Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Like a Good Neighbor?

We all have at one time or another heard the commercial either by TV or radio of a certain insurance company who will be there. It goes something like this....."Like a good neighbor, ____ ____ is there." You see, I told you that you knew it! You filled in the blanks didn't you? What should we expect from the most advertised to generation ever to live on planet earth!!!???

Today I would like to examine a treasure we've discovered in John 7:37-38....

"Anyone who is thirsty may come to me! Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! The Scriptures declare, Rivers of living water will flow from his heart."

Jesus was in Jerusalem at the feast. His brothers had prodded HIM and sought to make HIM go up to make HIMSELF known. He had refused their selfish request and had later went out in God's timing not man's prodding. He made His way directly into the Temple (even though HE knew the leaders wanted to kill HIM) and began to teach publicly. It was during this season that HE spoke the words we are studying today.

Many wonderful truths are revealed here.....First do you like the first word...ANYONE? I do. It shows that the good news HE has to offer is not limited to some special elite group. That anyone who recognizes their need may come. No pre-qualification is necessary. It doesn't say "once you get your life straightened out, get the right clothes, buy the right Bible, meet the Elders standards, but simply ANYONE can come! Praise HIM for HIS unlimited offer to all who have need!!!

Secondly, my mind fixes on the term THIRSTY. Usually, when someone is truly thirsty, they are aware of it. Unless they have gone to the point of dehydration where they are incoherent, but most never make it there before they go and get the much needed liquid. People who recognize they have need and come to Jesus will find Him more than sufficient to meet their need. But they must recognize their need!!! How often do we see people who seek to fill their lives with stuff, relationships, money, position and never get their thirst satisfied? We see it all the time but many times never recognize it. People are born thirsty for God and often times never know it. It is up to us (Christians, the Church) to share what Jesus has promised!

Thirdly, anyone, who recognizes their need and COMES TO HIM will find that HE will meet the deepest need of their heart! I love what God said through Isaiah on this subject...

"Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink-even if you have no money! come, take your choice of wine of milk- it's all free! Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength? Why pay for food that does you no good? Listen to me, and you will eat what is good. You will enjoy the finest food. Come to me with your ears wide open. Listen, and you will find life..." Isaiah 55:1-3

I love this. For more than 3 decades I have seen HIM meet the deepest needs of human hearts and HE is still at work today!!!

Look around you fellow Christians....all around you are needy hearts, thirsty hearts that are spending their money on food that does not satisfy! How long will we be silent? How long will we sit idly by and watch the struggle of others as they grope in life's darkness without a right relationship with Christ? Shame on us (the Church) for not reaching out, and helping others to reach up and connecting to Christ!

All they will ever need will flow from HIS heart the moment they believe. It is up to us to connect these hurting hearts to HIM! Be alert to those around you. You are not in their lives by chance or accident. God has strategically placed you there to point them to HIM! Be a good neighbor to them...BE THERE!!!! when they need HIM!

Like a Good Neighbor, are you there???

You'll be glad you did!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Battle for our Thoughts!

Well, good morning to you all! It has been quite some time hasn't it? Let me first apologize for my seeming slackness. But as many of you know my family and I have been on a journey with God.....as we shared in the sickness and home going of my dear mother. Thanks be unto God for His immeasurable blessings to us over the past 2 years having my mom with us. She is today celebrating in the presence of the Lord! We are wrestling through the day to day issues of grief. HE is faithful, and so are so many of you. Thanks for your prayers and all you have done!!!

Now on to our time in HIS word... Today's treasure is found in Psalms 10.4....

....GOD is in NONE of his thoughts....

This passage is one of the Psalmist crying out to God to rectify the seeming injustice of the attitude of the wicked vs the heart of the righteous. In the midst of his cry to God he makes a statement that caused me to stop, and think about my own life.....One of the marks of the wicked is that God does not even enter his thought life or shall we say consideration.

This struck me with a powerful blow. I realized that I understood this. I too wrestle with keeping God in my thoughts. How about you? DO you also struggle with maintaining righteous thoughts and considerations? It is sooooo easy to do isn't it? SO much is going on in our world, so much is happening in our lives that competes with Him, His word and His way.

First let me say, that this IS common to all mankind. Those who have recognized this struggle in their own life should rejoice that their personal struggle is NOT a sign of some grievous defect in the spiritual walk, but rather a common battle that each and every believer in Jesus Christ wages with his or her own flesh. I find comfort in that. When Paul identifies that in Romans 7, he is not justifying this struggle just marking it as normal in the process of walking through life.

Second, this daily struggle to keep God in the forefront of our thoughts, though it is common it does not have to be the norm! We can have a say in the matter. We have been given all the tools necessary to win the victory each and every day. Now this doesn't mean life without struggles just victory over them as they come! We have His Holy Spirit in us and His word to guide us. We can keep Him in all our thoughts!!!

Thirdly, the secret of this is found in a very simple yet profound truth. As a man thinks in his heart so is he.... Wow, what we spend our time thinking about we ultimately become. So when we read in scripture that the wicked have no thoughts of God in them, what are we to surmise? They never put themselves where they we learn about God, hear about God or see God work in their world! Now for us as believers this should challenge us. We of all people should lead the way when it comes to keeping God in all of our thoughts. But what I often find in this pleasure laden society in which we live, we can go a long time without needing HIM! How sad. How tragic.

All that HE has done to bring us to a right relationship with HIM and we neglect the most powerful relationship we will ever have! A friend recently mailed me a beautiful study on the "Inner Sanctum." That place in each of us where only God can tread. This article both blessed me and convicted me regarding my time with God, allowing HIM to stroll through my Inner Sanctum and have HIS way with me. Some thoughts were wrong and needed confession. Others were right and needed to be cultivated (considered more thoroughly, for those non farming types :) ) When we allow God to search, speak, comfort and convict us in the quietness of each and every morning BEFORE we take off on the journey of today.....we will find that HE WILL BE IN ALL OUR THOUGHTS.

Why, because we have invited HIM in early and purposed to meet and allow HIM entrance there! Have you invited HIM in early today? Have you engaged HIM in the quietness of you soul and allowed God to enter the INNER Sanctum of your soul today?

The Bible teaches us that the wicked have no thought of HIM.....What say the righteous!!!! ????


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Speak UP!!!

As I grow older in ministry, I am noticing a trend that quite honestly, disturbs me. Just recently as I met with a young middle aged man, I was reminded again of this tragic nation wide dilemma. I was reminded of it when he said during counseling, "I never heard that" as I shared a simple spiritual truth and later, "I wished someone had told me." After years of struggles and heartaches as he shared his life story, I had the privilege of telling him the great truths of our Great and Mighty God.

Today's treasure is found in Psalm 78, verses 1-4...read them with me (this time in the NLT)

O my people, listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying, for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past- stories our ancestors handed down to us. We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the LORD, about HIS power and HIS mighty wonders...

