Well here we are at the end of the fastest week of the year......vacation week. It is incredible how quickly time seems to fly when we go away for a few days. THis years week at the "hide out" has been no exception...just plain fast! It also has been refreshing. Thankful is the word of the day.
Now on to our lesson for this morning. The treasure is found in Psalm 81:16...
"He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat; And with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you."
This passage is a powerful reminder of what God had in store for Israel s they made their journey from Egypt to the land of promise. Some many times what God had planned was thwarted by the disobedience and waywardness of His children. But in this last verse we see a picture of what God had in store for them....but they missed it!
Could it be that we too could miss the blessing of what God has in store for us simply by our being distracted, discouraged or disheartened in the tough times of life? Yesterday as I was preparing to make my trip to the VA state line on the beach, my Granddaughters both said they wanted to go with "papaw." Being one who tries to treasure any time with them I said yes, come on.
Now, This did mean a bit of "trouble" beyond my normal routine. They could in no way handle the 3 mile round trip with their little short legs and tiny feet. So out of the truck comes the 3 wheeled stroller with air tires, made for such trips. We loaded up and headed out for "our" morning exercise. Now heading North things were going quite well. Aside for the normal stop for shells, and questions all was normal. A good brisk walk.
But as we touched the poles on the Va state line and made our turn I immediately noticed a drastic change.......a strong Headwind. Now for those of you who do not understand on the way North (up the beach) I enjoyed a tailwind which was no doubt assisting me on my journey pushing these treasures up the beach. But now at my turn that which was once my assistant now had become my adversary. Pushing back against me, the kids and our stroller.
My brisk push up now had become a arduous push back home some 1-1.5 miles (I'll not disclose the exact location as we are still in hiding #:)). The kids, completely unaware of papaw's plight were enjoying the stroll especially now that it had slowed to a crawl.....I pushed on and on and on and on..... After a bit I realized this was a better workout than I had enjoyed preciously on any other day or even as we had gone north. This was harder, much harder but much better for me in the long haul of life..... In the head wind there was a wonderful breeze coming into my face... It cooled us down!
God had blessed by sending me a head wind. Though it was harder to push in, it was more refreshing to us all. As I read today's passage I thought of this. Honey from a rock??? The most unlikely of places. How many beekeepers look for honey in a rock? None! How many look for something sweet to come from something sooo hard? None! Well, let me say that when we are walking with God, He regularly brings something sweet from something so terribly hard.
HE says HE would have satisfied Israel only they had turned to HIM instead of from HIM in the hard seasons. A powerful lesson for us all. In those hard seasons of life, turn toward the head winds and let HIM refresh you. It is there where we find HIM alive and well and longing to do a refreshing, satisfying work in HIS children. Far too many run to try and find the tailwinds in times of difficulty, but HE is not in the tailwinds but in the strong headwinds of life. HE brings water and honey from the strangest places.....
Should we be surprised???? No, we should expect HIM to be there, look for HIM there and anticipate HIS provision, protection and power. Remember... He IS GOD! After more than 30 years of service, I can say without reservation......His blessings ride the headwinds of life...... Humbly bow, push on and let HIM refresh your soul!
Don't miss HIM......He's been there all the time!!!
You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the beach!
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