Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Simple but Profound

Well, have you ever discovered that something is simple yet its effect is profound. There are many things like that in life that in reality the are soooo simple, but their effect goes far beyond simple.

The old fashioned mousetrap is one of those devices. Simple yet so profound in its practicality and performance. How about an old style toothbrush? Simple yet profound. Now for some of you this may surprise you. Did you know that the "good old days" toothbrush was often made of a locust branch or stick? You would chew on it to soften it a bit on the end until the wood frayed out and then you would have used it to clean your teeth as best as you could. I don't know about you but I rather like the simple tooth brushes of today!!! Simple yet profound!

Today's truth treasure is found in Psalms are just a few verses...

Praise the Lord! How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands. Their children will be successful everywhere; an entire generation of godly people will be blessed. vs. 1-2

Now when we read this passage (and I encourage you to read all 10 verses of this powerful chapter) we see that HE is instructing us on the promised blessing to the families of those who fear the Lord and obey His word. Isn't that what we all desire for our families? Don't we want God's hand of blessing to be upon them both now (while we live) and after we go home? I definitely do. I want HIS hand to abide upon our family for all generations.

So, does it surprise you to see what HE requires for HIS promised blessing to abide upon a family, generation after generation? Fearing the Lord with joy and delight in obeying His word. This is so simple to us isn't it? Rightly relating with God and simple obedience to what HE has said.

I was reminded of this just yesterday when my youngest son and I traveled to another city to meet with a Pastor and founder of a Missions organization that ministers in many countries. We went with the intent not only of meeting him but also desiring to hear his testimony and to glean from his years of experience. In fact he had traveled to South Africa some 25 times and started orphanages in several countries. This is exactly what we needed to learn about.

While there he saw my son's desire to get to the field of service and began to encourage him in the work of the Lord. One of the most powerful moments we had was when he simply said to him, young man, nothing is more important than meeting with the Lord daily and getting into His word everyday. Wow, of all the things he could have said, and many of them good and wise things, he simply pointed him back to the foundational truth that we read here in Psalm 112. Fear God and delight in His word!!!

It is so simple, yet it is so profound! Each and every day, we must prioritize our day to bow before our God and King. To seek Him and His plan and purpose for our day and life. Those who do find that JOY will fill their lives, no matter what the circumstances. Any father, mother, individual who chooses to do so sets themselves up for His promised blessing. Beyond that, even whole families will be blessed and His success will abound within that family.

Forget all the worldly methodologies and lets stick with the simple and profound. In fact, I find it amusing the the Creator of the universe has made this so simple. With His incredible complexity, with HIS complexity revealed over and over again in creation, HE has chosen to make it so simple that even a child can follow Him. Why, because He desires for His creation to see Him as He all of His glory! He delights when we bow and worship Him. He blesses when we do as well. No matter what our circumstance or situation, let us come before Him and find the JOY of life.....It is God Himself!!!

You'll be glad you did!

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