Far too many times we in America are not following through on these simple instructions with our children. We are expecting some "church" program to replace God's prescribed method of passing the good news along to the next generation. While I am thankful for those many ministries and I have served in many of them throughout the years, there is NO substitute for mom's and dad's, grandma's and grandpa's spreading God's truths to their children.

We have multitudes of excuses ranging anywhere from I don't have enough education to I'm too busy. Each of these pose their own special revelation of our hearts condition. One justifies our lack of obedience to our own seeming shortcomings.....thus negating any possibility of God showing Himself strong through us (and denying Philippians 4:13). The other reveals a failed priority system that will ultimately lead to massive struggles in not only our own lives but also our children as they grow up to also be TOO BUSY for God.

No matter what excuse we offer, we ultimately find that the children always suffer. Unwise, ungodly, non-Biblical decisions, lead to emotional, spiritual, physical and even financial scarring that they will carry to their graves. I have spent my life time pointing children and adults back to the God of the Bible.

Today more than ever people are looking for the relevant, purposeful, tangible of life. That is only found in and through the person of Jesus Christ. Churches and parents are groping and trying gimmick after gimmick to meet these demands. All of which may provide entertainment for a season but have no lasting result. Yet, it is really not complex, just complete.

Our Creator IS relevant. For those who have fallen prey to the deception that there is NO creator, God help you. Name anything you own, that did NOT have a creator. There is ONE and HE is IT!!!! Open your eyes and Look around!!! (Sorry, got off on a rabbit trail, it's hunting season and I got the fever)..... Back to our topic, HE IS RELEVANT!!! HE has designed us with an incredible purpose. Life, abundant life, life with no regrets is HIS plan.

Far too many spend their lives in sadness, struggle, searching for fulfillment every where except from the One who can give it. Parents, it is our privilege to first know it personally, ourselves. We cannot pass along what we do not know ourselves. Once we own it then we have the joy of passing it along!!!

My life has been one of celebrating first the goodness of God's grace in my life personally and now to see my children (and Grandchildren :) discover the God of this world and the Bible as their own. To see them set their hope anew upon GOD (vs. 7). That they too might know HIM as Father and as God! The mighty, miracle working, nothing is impossible God who loved them and sent HIS Son to die for them God... Much like the writer of 3 John (you haven't been there in a long time have you) in verse 4 where he says

I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children
are following the truth!!!

So parents......speak up....don't hide HIS truths, tell your children how great HE is.....

You'll be glad you did, and they will too!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Today's treasure is found in Psalms 42....

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God... Ps 42.2

As we read today's scriptures, I honestly don't believe we can fully grasp the meaning of it. Most of us have never known what it means to be thirsty. Now I don't mean just thirsty from our point of view here in the USA. I mean, we have been deprived of precious water and the bodily hydration it brings to the point of the physical changes and challenges it brings.

I have experienced this on a personal level with the sickness that has been in our family over the past few years. It is amazing what happens in our bodies when they begin to dehydrate (thirst). Our body kicks itself into survival mode.

This is noted by several key changes that happen.
1) Our internal organs begin to suffer, stress and fatigue when we go for prolonged periods without enough H2O.

2) Our system begins to pull liquids from places it normally discharges as waste.

3) If the dehydration continues, then we can even find ourselves mentally incoherent.

Let's apply this to us spiritually. When we go long seasons without God, don't we do much the same thing???!!! We begin to suffer. We begin to stress and even fatigue!! The highway of life is littered with stress filled lives and homes. Fatigue fills our land today in such great measure that it is causing physical problems, emotional struggles and even many simply giving up!!!

How about the fact that we seek to find our satisfaction from places that will not sustain us nor bring us what we need the most! We try relationship after relationship, job after job, situation after situation when the real issue is we need HIM!

Even when we go prolonged periods without God and our vital union with Him , do we not also, not think rightly? Do we not also make unwise and even foolish decisions without our God at our side????!!! Today more than at any time in ministry I have observed that christians all over are making unwise, non biblical decisions. Then when the law of sowing and reaping kicks in they say....why did this happen to me???!!!

I guess for all of us children of God.....we need to ask ourselves one question....are we thirsty??? For HIM???? Do we long for HIM and our relationship with HIM more than any other thing, person or place??? Is it our moment by moment thought to look to HIM, love HIM and long for time with our great God? It is my struggle, how about you???

I believe the Psalmist understood in far greater measure than many today that he needed God. He needed HIM far more than perhaps he had ever fully understood. The only thing he could relate it to was how badly at times he longed for a cold drink from a mountain spring. That I can relate to!

Do you? Long for HIM? Not for something that has no power to do anything but lead us to failure. But for the LIVING GOD!

O God, make us thirsty. Make us thirsty for YOU!!!

You'll be glad He did!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trade Secrets (part 3)

Well the authorities have yet to show up at my door to arrest me for sharing the "trade secrets" over the past few days. So while I still have this forum I will finish my task today. If I stop in mid sentence it means they have come in to get me and I am on my way to a new ministry. However, I will look forward to how many men it will take to carry my rather long and large body out the doors.....my guess at least 6 biggun's. It will not be a job for the weak....:) Ok, preach, let's move on...

Over the past few days we have learned the following plan for "Getting a Good Grip in Life, by getting a good grasp of the Bible!" We have learned 4 of those steps so far and here they are...

(Rev. 1.3, 1 Timothy 4.13)

(Acts 17.11, 2 Timothy 2.15)

(Ps. 119.148 & 1.2)

(Deut. 11.18, Ps. 119.11)

As you can see each of these is a step. A step not downward but literally upward as we learn and grow in HIS precious word. However, as you will see, all of these previous steps are for naught if we do not have the 5th and final step. Here it is...


22 But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.
Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. James 1.22

I really like the NLT (nice loose translation #: ) ) on this one. The context on this is saving faith of course and the difference between head knowledge and true saving faith. But that same principle applies with any truth we receive from the word of God. It is one thing to know it but a much more critical element in the process to apply it. We must DO WHAT IT SAYS!!! Paul sums this up when teaching the Philippian believers how to have daily peace in their lives when he says....

The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you. Phil. 4.9

David also speaks to the importance of not only hearing the word of God, but the critical aspect of us needing to apply it....

How can a young man cleanse his way?
By taking heed according to Your word... Ps. 119.9

So, let me wrap up with a few questions and thoughts..... Are you getting the word of God into your mind and heart? Making good and right decisions to put yourself into position to learn and grow in God's word? Spending sufficient time practicing being still so you can? It is a discipline and must be practiced, daily.

What changes do you need to make so you can maximize your time with our great God? Often we have to give up not necessarily bad stuff but often good stuff to grab the best. If it is bad, give it up, most definitely. But most times we need to reset our priorities. What priorities need changing in your life? Then do it.

What areas has God spoken to you, where you know you haven't applied HIS truth? Why not? What are you afraid of? Often times the opposite of fear is faith. God does not want us to depend on ourselves or our own resources but on HIM and HIM alone!!! Surrender your stubborn self to the will of HIM who loves us so!!!! Quit your fretting, worrying and controlling by confessing it as sin before HIM and launch out in faith upon HIS precious promises.

