Many of you know that we are in hiding at the Outer Banks of NC right now. Our time not only has been refreshing but also a rekindling of our family relationships. Even though we see each other regularly, we still need this time of blessing of just being together......
As I have enjoyed our time, I also have enjoyed the solitude of mornings, having some great time to meet with our Father. I think there are also special places where HIS glory is more prevalent. The ocean is just that.....Here is our treasure for the next few days.....
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament show His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge Ps 19:1-2.....
....In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat....Ps 19:4b-6
Have you seen HIS glory today. I will start with the most prominent one we all can see.....The SUN. I am not going to even speak of the sheer magnitude of it, its incredible power and how HE has positioned us exactly where we need to be to receive its UV rays, its heat and it light. I am only going to speak of its daily entrance and exit.....
We would call them the sunrises and sunsets. I just want you to pause and reflect on the beauty and splendor of each. One in its incredible entrance. Causing the darkness to flee as he makes his grand entrance into today! Nothing like witnessing it from the ocean. Absolutely nothing like it. Powerful..But as Awesome as it is, it has a Creator. One who formed it by HIS words, from nothing but himself. HE spoke and he (the sun) came to be.....WOW!
Then what can we say about sunsets. Paintings of glory at the end of each day. As great a painter as Michelangelo was his greatest works would only span perhaps a few hundred square feet. But our Great God and Creator paints the sky each and every day, and has for thousands of years. Each one different and magnificent. No two alike. Billions of square miles. Each one distinct from the other. But all of them breathtaking, If you and I take time to see them.
I grieve for those trapped in concrete jungles of their own making. All they see and know is city life at its best. Rush, rush, rush into and through each day and night rarely if ever stopping to look around and most especially....look up!
Our God who has given us all things to enjoy (pertaining to life and godliness) has left us HIS marks in the sky. His Glory revealed daily via the SUN. Stop today and watch a sunset with your family or simply with our God. Get up early enough to see one of those spectacular sunrises........Watch his entrance and rejoice with him at the wonder of his Creator! Day after day he has faithfully proclaimed HIS GLORY and HIS alone!
Can you see HIS GLORY around you? Are you stopping to look? Do so and rejoice with us as we celebrate our God, the AWESOME GOD!
You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the Beach,
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