Yesterday we looked into the treasure chest of God's Word to discover the pathway of true happiness. In this same passage God reveals to us what those who follow HIS plan will look like in life. He likens them to TREES! Let's look together...
3 They are like trees planted along the riverbank,
bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,
and they prosper in all they do. NLT
Let me remind you of HIS truths from yesterday....He is speaking of those who delight in HIS word and apply them to their lives, night and day. He refers to something we all can identify with... Trees. All of us have seen trees! We've seen healthy ones and dying ones also. HE wants us to think on one type of tree in particular...Trees planted along riverbanks or ponds. You've seen them. They have some very distinct characteristics and HE reminds us of them....1) They are planted alongside an unending, abundant supply. They will NEVER run out of their most vital necessity, water. Without water, trees die. This tree will NEVER die from lack of supply. Those who make their delight God and HIS word will never lack HIS abundant supply. All the resources of Heaven, God HIMSELF, are available to them......MMMMMM, WOW!
2) They will have a fruitful life. As the tree grows and matures, at the proper time of life and season, it WILL bear its fruit. Those who make their delight God HIMSELF and HIS word will, in HIS perfect time, bear fruit. There are seasons of fruit bearing. We must be receiving a constant daily supply for us to be ready to bear fruit in season. God will accomplish this as we feed constantly on HIS supply!
3) They will have a sustained life. The leaf of the tree will NOT wither. We usually see withered leaves in seasons of prolonged drought or due to disease that has taken its hold on a weakened tree. But not so for those planted by the riverbanks. Healthy, strong and abundantly sustained for the long haul of life. Those who make their delight God HIMSELF and HIS word will also find HIS sustaining power at work in them. They WILL NOT WITHER! Under stress and distress the true christian shows his greatest evidence of conversion. They STAY! We shall not be moved!
4) They will have a successful life. The tree will also enjoy a long and prosperous life as trees go. Leaves, fruit, growth and longevity are all signs of its prosperity. For those who make the delight God HIMSELF and HIS word, they too will find prosperity. The word actually means to succeed. Biblical success is a sign of being planted in the right spot.....near the streams of God's abundance. HIS presence will permeate the life of those who choose to come to HIM. Success, HIS success/prosperity will be evident by right decisions, peace, joy, provision, and many others, no matter what the circumstances.
I was speaking with an unsaved young man this week who at 18 years of age now finds himself with a pregnant 17 year old girlfriend. He is grappling with not only his life choices and their ramifications but also with his parents issues and his grandparents issues. He is on the 3rd generation of this cycle of failure. If he doesn't change, he is set up to continue to fail in life and to struggle for all of it! My instructions to him were simple. Either do it God's way or yours but look at the cost. In reality the cost is.....Success vs Failure in life! Right decisions will lead to success, wrong decisions will lead to failure. God's way is the ONLY way to success!
So, look at you life today. Which tree are you??? Are you finding your delight in HIM and HIS word? Much today demands our attention, time and resources, so to get the best you have to choose the best. The BEST is GOD, HIS WORD and HIS WAY! It is the only way to true success! Any other way will ultimately end in failure!
Turn to HIM now and confess your wrong choices. Make the next one..... HIM! Find in HIM your all in all!
You will be HAPPY you did!
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