I will close again, with scripture of course, where David is showing us what to expect when HIS word is our delight not only in reading, studying, meditating, memorizing and of course heeding....

Ps. 1.3....
They are like trees planted along the riverbank,bearing fruit each season.
Their leaves never wither,and they prosper in all they do.

Now that's a promise I want to hold onto!!! All I can say to this...

You'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Trade Secrets (part 2)

Ever been to the fridge (refrigerator for those who are slang challenged) to retrieve last nights leftovers? Pulled the leftovers out and warmed them up and preceded to munch away? As you were enjoying last nights meal again, today, it suddenly dawned on you that it was better today than it was last night???!!!

Now I know some of you don't do leftovers......that is your loss, but for those of us who do, I am sure you have had one of those experiences. Well, today is one of those days blog wise. We are bringing out yesterdays meal and rewarming it and seasoning it a bit more and eating it together. I believe it only gets better!!!

I am sharing the "trade secrets" of Getting a Good Grasp in Life, by getting a good grasp of the Bible. Yesterday we learned two simple yet powerful principles to begin our journey.....

1) READ THE BIBLE, EVERYDAY.... (Rev1.3 & 1 Timothy 4.13)

2) STUDY THE BIBLE, CAREFULLY.... (Acts 17.11 & 2 Timothy 2.15)

Now for today's seasoning....


Psalm 119.148...
My eyes are awake through the night watches,
That I may meditate on Your word.

This passage describes the servant of the Lord and his setting aside a specific time to think and meditate on God's word. Websters Dictionary defines meditate as "to reflect on, ponder and contemplate."

For believers to read, and study God's word is one thing, but in order to make good sound application, we must ponder what God is saying, teaching and communicating to us in a specific passage. Then we must ponder how it fits in our world. How and what we may need to change. It is through pondering, reflecting that this happens. The Holy Spirit engages us with God's word at this point. He is our Teacher and here is one place where HE teaches, convicts and corrects us, comforts and encourages us......

David, in Psalm 1, describes the pathway of Happiness in verse two where he says...Our delight should be in the law of the Lord and we should meditate in it day and night!!!


Deut. 11:18...
Therefore you shall lay up these words of mine
in your heart and in your soul...

In one of my former ministries, we were in the process on implementing a new ministry for our kids that taught them to memorize God's word, when I was approached by one of the "respected" seniors of that church. He then proceeded to in his own way rebuke me and tell me he did not think it was right to memorize God's word.

Well, needless to say, he had no bullets in his gun, as it is clear throughout scripture that HE (GOD) wants us to hide HIS word in our hearts. I listed scripture after scripture for him. We implemented God's plan
, in spite of human opposition and today several of those very kids (now grown adults with their own families) head up our youth ministry, teaching their kids and others to memorize God's word.

Memorization is not the ONLY process but is one of the steps of getting the right grasp in life. Adults too need to memorize HIS word. Find a verse that blesses you or speaks specifically to something that is happening in your life today and highlight it in your Bible. Then proceed to write it out on a note card, a sheet of paper or what ever means you choose and review it daily. Over and over until you can get it, quote it or even write it out from memory. Ask God to help you to do it....I can assure you, HE will, remember, this is HIS plan, not mine!!

Tell a friend what you are doing and have them pray with you about it. Tell them to ask you, when they see you, "how you are doing?" Quote it to them. If you miss part of it....THAT IS OK.... Keep on practicing till you get it! The goal is to have HIS word in you so HE can work HIS word through you!!! Fill your mind with HIS promises and truth and see if HE does not change the way we think!!!

I will finish the rest on the morrow. So now, today, I shared the secrets of Meditation and Memorization. May I suggest we get started today???!!!

You'll be glad you did!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Trade Secrets!!!

Every now and then we will hear of an employee who sells away what is termed a company's "trade secrets." What these are, usually consist of proprietary recipe's, scientific formula's, specific ingredients or some similar information that has led to the success of that particular business. The sell of those critical documents usually lands those employee's in the "Slammer."

Well today, I am going to let you know the trade secrets of "Getting a Good Grip in Life." This is the proprietary info of Christianity. I may wind up in God's slammer, but I kinda doubt it......though some of you perhaps hope I do..... :) ....If that is God's plan then prison ministry here we come!!!!

This info is not new, not profound, not even "hot off the press" of heaven. It is actually so simple, it is profound! It is so life changing, it is profound! So let me encourage you to apply these principles, keep these principles and see if you do not experience the fullness of God at work in you!

Get a Good Grip in Life!
(by getting a good grasp of the Bible....)

1) Read the Bible Everyday!

Blessed is the one who reads the words of God's message...Rev 1.3

In order for us to learn the plans, ways, purpose and person of God we must read HIS book. Reading in a deliberate and systematic fashion is not only good but also necessary for HIS children to Know Him beyond the scope of salvation. Today's lack of Biblical understanding in the church (aka US!) is largely due to us actually believing that just going to church is enough..... Well, it ain't, in good ole southern vernacular. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS!!! EVERYDAY! Set aside a specific time and even place where you meet with HIM in HIS word.

2) Study the Bible Carefully!

These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. ...Acts 17.11

We have more tools today than any previous generation yet we seem to know even less than any previous generation. I believe the reason is that we do not set aside a time, daily to meet with God in HIS word and study it seriously. The Berean Christians actually went home and verified the message preached to them via the Apostle Paul. Think that one through for a moment.... How many of you simply take what your pastor says at face value, or some other "spiritual" person in your life and never check it out???

I, for one, love it when God's people check out what I have studied and preached from the pulpit or given in counseling. There is no safer place to be.

If you do not know how then ask your pastor, (your God given undershepherd) and let him assist you in finding a good study Bible. This is NOT a sign of weakness but is actually one of maturity and strength. Let him show you how to use it or find other resources that will help you go deeper into the treasure chest of HIS word!

I will save the remainder of these trade secrets until tomorrow. Let me close with this... Just recently, I had a mother whom I know to be a student of scriptures, approach me and ask me to help her find some NEW TOOLS to enhance her study of God's word. What do you think I did? Feel threatened??? NOPE! Discouraged??? NOPE! Saddened??? NOPE! I, joyously said yes I will help you! I actually gave her a few books from my personal library to let her "check" them out before she bought!

I will say to you what I said to her.... if I can ever help, just let me know!!!
Read and Study HIS book my brothers and sisters. For in it we find the WORDS OF LIFE!!!!

You'll be glad you did!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

HE Loves Us Both!

I will never forget the story of a Sunday School teacher of 10-11 year old boys. He asked each of them their birthdates. As this questioning made its way around the room, it finally came to two brothers. Expecting to hear that they were twins, they both surprised their teacher with their announcement of a birthdate in the separate months of October and November of the same year. When the teacher questioned this they both responded that one of us is adopted. He then asked which one of you? They both blessed and challenged him with their response...... we don't know, Dad and Mom will not tell us because they love us both the same! Whew......

