Look around the Christian community and what do you see? Do you see the children of God joyously singing as they go about their daily routines in their service for God? I mean, where has all the joy gone???
It doesn't matter what denomination, size, color, financial status or even location. It doesn't matter which pastor leads the way (though sometimes it does help!!! #:) what did you expect me to say) there is still a serious lack of rejoicing in the camp. Not too many of us having FUN in the sun today!!!
Now for some of you I am speaking blasphemy towards your pious driven soul. Let me simply say I rarely tread outside of Scripture so watch out cause HE might just challenge you, as HE has and does me!!! Are you having some fun today? Having some laughter, joy aka rejoicing filling your soul, life and world??? Let's see If HE can help us!!!! Here is today's treasure....
James 1: 2-5 ...My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to all people, so he will give you wisdom.NCV
Now why don't many live each day in a spirit of rejoicing..... having some serious fun in their sun? Mostly because we focus on our situations, our struggles, our circumstances..... and not our Savior. James tells us that we SHOULD be FULL of JOY! Does that describe you? Your life, marriage, family, or even your church?
Why not?
1) We should be full of joy!.... Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Multitudes of times God's word tells us that we are to be FULL of JOY! Why are we so sad? So discouraged? So disheartened? Rejoice My friends!!! You not only can but you should! I know, I don't live in your world, you say. But that is simply not true! We can find joy, everpresent joy for our daily lives. Look into the text..Our troubles are allowed to TEST our faith.
Our faith? Yep, and that little phrase is the key to our joy. Our faith in what? Our abilities? Nope, that is what has gotten us there. Our plans, nope, that too is part of the problem. Our faith in our Great God. He has allowed us to walk these dusty, difficult roads to teach us to come to HIM. To depend on HIM and HIM alone. Faith is trust. We must change our worldly, self centered, self dependent lifestyles to ones of daily dependence (trust) in HIM! This will enter us into the realms of JOY. Joy unspeakable!!!!
2) We can be joyful because HE has a plan in our present circumstances....He has allowed us to come to this point so we can learn to depend on HIM and HIS plan in our lives. HE is going to teach us patience. This word actually means endurance. Endurance is strength. He is strengthening us for the walk of life.
A life that never goes through difficulties is a weak life. The longer the test the stronger we become. We learn some valuable lessons as HE works out HIS plans in and for us. This will bring us joy as we realize HE has a plan. It is not a calamity. It is not the end of the world. It is God doing His best work.....in us! Growing us up!
3) We can be joyful because HE also is teaching us... Wisdom is truth that has been transmitted to us in our situation and is transforming us. As we learn about God, His plans, His purposes, and His ways....we are set free to enjoy the journey of life. Jesus Himself said " I have come that they (aka you and me) might have life and have it more abundantly. For those who are prosperity people....this does NOT mean we will all drive Cadillacs, BMW's or the like but that we will have life in the fullest sense! TURBO LIFE! Life on Steroids and it ain't illegal! Now that is fun! He will show us the way. He will show us how. Ask Him!
So sign me up for the great adventure of life. With God! It is not just oh no here's another day, but Father what do YOU have in store for us today! Where will I see your hand at work? Where will I see your signature in my world today? The more you join in with HIM, the more life becomes fun, even in the hard times! You can have fun, but only in the SON!
You'll be glad you did!
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