Thursday, July 16, 2009

HIS Glory Revealed (part 2)

The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament show HIS handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. Ps. 19:1-2

Here we are again from the beautiful shores of the OBX of NC. Again standing in AWE of Him who loved us and sent HIS Son to die for us. He has done sooooo much to reveal Himself to us and to show His love toward us. May today be a refresher of His grace to all of us.....

Today's blog will continue the theme of yesterday, the Glory of God revealed. Yesterday it was His glory in and through the SUN. Today we will not look up (yet) but will look down. As I made my way up the beach this week, I have been amazed at the magnitude of seashells that litter the sand. My walk (covering some 3 miles) introduced me to thousands upon thousands of them. All differing in size, shapes, colors and may I say function.

I began to reflect on these treasures, I thought of all that mankind has built, invented and made. We have seen an incredible array of stuff mankind (and womankind too!) has produced. Much of it beautiful and very helpful. But what of it can compare with what HE has wash up on beaches all over the world? The oceans "trash" (no disrespect intended) is far more glorious than the best we can produce. Each shell unique and beautiful.

We have picked up two sand dollar's this week as well. Washed up on the shore to reveal the glory of it's Creator. Can a whole group of scientist's create even one grain of sand from nothing? Can the best architect design and build even one thing that can compare with a sand dollar? Can the best minds on planet earth devise one thing to compare with a sea shell? Of course not!!!

And God has these wash up on the shores all over the world to speak! We crush them under our feet! We walk, jog, ride and seemingly ignore these trumpets of truth! One day I believe man will be called to account for his utter disdain (knowingly and unknowingly) of God's glory that has been revealed.

Day after day creation utters speech! GOD IS GREAT! GOD IS GOOD! GOD IS AWESOME! HE REIGNS! HE RULES! HE IS! AMEN!

So, how will you respond to His glory revealed where you are today? Stand still, my brothers and sisters and see the glory of God! HE is Speaking.......

The question is.... are we listening?

You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the Beach!
Pastor B

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