I cannot imagine what must have taken over the class that day but those two kids (and their parents) preached a powerful sermon! What their dad and mom were doing is a beautiful picture of how God loves each of us the same.....

Today's treasure....James 2:1 My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality....

Just recently I again had the privilege of counseling a set of couples who had called in for a little brotherly counsel from this pastor. Neither of these couples actually attend our Fellowship (so those who do, can give up on trying to figure out who, ha!). As I was walking this morning, reflecting on how God worked in these two marriages, HE brought to my mind the incredible extremes they represented.

One couple, high school sweethearts, married, serving God throughout their marrige. They were very simple, humble and may I say tender to what God is doing in their lives at this moment. They basically live from a smidge over paycheck to paycheck. One of them has a serious illness and the other just left their job.

The other couple is a high energy, cutting edge and very affluent. They too married early by today's standards, right out of college and have been serving God also for many years. They have a sucessful business and presently are in good health. They actually look for places to give what God has entrusted to them to manage. But they too needed a tune up. A little maritial maintenance was also required with them as they wrestled out the issues of business, marriage relationship and life.

Two extremes, and yet one common Rock. They both had the incredible privilege of becoming children of God. And as I witnessed, God loved them both equally! He is NO respector of persons. My counsel to them all, was based not upon their means or lack thereof, but upon the sufficiency of Christ and His word! No razzle dazzle, just plain, simple truth from the word of God! It was not hindered by what they had or had not done. Just simply coming to the Christ of the Biblby faith.

Aren't you glad God is no respector of persons??? Do you rejoice in the amazingness (I hope its a word) of God's grace? I am the most blessed of all pastors. Regularly I have the privilege of saying to people from all strata of life, all backgrounds and all situations that God loves them and has an incredible plan for their life. No matter how bad we've blown it in the past. The future does not have to be hindered by the past. Simply, put it under the blood of Christ. Forgiveness is powerful. It sets us free!!!!

So, have you forgotten that you are loved with an everlasting love? Do you remember how much your Father loves you? Look to the Cross! There is the evidence of His unfailing, unconditional love for us. HE is no respector of persons.

I will say however, that HE will crush us if we seek to live in our pride and arrogance. If we refuse to humble ourselves before HIM and seek His face.

Proverbs 16:18...Pride goe s before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction.

Both of these couples came in the simplicity of their hearts to hear what God's word had to say. They had humbled themselves and said yes, we need HIS direction. Our way is not working like we thought it would. God show us the way.... And HE DID!!!!

Psalms 51:17... The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart....These, O God, You will not despise.

So which way will you choose. Come His way. Let Him work in your life and world. Remember, no matter where you are now, no matter how far you have gone, no matter how distant HE seems, HE loves us both!!!!!

Bow the knee to HIM today, call out, cry out and tell HIM all that is going on!

You'll be glad you did!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What is Controlling YOU? part 2

Yesterday we spent some time looking at relationship issues and how they may or may not affect us. All of us have been wounded by people! None of us is immune to the problems created by people. I have heard it said "that church would be great if it wasn't for people." That statement could be said of many things, marriage, work, retirement etc....

The reality is that we cannot have relationship without risk. It cannot happen. To have a vibrant relationship we have to open up, be honest, speak truth, share our feelings, our heart, our dreams, our desires, our hopes, our fears and on and on. But as we do this we are trusting the other person to handle with care, our hearts, our lives, our trust. But when they don't, when they crush us with their words or actions many things can happen.

We can "clam up." We can "give them a piece of our minds." We can retreat to the safety of never trusting again. We could grow angry, bitter, and totally ditch any future relationships because "THEY, (men, women, christians, co-workers etc) can't be trusted!!!???

But as we saw yesterday, God has a different plan in mind! Here is our treasure....

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

We have to get the garbage out..... All the fleshly stuff that comes as a result of the wrong. If we do not, they can and will become a stumbling block to our future. In other words, OUR PAST CAN (and will) CONTROL OUR FUTURE! Instead of God's word guiding and leading us, unresolved issues can destroy us, long after the event that triggers them.

Yesterday we heard of one couple that had sought to find their way out of their self induced darkness. We left with them weeping and holding on another, rejoicing in the healing powers of Christ and His word. How did we get there??? Was it just the getting rid of the "stuff," the negative stuff that is in us??? Nope, that is just one part of the prescription. Let's study "the rest of the story."
God's word says....
32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Let's choose another path...I like the word instead!! It means we don't have to be locked into the status quo of pain, struggle and anger. We can and may I say, should choose another way! God's way that is!!! His way consist a huge decision. A decision to not let our flesh, our circumstances or any wrong done to us, control our actions and attitudes.

He says to.....are you ready??? Are you sure???? Here is the beginnings of freedom!! Two words.....

BE KIND!!!!!

Are you kidding me? You must be joking you say!!! You definitely have been spending too much time in the pastorate....you don't live in the real world, Preacher, you say!!!! Well, before you write me and this passage off let me encourage you to hang in there! TRUTH IS COMING!!!!

The word "KIND" here means "fit for use, Able to be used." When we live our lives under the domination of the flesh, under the shadow of some past wrong and we are angry, bitter, or just plain mean, we are not usable by God. Our past is determining our future. God has another way!!! Be gracious instead of mean. Be joyful instead of angry! Then and only then will we be usable by HIM. We choose this path by our willingness to submit to HIS plan instead of satan's.

This does not mean we deny the wrong suffered, just that we choose to not let the wrong dictate our future! The next word is "Tenderhearted" which means compassionate and pitiful. We must learn to be compassionate towards those who have wronged us. Pity them in the reality that they too are sinners under the dominion of the flesh. Saved or not, the wrong done, if not handled Biblicaly, places those individuals under the Yoke or bondage of sin, until it is acknowledged and forsaken.

Then lastly, HE says for us to be "forgiving towards one another." Forgiveness is a willingness to let the wrong go. Not that we will forget it but that we choose by an act of our will to NOT let it control us!!! We can and may even have consequences from it, the rest of our lives but IT DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL OUR FUTURE unless we allow it to determine our attitudes and actions.

We have wronged God by our sin towards HIM. Yet HE chose to willingly forgive based upon the cross of Christ. We can forgive because we have been forgiven! The relationship may or may not be fully restored (depending on the situation) but you can be free from the pain and suffering of the event!!! If both parties choose to follow God's plan they can experience the power of His healing in their hearts and home!

The couple we heard about yesterday both acknowledged they had failed each other, wronged each other, not been the godly husband and wife that God had intended them to be. I asked both of them to acknowledge their sin, then ask for the others forgiveness. They did and then they both granted full forgiveness. This is just step one of the healing process but it is a giant first step!!!

How about you? What is controlling you? Is there some past sin, wrong or offense that has deeply wounded you and you need to find some freedom? You can be free! Choose today to let the garbage go and choose to allow God to make you usable by letting the wrong go, nailing it to HIS cross and give the offender the same grace you have received in Christ!!! They don't deserve it but neither do you or I.
God will fill you with HIS amazing grace!!!
Freedom awaits!

