Now some of you super shoppers are juiced and ready to go, because of today's title. You've already started the car and are getting your shopping shoes on. Did you know there is a time when God tells us to spend till the point it hurts? Max the account out? Give me the verse you shout, you knew it was in there!! #: )>
Now most of you know I believe in being debt free and working on a cash only scars and tatoo's (God's marks not man's) later. Then How can I tell you that God tells us to spend freely, lavishly and spend to the point it hurts? Because scripture says so....that's how! Read with me.....
Hebrews 13:16.... But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
What does this have to do with shopping??? Well, I never said shopping, you said that, I said spending and there is a difference. Why do we always equate spending with shopping and receiving for ourselves. Read yesterdays blog, that will help. We are SELFISH by nature (and boy do I represent this), born that way. Trained by culture and family. But today's treasure was a blessing to me and may I say a challenge to examine my "spending" habits???
In this passage God is wrapping up HIS letter to the Hebrew Christians. He reminds them to do two things. 1) Do Good and 2) Share, Now for most of us this is not transformational. We know as believers in Jesus that we are to mirror the goodness and giving of Christ. What has this to do with spending? Well read on....
.....with such SACRIFICES, God is well pleased!
How many of us equate our goodness to others and sharing (giving) to others with the word SACRIFICE? In America, we are soooooooo blessed. We are one of the most wealthy nations on earth, even in a slowdown economy. Our poverty is rich to the rest of the world. In our giving this is revealed. Very few actually give to the point of pain. We give FROM OUR ABUNDANCE, not Sacrificially.
God wants us to give of our TIME, TALENTS AND TREASURES to the point it cost us! Lavishly, generously, without exception. Just like Jesus did. How much did HE give for us? ALL! The cross is our example of Spending. God wants us to be Givers and not takers. The self life takes, the surrendered life gives. The surrendered life reflects the life that has and is being transformed by the power of the ONE who GAVE all for us!
God doesn't own just 10% of us, our stuff, and our time, HE owns it all and calls for us to willingly and lovingly sacrifice it to HIM, for others! That is the reason it pleases HIM. It accurately reflects HIM to those we touch, help, share, and give! They see Christ when they know it cost us something! When they see the SACRIFICE, they see CHRIST, in us.
Thus the call of Matthew 16:24....Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.
This is why proper spending habits make HIM happy! SPEND, SPEND, SPEND but do so obediently, for the good of others and the glory of GOD!
Spend till it hurts.....with such sacrifices HE is WELL PLEASED!
You'll be glad you did!
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