A few days later the couple contacted the family to set up a time to come by. Honestly, the family thought the couple was desiring to come by to try to sign them up for some kind of Multilevel marketing scheme. They even said that to the couple, that they had no intentions or desire to "join" up with such. After being assured this was NOT the goal and a few more persistent calls they finally relented.
When the couple arrived they sat for a few minutes of general chat when all of a sudden they spoke up and said, "after our conversation the other day, we realized your desire to be debt free so you can adopt. We want to help! They then pulled out their check book and said what is your full name." They proceeded to write out a check for $10,000, in the family name and gave it to them. The only thing we ask is that 1) you don't act weird towards us at church and 2) you tell no one who gave it to you. Before they knew it the couple was then out the door and on their way. The family was in shock! Then revival broke out in the house!
What in the world just happened? Can you imagine being such a part of God's great plan on this earth that you are free enough to give so graciously? To love so freely? To give so sacrificially? I will tell you. It is a sign of the presence of CHRIST!
Today's treasure is found in an obscure book of the Bible.....Philemon, probably just one page in your Bible. 25 little power packed verses.
I am confident as I write this letter
that you will do what I ask AND EVEN MORE! verse 21
Paul was writing to a friend named Philemon, whose slave had run away from him. The slave's name was Onesimus and God had brought him to Paul where the slave was saved. Paul was sending Onesimus back to Philemon as a brother in Jesus and encouraging him to receive him as just that. By law he could have done anything he wanted but by Christ law he had a different direction.
Paul knew Philemon was a believer and knew God's presence in his life would bring about a different response to the return of Onesimus. He knew that he would do even more than Paul had instructed. How did he know that?
It is found in Ephesisans 3:20 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Notice the words "INFINITELY MORE!" They are words of the work and wonder of God. HE always does more than expected. Shows HIMSELF strong in ways that bless us and stretch us. So much more than we could ask! Should not HIS children reflect the same??? Should that not be a trademark of the Church. Now for those of you who love to slam the church..... just remember the church is not a building or denomination but people....AKA YOU AND ME!
So, how much are you giving? How greatly are you joining HIM in HIS great work? It ain't about the money..... (duh, look past the green)....IT is about the HEART! When our hearts are right with HIM they will be open hearts and open hearts lead to open hands. The couple who gave such a gift proved their love for Christ not by their mouth (which is sooo popular today) by by their actions which reflected their Christ filled heart.
My constant prayer is that I personally be completely debt free so I can give so lavishly and freely. But let me say the end result, is not that, the end result is that I be so full of HIM that I overflow in the EVEN MORE of life. Even more of my time, my talents and treasures. Not to be consumed by my flesh but giving willingly to others.
How about you? Are you giving your best for God? If not then it is because you are not giving your best TO God! Join Him in the work. Learn the EVEN MORE'S of your life and let HIS light shine!
You'll be glad you did!
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