You'll be glad you did!!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What is Controlling YOU?

Last nite I had the privilege of spending some time with a young couple who are wrestling through some difficult marital issues. Both are guilty of hurting each other over the past several years. Their pain is evident and often comes out in their words, facial expressions and actions towards each other. This was not the first time we have met, but is just part of the journey that we are on together growing in the grace of God. I will get back to them in a moment.

As I reflect on them and their plight, I was reminded of the common truth that this is true of many of us. Broken or damaged relationships, hardened hearts and violated trust marks the lives of many. HOW will we handle such pain? How will we manage such disappointment?How are we to go on with such saddness working in our hearts?

We must remember that this IS common to all of us!!! We are not alone, we are not the first to go through this, we are not the ONLY ones struggling with these very serious issues! God, in HIS infinite wisdom recorded for us the pathway to freedom from that which ails many of our relationships! Our treasure today is found in Ephesians 4....

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

I like the simplicity of the NLT on this. Note the very specific things he instructs us to do. First, we have some STUFF to get rid of! Bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander and bad actions have to go. When we are dealing with damaged relationships we have to deal with what is IN us first. The stuff that comes from the wrong and how we have allowed it to affect us in our lives, either in attitude, word or actions.

In order to do this we have to make the choice to let some stuff go! Get our eyes off the wrong and onto what our Great God has in store for us as we work through this. This requires surrender to HIS will and not our own. BUT YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE'S DONE, you say!!! YOU WEREN'T THERE TO SEE HOW AND WHAT HE DID, you scream!!!! It doesn't matter! God was and HE still wants us to be free. Are you free in your relationships???

The real issue is a heart issue. We must start with our hearts and allow HIM to clean out the stuff that has entered as a result of wrong. Bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, slander and bad actions gotta go!!! Two wrongs will never make it right. You do want it to be right don't you??? All that God intends and desires for you? HE does and that is really what matters.

So on this first of a short series on WHAT IS CONTROLLING YOU... think through how you have handled the one who has hurt you. How have you responded? Think carefully through each of those things that Paul told us to get rid off. Are you guilty of any? Then choose to let them go. To put them off! To release them, rid yourself of the marks of the flesh. Let's choose another path.

The pathway to restoration. The pathway to joy. The pathway peace. The pathway of healing that flows from the throne of our Great God! It is available. But we must do it God's way!

Now back to the couple of last nite. When we finished the evening they wound up holding each other and weeping in joyful reunion as God did a major work of healing. I will say they (and God) touched my heart. It was a powerful sight to see HIS hand work so powerfully after only a few weeks. They were willing, however to trust God and surrender to HIM and HIS plan! As a result, HE worked! They simply followed HIS word!

How about you? Are you willing to let HIM in on your relationship issues? To let HIM cleanse and purify your hearts??? To let HIM heal and bless your family, friends or marriage? It will never happen unless we let go of some very damaging and dangerous stuff!!! All I can say is, I encourage you to.....

Let it go!
You'll be glad you did!

ps...part 2 tomorrow

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Turtle or the Rabbit?

Today's treasure is found in the beautiful book of Proverbs....AKA the "Book of Wisdom." As we study our passage a bit today, I believe we will see why is has been called such...

A faithful man will abound with blessings,
But he who hastens to rich will not go unpunished.....

Proverbs 28:20

There is a Children's story that I believe is fitting for this passage of scripture. The story of the rabbit and the turtle. These two animals were going to race one another. They set the time and the day and lined up for the big race. Off they went with the obvious one (El Rabito....the rabbit, for those who don't know Spanish #:) taking the lead from the beginning, Mr Turtle ran his normal pace (snails crawl). What a race it was, not quite the race we would have expected!

The rabbit was easily distracted by many things and stopped, visited or whatever he desired to do, always thinking he could make up the time. Mr Turtle stayed at his normal pace throughout. Ultimately we all know what happened. The rabbit's erroneous thinking ultimately brought him down. THE TURTLE WON!!!

How in the world You say, does this have anything to do with today's passage??? Well it hinges on these two words.....FAITHFUL....and..... HASTENS.

Faithful brings to our minds the slow, deliberate, consistent actions of someone. While the opposite is true of the word hasten. Hasten, to hurry, rush, speed up or even quicken. You see, we often try and make things happen much faster than they actually require. Financially, emotionally, physically and even spiritually we seek to "HURRY" things up! Sadly, not realizing that things that matter often take time!

Things that come quickly rarely last. Look at the stat's regarding those who "win" the lottery. The vast majority wind up in worse shape than before they were "winners" and I use that term loosely. Have you ever heard...easy come easy go??? A life that is spent rushing form one arena to another seeking the next quick high, short cut or even new thing often winds up losing far more than they could even imagine.

There is no short cut to freedom in Christ. The cross is the only way to a relationship with God! There is no short cut to spirituality. The daily disciplines of reading His word and prayer is HIS method of growth and maturity. There is no short cut to financial freedom. Learning to live daily on a budget, well below your income consistently is the only way to true freedom!

Today's passage teaches us that faithfulness, while not the quickest is still the best way. While there may be many other methodologies that offer options of short cut to freedom, they may even work for a season...ultimately they will fail. Our society is learning that now....the hard way!

I will close with this......the headlines of our children's story....


So which are you????
Be Faithful!

You'll be glad you did!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Flounder......Just plain ugly, but taste sooo GOOD!

Having just returned from the Outer Banks of NC, I am still enjoying some of the memories of our time there. One of those was on Monday, as we were fishing from the surf, (for those city folk this means we stand in the surf, with fishing rods in hand, FISHING!).

Now I am one of those types that likes to do stuff others usually won't do, like fishing for Flounder. This requires a little more than just standing in the surf and waiting on the fish to swim by the bait. More action on our part, a bit more movement and opportunity to catch fish.....which is what we were trying to do! For some reason, I just love this!!!!

Well on Monday, I had the blessing of catching a couple of those Flounder. Have you ever seen one??? Down right UGLY! Flat fish that stay usually right on the bottom. White on the bottom, grayish, sandy color on top with both eyes at the most unusual place on the top. You could probably convince me of the big bang theory and evolution on this one as he actually looks as though he was involved in a big bang and things just fell where they could.....Except for one thing! As ugly as they are, they are delicious!

Either, baked or fried, whole or filleted, they are just plain GOOD! And they are good for us, too. (What did you expect me to say???!)UGLY but GOOD! As we consider this truth, I know God has a sense of humor. Because of stuff just like that. Making something so tough to look at and yet so good for food.

Isn't that like our Great God. He takes the ugly stuff of life and makes it good!!!??? Today's passage is from Genesis 45, where Joseph is revealing himself to his brothers who had done some ugly stuff to Joseph, which in turn caused a bunch more ugly stuff to happen in his life. He reveals how God had a plan in this mess of stuff and that it was for good!

Genesis 45:7-8.... And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God.....

