Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Everybody IS a Witness!!!

Oftentimes we hear Christians say "I can't witness or I don't know enough enough to witness." This may sound acceptable to our fleshly mindset but is it Biblical? Does that excuse hold water in light of the Truth? Well, let's find out!

Our treasure is found in 1 Peter 3:1-6.....Here Peter is speaking specifically to the Jewish wife who has an unsaved (unbelieving) husband. In this beautiful passage God reveals to us that HE even speaks through the actions of a believer....Note specifically verse 1....

...even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,(vs.2) when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.

The key here is "without a word." Now this let's the air out of the balloon of those who say that they are unprepared to witness. Our God is NOT limited by our preparation (though we should be as prepared as we can) nor is HE limited by our abilities or lack thereof. HE is able to speak even when we are not!

In this passage we clearly see that HE speaks through our lives, transformed by HIS GRACE. People whose lives reflect the ONE who has made them into HIS image. It is that difference, that contrast, that change, that HE uses to reveal Himself to those who do not know HIM!

You've possibly heard the saying that "actions speak louder than words." That statement is actually Biblical and clearly follows our passage. Can I have the liberty to simplify it a bit more. A little more shoe leather for us....This means all believers are actually preachers! Proclaimers of HIS grace. Day in and day out preaching the reality of a Risen Savior.

Here is the catch.....Our behavior can either point them TO Christ or also...point them AWAY from Christ. Our actions can draw or push away. This is an eye opener. How I live daily can perhaps turn someone from Christ or to HIM! WOW! I would hate to know that my actions may have turned someone from the beauty of Christ. To rob them of the glory of HIS grace being lavished on them.

So, how do you plan to live your life today? Be careful dear brothers and sisters. Consider each and every situation you enter into today and how you choose to respond to it. Someone IS watching! They are looking for something or someone different than the status quo of this world. Will they see HIM through you!!!

You ARE preaching, but which gospel....Christ's or the world's! Remember, everybody is a witness!

Let's be HIS witness today!

You'll be glad you did.


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