Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Mighty God...

God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him. O LORD God of host, who is mighty like You, O LORD?
Psalm 89:6-7

It is not hard for me on this morning of "coming out" of hiding from the OBX of NC, to fear the Mighty God of Israel (and the Church). On our last evening here we were treated to an incredible thunderstorm and lightning show. Some of it like I have never seen before. Awesome, just plain AWESOME!

As I read this morning, I was reflecting on those whom HE said should lead the way in relating properly with HIM. It is us, the saints of God whom should show HIM the greatest respect and reverence. I began to look at my life and "the" church today and examine whether or not we give HIM, proper reverence. To be very candid, I think not.

In our comfort first society, the issue is not usually whether we are coming before a HOLY GOD as much as am I comfortable or "happy." This is evident in several ways, mostly in what drives us and the modern American church. What type of music do we have???? What type of dress is expected or acceptable??? What version am I allowed to use?? What do you have for ME? Can you see where we are?

May I say there needs to be a Revival in this area! Here in our passage for today we see HE is to be GREATLY FEARED in the assembly of saints ( Of all places on planet earth, HE should be feared in the Church. I know, we are His bride. I know we are loved. I know we hold special place in His heart. But there is NO EXCUSE at the casual attitude we take towards HIM! Is it any wonder the church lacks HIS power today???!!!

Here are a few areas to consider!
We show our fear of HIM by our........

1) Our Faithfulness to His church (the assembly of saints). Never before have we seen such a lack of concern for faithfulness. Commitments to the fellowships of God's people are treated with such a lack of concern. This shows a lack of fear of God.

2) Our Participation in His church. Time and time again I hear pastor after pastor speak of the great need in the house of God for servants to get involved. 10% of the people seem to do 90% of the work. We have time for everything else but no time for involvement in His church. This shows a lack of fear of God.

3) Our Obedience to His word in His church. We of all people in the world should come together to feed on His word together. We should respond to His truths with simple, childlike obedience. Yes Lord should be the cry of our hearts before Him. Instead we often see folks just gripe, complain or leave because they have been challenged by God's word and refuse to obey. This too is a lack of the fear of God!

4) Our Co-operation with the Holy Spirit. Now some of you just tuned out. That is just the problem. When we mention the Holy Spirit of God you go clam shell on God. (what did you expect, I am still at the OBX) You shut down and refuse to even entertain the HE may choose to use HIS Holy Seal (mark) to challenge and move you throughout the day. We should be simplistically obedient to His inner promptings (may I add those promptings will never be in opposition to HIS word). Especially at His church. How many times He wanted to work and you refused to budge and go forward to pray, confess, go to a brother or sister and make things right, give sacrificially and obediently. These are signs of a lack of fear of God.

5) Our Constant Grumblings within His church. Again this week I heard of another pastor who was driven from the ministry because of constant griping and grumbling of the church where he served.. Statistics say that some 1500 pastors a month are leaving the ministry. Is this not the mark of the flesh? Is this not the plague of the American church? We have sooooo much yet we constantly gripe and complain. Whatever happened to being content? What happened to being thankful? We gripe about our pastors, our brothers and sisters. We complain about anything and everything. These are all signs of a lack of the fear of God.

It's time my brothers and sisters for Revival to begin at the house of God. Consider your ways. Do we fear God? He is to be GREATLY FEARED in the assembly of the saints. Do you fear HIM? Make the necessary changes to develop a healthy fear of HIM. Then and only then will we see HIS Might described in verse 8. We need Him desperately! We need His power! Without HIM we can do nothing! Fear HIM!

You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the Beach!

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