That is truth. Our Incredible God, who is NOT limited by anything but Himself, can take the most ugly situations and make them turn out for incredible Good! The Ugly becomes the Good! God had sent Joseph to Egypt ahead of time to save the family of Israel! But it was through a lot of UGLY STUFF! HE does it all the time! IT is HIS method of doing business. HIS ways are NOT our ways! (Is 55) HE works in and through all situations to glorify HIMSELF and for the good of His children. Even when we do not see clearly, (aka seeing only the ugly) HE is at work!

Often we do not like it!!! ( at least I don't )Well, welcome to life and adulthood! Life is often a difficult road, filled with many potholes, curves, ruts and dangers. But while this may frustrate us, it will in no way hinder HIM! George Muller, enjoyed a life of answered prayers from the hand of the living God (some 50 thousand recorded answers). But this is only because he was acquainted with struggle and lack. But in his lack, he discovered God's unmeasurable resource. The ugly of life became a pulpit of God's provision.

He does not exist to make us happy. But the more we learn of HIM and HIS ways and surrender to HIM the more we will find true and lasting happiness. Because that truth, ugliness, can be the pathway to goodness! But we must first get a handle on that. Take the ugly of your life and give it to God! Ask Him to work though this, as bad as it may be, and teach you, lead you through it! HE will, cause ultimate happiness is only found in HIM!

This is where HE does HIS best work. Calvary is ugly by itself. A man dying on a cruel Roman cross. But through the ugliness of the cross we find the goodness of God. Lovingly lavished on all who believe! This same truth is worked out over and over in our lives as we grow towards HIM!

Oh, my brothers and sisters, take that which is so ugly in your world. That which perhaps no one knows but you and give it to HIM! That which frustrates you, causes you fear and anxiety, give it to HIM! That which causes you to become angry, to grumble and gripe, to question and doubt, give it to HIM! Watch HIM work in and through your situation and ultimately turn it for GOOD! One day, you will see more clearly, understand more deeply and testify of HIS faithfulness to others!

You'll be glad you did!
Pastor B

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Mighty God...

God is greatly to be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be held in reverence by all those around Him. O LORD God of host, who is mighty like You, O LORD?
Psalm 89:6-7

It is not hard for me on this morning of "coming out" of hiding from the OBX of NC, to fear the Mighty God of Israel (and the Church). On our last evening here we were treated to an incredible thunderstorm and lightning show. Some of it like I have never seen before. Awesome, just plain AWESOME!

As I read this morning, I was reflecting on those whom HE said should lead the way in relating properly with HIM. It is us, the saints of God whom should show HIM the greatest respect and reverence. I began to look at my life and "the" church today and examine whether or not we give HIM, proper reverence. To be very candid, I think not.

In our comfort first society, the issue is not usually whether we are coming before a HOLY GOD as much as am I comfortable or "happy." This is evident in several ways, mostly in what drives us and the modern American church. What type of music do we have???? What type of dress is expected or acceptable??? What version am I allowed to use?? What do you have for ME? Can you see where we are?

May I say there needs to be a Revival in this area! Here in our passage for today we see HE is to be GREATLY FEARED in the assembly of saints (aka...us). Of all places on planet earth, HE should be feared in the Church. I know, we are His bride. I know we are loved. I know we hold special place in His heart. But there is NO EXCUSE at the casual attitude we take towards HIM! Is it any wonder the church lacks HIS power today???!!!

Here are a few areas to consider!
We show our fear of HIM by our........

1) Our Faithfulness to His church (the assembly of saints). Never before have we seen such a lack of concern for faithfulness. Commitments to the fellowships of God's people are treated with such a lack of concern. This shows a lack of fear of God.

2) Our Participation in His church. Time and time again I hear pastor after pastor speak of the great need in the house of God for servants to get involved. 10% of the people seem to do 90% of the work. We have time for everything else but no time for involvement in His church. This shows a lack of fear of God.

3) Our Obedience to His word in His church. We of all people in the world should come together to feed on His word together. We should respond to His truths with simple, childlike obedience. Yes Lord should be the cry of our hearts before Him. Instead we often see folks just gripe, complain or leave because they have been challenged by God's word and refuse to obey. This too is a lack of the fear of God!

4) Our Co-operation with the Holy Spirit. Now some of you just tuned out. That is just the problem. When we mention the Holy Spirit of God you go clam shell on God. (what did you expect, I am still at the OBX) You shut down and refuse to even entertain the HE may choose to use HIS Holy Seal (mark) to challenge and move you throughout the day. We should be simplistically obedient to His inner promptings (may I add those promptings will never be in opposition to HIS word). Especially at His church. How many times He wanted to work and you refused to budge and go forward to pray, confess, go to a brother or sister and make things right, give sacrificially and obediently. These are signs of a lack of fear of God.

5) Our Constant Grumblings within His church. Again this week I heard of another pastor who was driven from the ministry because of constant griping and grumbling of the church where he served.. Statistics say that some 1500 pastors a month are leaving the ministry. Is this not the mark of the flesh? Is this not the plague of the American church? We have sooooo much yet we constantly gripe and complain. Whatever happened to being content? What happened to being thankful? We gripe about our pastors, our brothers and sisters. We complain about anything and everything. These are all signs of a lack of the fear of God.

It's time my brothers and sisters for Revival to begin at the house of God. Consider your ways. Do we fear God? He is to be GREATLY FEARED in the assembly of the saints. Do you fear HIM? Make the necessary changes to develop a healthy fear of HIM. Then and only then will we see HIS Might described in verse 8. We need Him desperately! We need His power! Without HIM we can do nothing! Fear HIM!

You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the Beach!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Head Winds.......Don't miss His Blessings!

Well here we are at the end of the fastest week of the year......vacation week. It is incredible how quickly time seems to fly when we go away for a few days. THis years week at the "hide out" has been no exception...just plain fast! It also has been refreshing. Thankful is the word of the day.

Now on to our lesson for this morning. The treasure is found in Psalm 81:16...

"He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat; And with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you."

This passage is a powerful reminder of what God had in store for Israel s they made their journey from Egypt to the land of promise. Some many times what God had planned was thwarted by the disobedience and waywardness of His children. But in this last verse we see a picture of what God had in store for them....but they missed it!

Could it be that we too could miss the blessing of what God has in store for us simply by our being distracted, discouraged or disheartened in the tough times of life? Yesterday as I was preparing to make my trip to the VA state line on the beach, my Granddaughters both said they wanted to go with "papaw." Being one who tries to treasure any time with them I said yes, come on.

Now, This did mean a bit of "trouble" beyond my normal routine. They could in no way handle the 3 mile round trip with their little short legs and tiny feet. So out of the truck comes the 3 wheeled stroller with air tires, made for such trips. We loaded up and headed out for "our" morning exercise. Now heading North things were going quite well. Aside for the normal stop for shells, and questions all was normal. A good brisk walk.

But as we touched the poles on the Va state line and made our turn I immediately noticed a drastic change.......a strong Headwind. Now for those of you who do not understand on the way North (up the beach) I enjoyed a tailwind which was no doubt assisting me on my journey pushing these treasures up the beach. But now at my turn that which was once my assistant now had become my adversary. Pushing back against me, the kids and our stroller.

