak in our Surrendering of the self life to truly live for our God. Far too many times we take the path of ease and comfort over HIS walk of struggle and pain. Over and over again HE calls us to the alter of sacrifice for our self life. Jesus phrased it this way...." if anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself....Luke 9:23....

We are so weak and in many other areas. All I want us to see and acknowledge is that HE knows how weak we are and has made preparation for that in and through salvation. HE has done many things to rectify this sad dilemma.

1) He has sealed us with HIS Holy Spirit. HE is God's power in us to accomplish HIS work in and through us. 2) He has given us HIS word to guide, comfort, convict and teach us. It is God's will in written form. Only as we learn it and apply it will we see His strength manifest in us and in His work. This only happens by belief!!! WE MUST BELIEVE WHAT HE HAS SAID AND ACT BASED UPON THAT BELIEF. 3) He has given us the Church. Now this is not a building made with human hands as many want to say. But is the beautiful body of Jesus Christ that is about His work each and every day. Through this body we are encouraged, held accountable, taught, strengthened and many other things that only our plugging into HIS body can accomplish.

So let's give thanks for the fact that HE has remembered us in our weakness. For all He has done to help us in our weaknesses. What is your weak spot? Where is it that you continually struggle and often seem to fail? Bring it to Jesus today. He already knows. Let Him bring His power to bear on your struggle. Watch what HE does. See how He loves you and what He has in store for those who come to HIM. Give HIM the thanks HE so rightly deserves.

You'll be glad you did!

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