My brisk push up now had become a arduous push back home some 1-1.5 miles (I'll not disclose the exact location as we are still in hiding #:)). The kids, completely unaware of papaw's plight were enjoying the stroll especially now that it had slowed to a crawl.....I pushed on and on and on and on..... After a bit I realized this was a better workout than I had enjoyed preciously on any other day or even as we had gone north. This was harder, much harder but much better for me in the long haul of life..... In the head wind there was a wonderful breeze coming into my face... It cooled us down!

God had blessed by sending me a head wind. Though it was harder to push in, it was more refreshing to us all. As I read today's passage I thought of this. Honey from a rock??? The most unlikely of places. How many beekeepers look for honey in a rock? None! How many look for something sweet to come from something sooo hard? None! Well, let me say that when we are walking with God, He regularly brings something sweet from something so terribly hard.

HE says HE would have satisfied Israel only they had turned to HIM instead of from HIM in the hard seasons. A powerful lesson for us all. In those hard seasons of life, turn toward the head winds and let HIM refresh you. It is there where we find HIM alive and well and longing to do a refreshing, satisfying work in HIS children. Far too many run to try and find the tailwinds in times of difficulty, but HE is not in the tailwinds but in the strong headwinds of life. HE brings water and honey from the strangest places.....

Should we be surprised???? No, we should expect HIM to be there, look for HIM there and anticipate HIS provision, protection and power. Remember... He IS GOD! After more than 30 years of service, I can say without reservation......His blessings ride the headwinds of life...... Humbly bow, push on and let HIM refresh your soul!

Don't miss HIM......He's been there all the time!!!

You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the beach!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

HIS Glory Revealed (part 2)

The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament show HIS handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. Ps. 19:1-2

Here we are again from the beautiful shores of the OBX of NC. Again standing in AWE of Him who loved us and sent HIS Son to die for us. He has done sooooo much to reveal Himself to us and to show His love toward us. May today be a refresher of His grace to all of us.....

Today's blog will continue the theme of yesterday, the Glory of God revealed. Yesterday it was His glory in and through the SUN. Today we will not look up (yet) but will look down. As I made my way up the beach this week, I have been amazed at the magnitude of seashells that litter the sand. My walk (covering some 3 miles) introduced me to thousands upon thousands of them. All differing in size, shapes, colors and may I say function.

I began to reflect on these treasures, I thought of all that mankind has built, invented and made. We have seen an incredible array of stuff mankind (and womankind too!) has produced. Much of it beautiful and very helpful. But what of it can compare with what HE has wash up on beaches all over the world? The oceans "trash" (no disrespect intended) is far more glorious than the best we can produce. Each shell unique and beautiful.

We have picked up two sand dollar's this week as well. Washed up on the shore to reveal the glory of it's Creator. Can a whole group of scientist's create even one grain of sand from nothing? Can the best architect design and build even one thing that can compare with a sand dollar? Can the best minds on planet earth devise one thing to compare with a sea shell? Of course not!!!

And God has these wash up on the shores all over the world to speak! We crush them under our feet! We walk, jog, ride and seemingly ignore these trumpets of truth! One day I believe man will be called to account for his utter disdain (knowingly and unknowingly) of God's glory that has been revealed.

Day after day creation utters speech! GOD IS GREAT! GOD IS GOOD! GOD IS AWESOME! HE REIGNS! HE RULES! HE IS! AMEN!

So, how will you respond to His glory revealed where you are today? Stand still, my brothers and sisters and see the glory of God! HE is Speaking.......

The question is.... are we listening?

You'll be glad you did!
Blessings from the Beach!
Pastor B

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Can You See HIS Glory....

Many of you know that we are in hiding at the Outer Banks of NC right now. Our time not only has been refreshing but also a rekindling of our family relationships. Even though we see each other regularly, we still need this time of blessing of just being together......

As I have enjoyed our time, I also have enjoyed the solitude of mornings, having some great time to meet with our Father. I think there are also special places where HIS glory is more prevalent. The ocean is just that.....Here is our treasure for the next few days.....

The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament show His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge Ps 19:1-2.....
....In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat....Ps 19:4b-6

Have you seen HIS glory today. I will start with the most prominent one we all can see.....The SUN. I am not going to even speak of the sheer magnitude of it, its incredible power and how HE has positioned us exactly where we need to be to receive its UV rays, its heat and it light. I am only going to speak of its daily entrance and exit.....

We would call them the sunrises and sunsets. I just want you to pause and reflect on the beauty and splendor of each. One in its incredible entrance. Causing the darkness to flee as he makes his grand entrance into today! Nothing like witnessing it from the ocean. Absolutely nothing like it. Powerful..But as Awesome as it is, it has a Creator. One who formed it by HIS words, from nothing but himself. HE spoke and he (the sun) came to be.....WOW!

Then what can we say about sunsets. Paintings of glory at the end of each day. As great a painter as Michelangelo was his greatest works would only span perhaps a few hundred square feet. But our Great God and Creator paints the sky each and every day, and has for thousands of years. Each one different and magnificent. No two alike. Billions of square miles. Each one distinct from the other. But all of them breathtaking, If you and I take time to see them.

I grieve for those trapped in concrete jungles of their own making. All they see and know is city life at its best. Rush, rush, rush into and through each day and night rarely if ever stopping to look around and most especially....look up!

Our God who has given us all things to enjoy (pertaining to life and godliness) has left us HIS marks in the sky. His Glory revealed daily via the SUN. Stop today and watch a sunset with your family or simply with our God. Get up early enough to see one of those spectacular sunrises........Watch his entrance and rejoice with him at the wonder of his Creator! Day after day he has faithfully proclaimed HIS GLORY and HIS alone!

Can you see HIS GLORY around you? Are you stopping to look? Do so and rejoice with us as we celebrate our God, the AWESOME GOD!

You'll be glad you did!

Blessings from the Beach,


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Everybody IS a Witness!!!

Oftentimes we hear Christians say "I can't witness or I don't know enough enough to witness." This may sound acceptable to our fleshly mindset but is it Biblical? Does that excuse hold water in light of the Truth? Well, let's find out!

Our treasure is found in 1 Peter 3:1-6.....Here Peter is speaking specifically to the Jewish wife who has an unsaved (unbelieving) husband. In this beautiful passage God reveals to us that HE even speaks through the actions of a believer....Note specifically verse 1....

...even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives,(vs.2) when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.

The key here is "without a word." Now this let's the air out of the balloon of those who say that they are unprepared to witness. Our God is NOT limited by our preparation (though we should be as prepared as we can) nor is HE limited by our abilities or lack thereof. HE is able to speak even when we are not!

In this passage we clearly see that HE speaks through our lives, transformed by HIS GRACE. People whose lives reflect the ONE who has made them into HIS image. It is that difference, that contrast, that change, that HE uses to reveal Himself to those who do not know HIM!

You've possibly heard the saying that "actions speak louder than words." That statement is actually Biblical and clearly follows our passage. Can I have the liberty to simplify it a bit more. A little more shoe leather for us....This means all believers are actually preachers! Proclaimers of HIS grace. Day in and day out preaching the reality of a Risen Savior.

Here is the catch.....Our behavior can either point them TO Christ or also...point them AWAY from Christ. Our actions can draw or push away. This is an eye opener. How I live daily can perhaps turn someone from Christ or to HIM! WOW! I would hate to know that my actions may have turned someone from the beauty of Christ. To rob them of the glory of HIS grace being lavished on them.

So, how do you plan to live your life today? Be careful dear brothers and sisters. Consider each and every situation you enter into today and how you choose to respond to it. Someone IS watching! They are looking for something or someone different than the status quo of this world. Will they see HIM through you!!!

You ARE preaching, but which gospel....Christ's or the world's! Remember, everybody is a witness!

Let's be HIS witness today!

You'll be glad you did.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Fun in the SON!

Look around the Christian community and what do you see? Do you see the children of God joyously singing as they go about their daily routines in their service for God? I mean, where has all the joy gone???

It doesn't matter what denomination, size, color, financial status or even location. It doesn't matter which pastor leads the way (though sometimes it does help!!! #:) what did you expect me to say) there is still a serious lack of rejoicing in the camp. Not too many of us having FUN in the sun today!!!

Now for some of you I am speaking blasphemy towards your pious driven soul. Let me simply say I rarely tread outside of Scripture so watch out cause HE might just challenge you, as HE has and does me!!! Are you having some fun today? Having some laughter, joy aka rejoicing filling your soul, life and world??? Let's see If HE can help us!!!! Here is today's treasure....

James 1: 2-5 ...My brothers and sisters, when you have many kinds of troubles, you should be full of joy, because you know that these troubles test your faith, and this will give you patience. Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do. Then you will be perfect and complete and will have everything you need. But if any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to all people, so he will give you wisdom.NCV

Now why don't many live each day in a spirit of rejoicing..... having some serious fun in their sun? Mostly because we focus on our situations, our struggles, our circumstances..... and not our Savior. James tells us that we SHOULD be FULL of JOY! Does that describe you? Your life, marriage, family, or even your church?

Why not?

1) We should be full of joy!.... Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. Multitudes of times God's word tells us that we are to be FULL of JOY! Why are we so sad? So discouraged? So disheartened? Rejoice My friends!!! You not only can but you should! I know, I don't live in your world, you say. But that is simply not true! We can find joy, everpresent joy for our daily lives. Look into the text..Our troubles are allowed to TEST our faith.

Our faith? Yep, and that little phrase is the key to our joy. Our faith in what? Our abilities? Nope, that is what has gotten us there. Our plans, nope, that too is part of the problem. Our faith in our Great God. He has allowed us to walk these dusty, difficult roads to teach us to come to HIM. To depend on HIM and HIM alone. Faith is trust. We must change our worldly, self centered, self dependent lifestyles to ones of daily dependence (trust) in HIM! This will enter us into the realms of JOY. Joy unspeakable!!!!

2) We can be joyful because HE has a plan in our present circumstances....He has allowed us to come to this point so we can learn to depend on HIM and HIS plan in our lives. HE is going to teach us patience. This word actually means endurance. Endurance is strength. He is strengthening us for the walk of life.

A life that never goes through difficulties is a weak life. The longer the test the stronger we become. We learn some valuable lessons as HE works out HIS plans in and for us. This will bring us joy as we realize HE has a plan. It is not a calamity. It is not the end of the world. It is God doing His best work.....in us! Growing us up!

3) We can be joyful because HE also is teaching us... Wisdom is truth that has been transmitted to us in our situation and is transforming us. As we learn about God, His plans, His purposes, and His ways....we are set free to enjoy the journey of life. Jesus Himself said " I have come that they (aka you and me) might have life and have it more abundantly. For those who are prosperity people....this does NOT mean we will all drive Cadillacs, BMW's or the like but that we will have life in the fullest sense! TURBO LIFE! Life on Steroids and it ain't illegal! Now that is fun! He will show us the way. He will show us how. Ask Him!

So sign me up for the great adventure of life. With God! It is not just oh no here's another day, but Father what do YOU have in store for us today! Where will I see your hand at work? Where will I see your signature in my world today? The more you join in with HIM, the more life becomes fun, even in the hard times! You can have fun, but only in the SON!

You'll be glad you did!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Now some of you super shoppers are juiced and ready to go, because of today's title. You've already started the car and are getting your shopping shoes on. Did you know there is a time when God tells us to spend till the point it hurts? Max the account out? Give me the verse you shout, you knew it was in there!! #: )>

Now most of you know I believe in being debt free and working on a cash only basis.....now.....many scars and tatoo's (God's marks not man's) later. Then How can I tell you that God tells us to spend freely, lavishly and spend to the point it hurts? Because scripture says so....that's how! Read with me.....

Hebrews 13:16.... But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

What does this have to do with shopping??? Well, I never said shopping, you said that, I said spending and there is a difference. Why do we always equate spending with shopping and receiving for ourselves. Read yesterdays blog, that will help. We are SELFISH by nature (and boy do I represent this), born that way. Trained by culture and family. But today's treasure was a blessing to me and may I say a challenge to examine my "spending" habits???

In this passage God is wrapping up HIS letter to the Hebrew Christians. He reminds them to do two things. 1) Do Good and 2) Share, Now for most of us this is not transformational. We know as believers in Jesus that we are to mirror the goodness and giving of Christ. What has this to do with spending? Well read on....

.....with such SACRIFICES, God is well pleased!

How many of us equate our goodness to others and sharing (giving) to others with the word SACRIFICE? In America, we are soooooooo blessed. We are one of the most wealthy nations on earth, even in a slowdown economy. Our poverty is rich to the rest of the world. In our giving this is revealed. Very few actually give to the point of pain. We give FROM OUR ABUNDANCE, not Sacrificially.

God wants us to give of our TIME, TALENTS AND TREASURES to the point it cost us! Lavishly, generously, without exception. Just like Jesus did. How much did HE give for us? ALL! The cross is our example of Spending. God wants us to be Givers and not takers. The self life takes, the surrendered life gives. The surrendered life reflects the life that has and is being transformed by the power of the ONE who GAVE all for us!

God doesn't own just 10% of us, our stuff, and our time, HE owns it all and calls for us to willingly and lovingly sacrifice it to HIM, for others! That is the reason it pleases HIM. It accurately reflects HIM to those we touch, help, share, and give! They see Christ when they know it cost us something! When they see the SACRIFICE, they see CHRIST, in us.

Thus the call of Matthew 16:24....
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.

This is why proper spending habits make HIM happy! SPEND, SPEND, SPEND but do so obediently, for the good of others and the glory of GOD!

Spend till it hurts.....with such sacrifices HE is WELL PLEASED!

You'll be glad you did!